Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1471: Simulated encirclement

If you want to completely wipe out the Genesis Organization, then Anonymous will become the biggest variable in the operation, because he cannot let his men be killed. If he cannot reduce his threat to a minimum, the mechas participating in the operation will Pay a huge price.

Several pilots of the ancient gods and blue republics have been involved in too many battles recently, and the only demi-divine pilots promised to return soon, so Commander Ma wanted to let Chen Feng and Hongshuibin replace them. It just happens that these young people can hone more and increase their experience in fighting against powerful enemies. They still need to take over in the future.

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin left the office and returned to their room to contact the partners who had already started their mission. They spent several months in the military building special planes. This time is enough for Nangong Huadie to recover. It is impossible for the Independent Operation Team. There has been nothing to do, so the remaining Ye Qi and others will first perform a slightly simpler task and adjust their state from the battle.

Hearing Chen Feng said that Commander Ma asked them to be responsible for resisting Anonymous, Zheng Zhirong was the first to express his support: "I think it’s okay. The previous few times I was always beaten and beaten by Anonymous, but now we have become stronger again. , It's time for us to exhale."

Ye Qi will think more about it. The Anonymous is not a simple enemy. There is always nothing wrong with comprehensive consideration: "But the Anonymous is a demigod after all. If he is just a pilot, the two of you will be the main and our supplementary. What if he enters a demigod state? This will be our biggest problem."

"Yes, Commander Ma told us that this is the main concern. If Anonymous escapes, then the extermination operation will be greatly affected. How we hold him is an urgent problem." Chen Feng has been thinking about this problem. But there is no idea, so I want to gather the wisdom of everyone to study together.

Hongbin also relayed the last words of Commander Ma to his partners. There is really no other way but to ask for help: "Commander Ma said that if we are not sure, he will try to send more people to help us, or Then find a top pilot to participate in freely. In short, this battle of extermination must be fought. As for how to fight and the effect, it depends on us."

"It's better not to bother the top pilots. They have gone through too many battles these days and need to rest. What we can do is do it ourselves." Nangong Mengdie directly rejected this idea. They can't always hide away from others. Under the shelter, the shadow brought by the Anonymous must be broken by themselves.

Nangong Huandie began to think very seriously about the battle with the Anonymous. According to past experience, the main reason to contain the enemy is to look at close combat: "If you want to contain the Anonymous, we must contend with his demigod state, and cannot be let him. Get out and leave. Unfortunately, Brother Chen Feng mainly focuses on long-range combat. Those of us responsible for close combat must be more careful."

"I can also participate in close combat. I used to be able to exert stronger offensive power. If it was just to hold the Anonymous, I think it would be more effective for me and you to besiege the Anonymous." Chen Feng suddenly raised his hand to express himself. It is not that he has no fighting ability, he has never relaxed in the practice of Luoying Colorful Sword.

"In this case, we are more confident, but whether we can really do it or not, we should try it out by simulating combat first. Only through practice can we learn the truth. We can't give Commander Ma a wrong answer." Ye Qi suggested that everyone proceed first. Simulated battle, try to fight the simulated Anonymous, and see if the power of the crowd can achieve the goal.

Ji Ling also wanted to contribute to help everyone simulate the most real Anonymous: "The data of Anonymous in the simulator is not accurate enough. I will make some adjustments and then conduct a simulated battle."

Everyone is not in the same place, but with the help of the military department, all aspects provide support, so that they can smoothly connect the simulation cabin remotely and conduct simulation battles without delay, just like in the same simulation engine room. .

Ji Ling took the lead in adjusting the data in the simulator. The Ancient Godland Republic did not have any anonymous information. The data in the simulator was set based on the reports of people who had fought with the anonymous. It may not be so accurate, but there are plans. The Empress is different. Following the Anonymous for many years, he is very clear about the ability of the Anonymous and the special machine "Undead" to make the most precise settings.

After Ji Ling was set up, there was a simulated battle. Chen Feng abandoned the beam rifle and used a beam sword to surround the Anonymous Clan with his companions, leaving Nangong Mengdie alone with a special heavy beam sniper rifle. Shooting, wanting to lock down the possibility of Anonymous breaking through.

At the beginning, as Chen Feng expected, after both his and Hsu Bin’s combat effectiveness increased, the Anonymous who did not use the demi-god state really could not cope with their siege. Their attacks repeatedly threatened him, and the attacks of Nangong Mengdie He also hit him several times, and the scale of victory tilted towards them for the first time.

However, after the Anonymous entered the demigod state, the situation was reversed. Chen Feng and others' pressure increased greatly. Zheng Zhirong, Nangong Huandie, Ji Ling, and Ye Qi were injured and exited from the encirclement. Only Chen Feng and Shui Binku were left by the Anonymous. Hardly insisting on not letting him leave, the blocking gun in Nangong Mengdie's hand fired one after another, and the energy reserve would soon bottom out.

Corresponding to the successive defeats of his comrades, the wide battlefield gave Chen Feng more room to play. Six floating cannons fired at Wuming from different angles. There was no need to worry too much about whether they would hit his own person. Two beams in his hand The swordsman Luoying Xuanjian used his full strength, and it turned out to be more and more courageous.

Hung Hung Bin gradually changed to a state of cooperating with Chen Feng. He was no longer the main candidate to fight the Anonymous before, but constantly switched the form of "Candle Light Youying" to provide help for Chen Feng, to make up for the lack of attack and The loopholes in the defense helped Chen Feng resolve all difficult attacks while preventing the Anonymous from escaping smoothly.

Coupled with the long-range blocking of Nangong Mengdie, the three people cooperated with the gradually changing tacit understanding and slowly stabilized the situation. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. After all, the heavy beam blocking rifle still ran out of energy. Without the containment of long-range attacks, Anonymous could concentrate on dealing with what lies ahead. The two of them, after the stormy offensive, although the "undead" left many wounds on their bodies, he also beat Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin to the ground and could no longer get up.

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