Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1488: Anonymous defeat

First, he opened the beam sword that Chen Feng used to block with a broad sword, and Wu Ming's left hand quickly reached out, and the pile driver accurately pierced the waist of the "Bao Shi".

Chen Feng’s deliberate defense was completely ineffective in front of the Anonymous, and in front of the opponent’s powerful attack, the “world-breaking” armor was like a piece of paper. Seeing the pile driver began to rotate, he would have to endure this destructive force. Attacked.

However, these were actually in Chen Feng's expectation. Since his current abilities were not enough to contend with Anonymous, it was not necessary to resist more attacks. It was better to find a good angle to minimize the damage he suffered.

So it seemed that Anonymous had grasped the target very smoothly, but what Chen Fengliang gave him was the least important part of "breaking the world". Even if the pile driver caused the greatest damage, Chen Feng would not lose his combat effectiveness completely.

At the same time, Chen Feng actually shouted: "Mengdie, attack! He can't move now!"

The special heavy beam sniper rifle equipped by Nangong Mengdie can no longer be used without energy, but the modified aircraft she drives still has combat effectiveness, which is a key factor worth relying on. Chen Feng has always told her not to act rashly and wait for the best time. Strike out.

Nangong Mengdie strictly abides by Chen Feng's ideas, and the battle situation changes rapidly. If there are no other factors, she cannot threaten the Anonymous. It is better to suppress the urge to shoot and maximize her role.

And when Chen Feng was caught by the Anonymous, it also meant that the Anonymous could not get away at will for the time being. Nangong Mengdie had always hid behind Chen Feng and did not attack, so that the Anonymous ignored her existence and laid the foundation for this attack. .

Nangong Mengdie threw all the beam boomerangs equipped with the modified machine at one time, anyway, she never thought of retrieving them, so it's better to try to maximize the effect.

The Anonymous had just started the pile driver to break Chen Feng into two sections, and found that several boomerangs had flown out from behind Chen Feng. They circled Chen Feng's fuselage and swooped towards him, obviously for a long time.

"Using yourself as a bait, you're quite righteous!" Wuming really hates Chen Feng's calmness, and he is still planning a counterattack before facing his unmatched strength. This kind of person really makes him deeply disgusted.

The pile driver was ready to fire continuously, countless shells were driven into the "Breaking World" fuselage, and every attack would cause "Breaking World" a violent tremor. Chen Feng had no resistance at all and could only watch the alarm crazy Flashes on the display.

In less than three seconds, the waist of "World Breaking" was almost completely penetrated, and the lower body was completely out of control. Chen Feng was able to move only the upper body and two arms.

The Anonymous still wants to continue to attack and penetrate the "Broken World" completely, but the boomerang has already flown to his side. With the heavily damaged armor of the "undead" now, it is impossible to withstand the boomerang penetrating the fuselage to stir. .

The Anonymous didn't want to give up the opportunity to defeat Chen Feng, still keeping the piledriver at the waist of "World Breaking", and only slapped the boomerang on the right with his right hand, and took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng for two rounds.

The alarm in "Broken World" was overwhelming, but Chen Feng seemed extremely happy. Because Wuming was careless, he gave up protecting himself in order to attack him several times. Nearly half of the boomerangs thrown by Nangong Mengdie hit the "Undead". ".

When the Anonymous wanted to add more power, he suddenly became aware that the "dead" was not in the right state. The left-hand pile driver seemed to be unable to succeed. The filling and replacement of ammunition was greatly hindered, and the next shot was delayed.

When did the boomerang possess such a powerful destructive power? I didn’t think about it. In fact, my "dead" armor was damaged too badly. The boomerang was able to cause maximum damage in the fuselage. Several mecha components were hit, including the delivery of energy and ammunition to the pile driver. system.

Seeing that the "world break" was about to be completely defeated by himself, the piledriver was affected and was unable to make a decisive blow. The Anonymous became depressed and almost went mad, using his right hand to dig into the body for a few pierced pieces. The boomerang was pulled out.

The pile driver can’t be activated anymore. Unwillingly Wuming raises his right fist and smashes it on the "World Breaking" forehead. He wants to take the life of Chen Feng inside. He can't think about it too much now, just ask Kill Chen Feng as soon as possible.

The last extravagance of the Anonymous was still not fulfilled. The time delayed by Nangong Mengdie was enough to promise to rush to Chen Feng's side. While the Anonymous threw a fist at the cockpit of Chen Feng, he promised to hold the beam rifle to the cockpit of the "dead". Shoot violently.

There was still some time before the attacks of both sides hit the target. Anonymous figured out whether he should continue to attack, and then regretted that his fist might not be able to kill with one blow, but the promised beam of light could penetrate his head.

In order for Chen Feng to have no need to sacrifice his life, Anonymous made the most appropriate response. The left hand gave up the control of "World Breaking" to get the best steering angle, and he twisted to the lower right at full speed and avoided all shooting directions. The beam of his head.

The Anonymous didn't mean to stay at all. He drove the "undead" to flee as soon as he dodges the promised attack. Today's battle is no longer necessary. The mecha of the creation organization next to him has been completely wiped out. It was the siege of all the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic, he believed he did not have the strength to survive that level of battle.

In order to ensure the safety of Chen Feng, most of the promised attacks were centered around Chen Feng, eliminating all the space the Anonymous entered, so he could not prevent him from escaping, and the Anonymous escaped smoothly.

In order to ensure the safety of Chen Feng, he promised to accept the departure of the Anonymous. It is not so easy to kill him. The Anonymous will fight back frantically when facing death. The Ancient Godlan Republic does not want to pay that price for the time being. .

None of the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic approached the evacuated Anonymous. Commander Ma was very clear. As long as the Mecha of the Creation Organization was wiped out, the Anonymous wanted to leave, let him leave. The most important thing is The point is not to lose too much mecha combat power because of this extermination war.

The Anonymous has been in the world for many years, and this is the first time he has tasted the taste of Waterloo. I think about the power of the creation organization in the past. Wherever he wants to make chaos, he will make the dogs and dogs uneasy. There is no pilot who can compare him.

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