Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1638: Keep secret

It takes more time to repair the place hit by the golden Zen stick. Faced with the anxiety of Hong Bin and Zheng Zhirong, the preparation team said that they could not do anything. Moreover, the military department’s consent was needed to mobilize Huang Metal, and it would take at least a day or two here. .

"I have a way. Maybe we don't need to repair the mecha so perfectly." Looking at the dispute on both sides, Chen Feng thought that they could take a step back. There was no need to repair the entire mecha, only the severely damaged ones. Local restoration can be done.

Each attack of the Golden Zen Staff will have a lot of destructive power, and it will inevitably be hit again in the subsequent battles. Therefore, Chen Feng feels that instead of repairing the mecha at the end of each battle, it is better to focus on the important parts to repair. Let's talk about it when other areas are badly damaged. This can effectively reduce the time needed.

Chen Feng's thinking was unanimously approved by the maintenance team. It would be much simpler if only repairing some parts of the mecha, but the appearance would look a little ugly.

Regarding this point, Chen Feng and his party said that there is no problem. Their goal is to drive the mech to fight, not to attract the attention of the eye, just to be able to maintain combat effectiveness.

After adjusting the repair ideas, the training team gave about two days. The main reason is that each mecha has different degrees of major damage. It is more troublesome to repair the parts there, so I can't let it go.

It has already saved a lot of time, so Chen Feng didn't say anything, and went to the command room to study the next battle direction. After today's battle, they basically figured out the strength gap between the two sides and can make more precise preparations.

In the command room, Guan Yuzhen ordered the Southwest Military Region troops to retreat in an orderly manner. Although he didn't say a few words, his meaning was so clear that everyone who heard it could understand his intentions. There was no accident in the whole process.

When Chen Feng and his party entered the command room, Guan Yuzhen hadn't stopped yet. After all, so many mechas would involve a lot of things, and it might not be over for a while.

Chen Feng asked everyone to stand aside and wait, just to observe and learn how large-scale battles are commanded. This opportunity is rare. They are usually busy fighting and don't have time to watch other people's commands.

Guan Yuzhen's command was meticulous and hierarchical. Although he did not speak much, he was very precise. He helped the mecha units of the Southwest Military Region avoid one pit after another, and repelled several attacks by the Fo La Ye national mecha during their retreat.

I learned a lot of experience and skills from Guan Yuzhen. Chen Feng heard the sound of the command room's door opening again, and looked back and saw a familiar person walk in: "Ye Qi, you are back, too."

Ye Qi and Chen Feng and others have a very deep friendship, and they are all people who have experienced life and death together. Therefore, after he officially became the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, he decided to urge the group not to call him commander-in-chief, and to get along as a past senior.

"Are you okay, I was worried when I saw the Brahman Yapeng come to my side." Ye Qi came in and pulled Chen Feng to look up and down, and then looked at the others around him, wanting to confirm Is everyone safe and sound.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand to pull Hongshuibin to his side, and let Ye Qi focus on the two of him: "Do you think we are very weak? Although we can't beat Brahman Yapeng, it is not easy for him to kill us, and I have a feeling that he didn't actually kill him, and the battle with us was more of a temptation."

"And this guy, like his sister, gave us a lot of teaching, as if he meant to instruct us." Hongshui Bin laughed and cried to make up, this is their extra gain in the battle.

"Haha, that's not great. It seems that I can look forward to the news that you will become stronger again." Ye Qi slapped the shoulders of the two with great joy. He felt very happy that these good companions could continue to have opportunities for improvement.

When everyone greeted each other and listened to Ye Qi's explanation of the differences after becoming commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, Guan Yuzhen had already finished his command work and waved to them, "Come here."

"Commander Guan, how many kilometers did we retreat today? What is the extent of the damage to the mecha units?" Ye Qi asked very professionally about the specific situation of the battle as soon as he leaned over. As the commander-in-chief, he must always pay attention to all important data.

"Ten kilometers, the damage is acceptable." Guan Yuzhen replied concisely, and he had sorted out the data when the command retreated.

Guan Yuzhen's answer was much better than Ye Qi's estimate. It seems that the joining of Chen Feng and his party has had a very good impact on the battle. At least it will not let the battle be completely one-sided, giving the Southwest Military Region a chance to counterattack.

Ye Qi took the data passed by Guan Yuzhen to check it in detail, and then thanked Chen Feng next to him: "The result is not bad. This is the best result since we fought with the invading troops of the Buddha, thanks to Chen Feng. Come to support."

Nangong Huandie came forward to respond to Ye Qi’s gratitude. Now her team leader is becoming more and more competent: “This is what we should do. Not to mention our relationship with Ye Qi’s senior, just to protect the motherland from infringement, we also have to Come and stop the Brahmin Yapeng brother and sister."

"Sister Fandie has grown a lot again. It seems that I can expect your team to have a chance to become a legend in the future, but unfortunately I can't be with you." Looking at Nangong Fandie, Ye Qi can't help but sigh. He was also a member of the team, but after all, he was Guan Yuzhen who was raised by Guan Yuzhen who belonged to the Southwest Military Region.

Facing Ye Qi's praise, Nangong Huadie was so happy to show off in front of her sister, and she was able to get the affirmation from others to prove that she had become a qualified captain.

Although the participation of Chen Feng and his party has brought a lot of help, the threat of the Southwest Military Region has not been lifted. The mecha of the country of Fo La Ye is still moving forward. Guan Yuzhen gently clicked on the table to remind everyone that it is not enough to relax. time.

Ye Qi became serious in an instant, studying how to repel enemies that are getting closer and closer to the main base: "The enemy is now a lot closer to us. In order not to cause chaos inside and outside at the same time, I don't want to see them Appeared around the main base."

If the mecha troops of the Fulaye country are close to the periphery of the main base of the Southwest Military Region, it means that the combat effectiveness of the Southwest Military Region is completely suppressed by the opponent, and it will also be used by people with ulterior motives to create topics that question Ye Qi’s ability. In any case, the Fo La Ye national mecha must be blocked to avoid possible internal and external troubles.

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