Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1519: Waiting for an opportunity

Brahman Kaur slightly lowered his head at the passing Buddha statues, and seemed to be a very devout Buddhist: "Ancient Buddhism was spread from our country and flourished in the world. Naturally, it is impossible to lose respect and worship for it."

None of the Buddha statues in this base are the same. Even the same gods have different looks and movements, and the sculptures are more lifelike. Even Hongshui Bin was attracted by Chen Feng and looked in another direction. go with.

The area of ​​this base is not small, and it took a long time for the vehicles to reach the parking area. As soon as you enter, you can see a huge Buddha statue standing at the gate. The body is not angry and majestic. It’s hard to forget.

Brahman Kaur explained the origin and meaning of the Buddha statue to the two: "This is one of the four heavenly kings in ancient Buddhism. According to legend, it is responsible for guarding the heaven. We will place their Buddha statues in every important area. Protect the peace there."

Chen Feng has a little understanding of ancient Buddhism. After listening to Brahman Kaul's introduction, he cast his gaze on the hands of this huge Buddha statue, and he saw a pipa-shaped weapon on it. He thought it should be the legendary King of the East.

This huge Buddha statue is taller than a mecha, and it seems good if it is used as a model of a special machine. Chen Feng couldn't help but think that the special machines of the Buddha Laye Kingdom are all named after the gods in ancient Buddhism. It really reveals from the bones. Culture.

"Since there are so many gods in the ancient Buddhist mythology of Buddha Laye, why don't you use them more to name and build mechas?" Hongshui Bin raised questions for Chen Feng, since they all used them to make statues. Why not make mechs.

Brahman Kaur nodded. The existing special machine of the Buddha Laye country is like this: "There is this plan, but there are too many gods in ancient Buddhism, and the various magical powers are vast. It is too wasteful to use ordinary mechas. We are currently only designing the existing special machines, and we will use them slowly when we build new special machines.”

After the vehicle stopped, Chen Feng saw a doctor standing by. It should be because of the injury on Brahman Kaur's shoulder. Brahman Kaur was nervously surrounded by those doctors when he got off the car. It is estimated that he will not be able to finish it for a while.

"You have a special status and cannot move freely in this base. Go to my office and wait first. I will come and look for you in a while." Brahman Kaul arranged for Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin to wait in his office first, and then followed these doctors. Go to the infirmary. As the commander-in-chief of the border department, she must first ensure that she is in good health. This is responsible for the entire border.

Brahman Kaur’s bodyguard felt deeply self-blame for her injury. After the harassment of the music restaurant, he did not dare to enter to save people easily. First, he was worried about revealing Brahman Kaur’s identity and whereabouts. This is Brahman Kaur. Before leaving, he specifically explained that he had to keep it secret; the second was that he was worried that entering rashly would make the attackers more crazy, which would make Brahman Kaur's situation dangerous.

Thinking of Brahman Kaul's skill is quite good, the bodyguard felt that she should be able to protect herself, so he waited in the car to be ready to respond. He didn't expect that Brahman Kaul was injured and appeared in front of him. This is the shame of his bodyguard action. .

Brahman Kaul did not blame the bodyguard, because she asked the bodyguard to stay in the car and not follow her. In order to better experience the life of ordinary people, she deliberately disguised herself and mixed into the music restaurant. It would be a coincidence that an attack will happen, and no one can help.

Therefore, the bodyguard decided to implement any order of Brahman Kaul to the best, and took Chen Feng and Hong Bin directly to the office, staring at them all the way so that they would not have a chance to go to other places, which is quite Due diligence.

Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin did not feel disgusted with his behavior. This is what should be done. If you change yourself, you will not want the enemy to wander around in your base camp, and the music restaurant has just happened. The nerves of the bodyguards must be tense, and they shouldn't ask themselves to be bored.

Although restricted to the Brahman Kaur’s office, the bodyguards arranged everything in an orderly manner, and they did not feel uncomfortable. They sat comfortably on the sofa and waited for Brahman Kaur to return.

The tea that the bodyguard brought was quite good. Chen Feng smelled the aroma and tasted it slowly. He felt that it was much higher-end than the good tea brought back by Father Hong: "It has been heard that Fo La Ye country is not inferior to our country in terms of tea. It’s very fortunate to have a drink today."

"Although the tea originated from your ancient gods and orchid republics, our Buddha Laya country also has extremely in-depth research on it. What you drink is the best kind here. If it weren't for the special command of Brahman Kaul, I I wouldn't take it out either." The bodyguard said unceremoniously that what Chen Feng was drinking was the top tea from the Buddha La Ye country.

Chen Feng admired Brahman Kaul a little bit more in his heart. Not everyone is willing to share their best things with others. What's more, Brahman Kaul has a broader mind than others. Too much.

With gratitude to the Brahman Kaul, Chen Feng expressed his gratitude to the bodyguard, and said that the bodyguard did not stumble on them: "Hehe, it seems that we can drink it to thank our opponent, too. sorry to bother you."

"You're welcome." The bodyguard stepped aside and stopped talking. He had already done everything he had to do. The rest was to prevent Chen Feng and Shuibin from leaving the office. He didn't need to do anything else.

Brahman Kaur’s inspection has been going on for a long time. After all, she is the commander-in-chief of the Buddha Laye country at the border. Her physical condition is the first thing to protect. The doctors in the infirmary tested her one after another, for fear of omissions. .

In the end, Brahman Kaul couldn’t stand it anymore, so he stopped the seemingly endless test: "Okay, let’s stop here. I was shot and scratched on my shoulder when I got out. Nothing else. , As for the inspection for so long?"

The doctors also wanted to suggest Brahman Kaur more time, but Brahman Kaur could not listen to it, and asked the doctor to clean the wound and re-dress the wound before returning to the office, where there are still guests waiting for her.

The doctors could not stop Brahman Kaur's actions, so they could only send a doctor to follow Brahman Kaur to give her personal treatment at all times. Brahman Kaur knew that the doctors were embarrassed, so he did not refuse.

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