Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1584: Fierce battle

After gradually adapting to Smith's fighting style, Fu Yuntian is gradually holding his footing, using his superb swordsmanship to find Smith's loopholes and resolve the attack in front of him.

Feeling someone attacking him behind him, Smith took a violent step forward and got closer to Fu Yuntian, holding two different swords in his hand, one of which was the heaviest among the seven swords, and the other was the lightest among the seven swords. , The two swords attacked Fu Yuntian in diametrically opposite styles. He had already used his most proud technique to try to defeat the pilot who dared to challenge him.

Fu Yuntian dared to call his special machine "Swordsman", he used his super swordsmanship to break into various famous halls, how could he be frightened by Smith's aura? Seeing the difference between the two styles of Smith's hands Swordsmanship, Fu Yuntian swung his long sword with points, first blocked the light sword, and then hit the heavy sword head-on.

The two swords are deadlocked in the air, so Smith's power is naturally better. The heavy sword approaches Fu Yuntian in full, and the other sword will soon be able to attack back. If he and Fu Yuntian fight alone, victory is near. Close at hand.

It is a pity that Fu Yuntian is suitable for Chen Feng and his party to come together. After he and Smith stalemate, they gave Chen Feng and others an excellent opportunity to attack. The five came to the distance that suits them best and each sent the strongest. attack.

This is Fu Yuntian's plan. He confronts Smith head-on, and Chen Feng and others can use the opportunity he created to attack Smith to the greatest extent, otherwise he won't be tough with Smith for no reason.

Smith tried to break the situation several times, but was all taken over by Fu Yuntian. This made him realize that the newly-emerged pilot fighter is extraordinary. This person has much more experience than Chen Feng and can always be in the most need. Give full play to your due ability when

Before he could cause damage to the "Swordsman", Smith flew upward to avoid the attack. Not only that, he also deliberately crossed over less than five meters above Fu Yuntian's head in order to attract Chen Feng and others' attacks to accidentally hurt Fu Yuntian.

Chen Feng and the others did not have a few hundred battles and dozens of them. How could they be deceived by Smith's clumsy tactics? All the attacks bypassed Fu Yuntian and continued to fly towards him, without harming him at all.

"Cut! Why didn't I kill them back then?!" Smith cursed in a low voice. Enemies that had never been killed in the past have now become the key to hindering him. Now that I think of it, I regret not persisting at that time. It's worth paying a high price.

Regrets and regrets, the battle still has to continue. Smith defeated the attack with two swords in his hands, directly promoted to the demigod state, and turned on the full output mode to fly towards Ji Ling. In his heart, he still cares about this almost becoming The young man who succeeded him, since Ji Ling is no longer able to use him, then destroy him!

Smith made no secret of his intentions. Seeing him rushing towards him, Ji Ling immediately gave up the attack and protected him with a dagger: "He has found me, and I can't continue to attack. I will leave it all to you! "

"Okay, you should pay attention to defense." Chen Feng told Ji Ling to just focus on defense. They have this advantage because of their large number of people. When one person concentrates on defense, others can attack with all their strength, which is very convenient to switch.

Smith has replaced the sword used in his hand for several rounds, and almost hit the deadly part of the Ji Ling modified machine several times, but every time someone else came out to get in the way, especially Fu Yuntian, this machine king pilot often destroyed him. Attacking and counterattacking at the same time forced him to spend part of his energy on the most annoying defense, and the attack effect was very limited.

The situation seemed to be in a state of balance between the two sides, but Chen Feng knew that they were overloaded with the ability of themselves and the mecha. This state could not last for too long, and once the signs of weakness would be out of control.

The only thing that can be counted on is Smith taking the lead out of the demigod state before they can't hold on, but this hope is very slim. Who is Smith? He should be able to control his state well. It is very difficult to expect him to make mistakes.

The mechas arranged by Commander Pan also came around. These dozen mechas were for Chen Feng and the others to lose in the battle. They took out their weapons and were ready to go. They would immediately help out when the war changed.

Chen Feng increased the attack frequency of the floating cannon and beam rifle to the maximum, using the turbulent beam tide to attack Smith, which was considered to have achieved good results. Among all people, he caused the most damage, even Fu Yuntian was no better. Get on him.

Fu Yuntian realized that he had been compared by Chen Feng, a younger generation. He was so victorious that he shifted his focus to attack. The trajectory of the long sword became more and more mysterious, and he used the sword that Chen Feng could not name. Fa, instantly left several wounds on the body of the "dead".

But this is the limit of Chen Feng and their efforts. After taking a few damages, Smith once again combined the seven swords together, and the heavy giant sword appeared in front of everyone again. One sword took two of Ji Ling's hands. Cut off all the daggers.

Ji Ling's weapon was destroyed before he was ready. He only felt that his hands were light, and he habitually continued to lift up.

Before Ji Ling could react, Smith slashed the giant sword across the chest of his modified machine, and the armor covering it was shattered like paper. If it weren't for Fu Yuntian's eyesight, he quickly moved Ji Ling back. Once pulled, it is very likely that you will suffer injuries that will prevent you from participating in the battle.

"You saved him for a while and saved other people? Soon I will defeat you all!" Smith was very proud of defeating Ji Ling in an instant. This is his true combat power. Where can these enemies in front of him be against him? By the same token, he will kill these obstructive guys one by one, just like on the European battlefield.

Smith's attack was very purposeful. He seized the flaws of Chen Feng and his party to launch a fierce attack, and knocked down Zheng Zhirong and Nangong Phantom one after another. Seeing that the state of their modified aircraft was basically unable to fight again in a short time.

Fortunately, there is Fu Yuntian by their side. Once someone falls to the ground, he will catch the person and throw it back. The mechas who are waiting for him will rescue the person thrown out by him. There is no need to worry about life threatening. The problem.

The main reason why Fu Yuntian came here was apart from fighting Smith, Commander Pan also urged him to take care of the safety of Chen Feng and others.

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