Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1624: High intensity training

Half an hour later, Hong Hung Bin sat next to Chen Feng, panting heavily. He is now exhausted and can't even move a single moment: "Huhuhu, they are much stronger than yesterday, they are really tired." I'm dead."

"Haha, after all, they have specially studied how to fight with us. They are not weak and they have the advantage in numbers. It is really unexpected that they can push you to this level." Chen Feng laughed, and Hong Bin looked better than him. I was so embarrassed just now, it looks so funny.

Although the result of the battle was that Hongbin won the victory, the process was quite tragic. He kept breaking into the opponent’s camp to fight, and then he had to shoot at the mechas in the distance. The three forms switched, I don’t know how many times they are getting During the battle, he also suffered a lot of blows. If it weren't for the solid armor of "Candle Light Youying", I am afraid it would have been unable to hold it long ago.

After finally knocking down the last enemy aircraft, "Candle Light Youying" was not intact, and lying on the battlefield with blue smoke, Hongshui Bin changed the driver's seat into a resting position for convenience. Recover severely wasted energy by yourself.

Hongshuibin looked miserable in the past, but the mechas he defeated were even worse. None of the mechas were complete, with various wounds left on them, which were caused by Hongshuibin in different forms. In a fierce state, Hong Bin couldn't keep his hands, every time he attacked, he went all out, striving to defeat the opponent in the shortest time, no matter what kind of moves he could use.

Commander Ma finally came to this tragic battlefield. He asked the military pilots who were in the two wars to sort out and exit the simulated driving: "This is the end of today’s practice. After you go back, I will sum up your experience. To see better performance!"

"Yes!" All the broken mechas on the ground returned to normal. They disappeared quickly after saluting Commander Ma, and all the pilots came together to discuss that they had only one goal, and that was victory.

Commander Ma looked at Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin again. He used to learn about these two young pilots through reports from others. Only now, after seeing their battles, did he realize that they already possess such a powerful force. Combat power, they are absolutely capable of supporting the future of the Ancient God Lan Republic.

"How are you? Can you still bear it?" Commander Ma flew to Chen Feng and Hongshuibin's side and asked if Hongshuibin needed more rest.

"I'm fine, and I will be able to recover soon." Hongbin reset the state of "Candle Light Youying", gritted his teeth and controlled it to stand up: "If they can't hold on even today, their joint power will only be greater in the future. That's not it!"

"Yeah, as time goes by, opponents will become more experienced and harder to deal with. Now that they can't win, let alone later." Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin thought the same, and now they are tired too early. Some of them have headaches later.

Commander Ma was very satisfied with the attitude of the two of them. He spent a lot of time in organizing such a simulation battle. If it doesn’t work, it would be too chilling: "That’s good, you will train yourself later, and I will see your battle tomorrow. ."

After sending away Commander Ma, Hong Bin took a rest. He mainly spent too much time on the control of the mecha, otherwise he might be defeated in the siege of many mechas.

Chen Feng knew how Hong Bin felt, because he himself had gone through the same process. He waited until Hong Bin was almost recovered before starting daily training and fighting between the two.

The feelings of heads-up and facing group attacks are completely different, but since Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are already very strong and very close, they did not feel relaxed at all. After the training task was completed, both of them were lying in the simulator and did not want to Move, I can’t wait to sleep until the next day.

Until Ma Kewei came over and pulled the two out: "If you want to rest, go back to your room and rest. Will you not be afraid of catching cold and getting sick when lying in the simulator? I can't bear the responsibility of not taking care of you."

Hongshuibin didn't dare to make Ma Kewei angry, so he hurriedly smiled and coaxed her: "I listen to you. We will do what you say. It's not enough to get up right now."

"I asked the doctor to come over and help you with your physical rehabilitation. My father is really true. Do you have to force you to train to this level?" Ma Kewei still cares about the two people's health, and even complained about his father. .

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin kept silent. They respected Commander Ma very much. Commander Ma worked hard to arrange such a simulation battle for them. In the final analysis, it was for their consideration. It is not good to say bad things about others.

Only Ma Kewei could say bad things about her father without evasiveness. After speaking, her anger basically disappeared. She went back and called the doctor over for the two people to check their bodies. Of course, the doctor was not allowed to disclose the two people’s military affairs. News is also essential. The location of the two is confidential and must not be known to outsiders.

The result of the inspection is that it is best for Chen Feng and Hongshuibin to rest for a day without any training, because excessive fatigue will only bring greater pressure to their bodies. No matter what they have to do, they have to combine work and rest.

Ma Kewei told the doctor's conclusion to Commander Ma. Commander Ma immediately decided to suspend the scheduled training mission for the second day, so that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin could take a good rest without worrying about anything.

Regarding the arrangement of Commander Ma, the two have no objection, and the pilots of the military department also have no objection. One more day will allow them to make more adequate preparations and wait until the next simulation battle to perform better.

Chen Feng thought that facing the military pilots again would face great difficulties. During the break, he discussed with Hongshuibin how to overcome the difficulties and win the victory. The two had a very intense discussion and compared their abilities and characteristics. After doing in-depth analysis and providing suggestions to each other, I also thought of several good ways.

When Chen Feng, Hong Bin and the military pilots were engaged in a simulation battle for the third time, Commander Ma was pleasantly surprised to find that both sides had amazing performances. They had exerted their abilities to the maximum, and almost never appeared. Any mistakes.

Although Chen Feng and Hung Bin won the victory in the end, both of them were very thrilling. The one who won a little carelessly would have to change hands. The military pilot's performance was almost perfect, and the difference was the disadvantage of synchronization rate. .

Chen Feng is very addicted to the evenly matched battle that may fail at any time. He took the initiative to apply to Commander Ma, hoping to have a simulated battle with the military pilots every day to hone himself. Driving skills that cannot be practiced on weekdays.

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