Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1691: Steal the day

The vehicle was parked on the platform leading to the underground passage, and the ground began to sink in less than a second. After the vehicle was gathered in, the ground above it was leveled again, and there was no abnormality around it.

Going to the dean’s office again along the dedicated elevator, the dean greeted Chen Feng in with a smile, and asked with concern: "How is it? Is the road going smoothly? My hidden passage has been used for decades since its construction. No one has ever noticed it."

"Very smoothly, no one will drive the car to the deepest part of the parking lot, let alone find the mechanism here." Chen Feng admired the person who built the secret passage in the first place. Instead, he did it without his knowledge. It's impossible to notice the difference here: "The passage of time is very short, and there is no sound. If you don't stand close, you can't notice it."

Hearing Chen Feng’s praise, the dean laughed proudly. He also liked this secret passage that had been used for many years: “At that time, the construction of this passage brought together the wisdom of several organ masters, which allowed our hospital to cooperate with the military. After several operations of stealing the sky and changing the day, I think the'War God' also used it to escape the surveillance of others and leave the hospital."

"Has'War God' also used a secret passage?" Chen Feng's ears were all pricked up. He did not expect that he would meet with "War God" at Tianqing City Hospital.

"That was many years ago. At that time, the'War God' hadn't become a'War God', but he was already a very eye-catching young pilot, so he received a lot of attention from hostile forces, no matter where he was. Someone was monitoring nearby.” The dean recalled the past and couldn’t stop when he opened the gate: “One day,'War God' suffered a lot of injuries, so he was arranged to be treated at our Tianqing City Hospital, but he didn’t. The war in the distance is tight and needs the support of others."

Many years ago, the Ancient Godlan Republic was very unstable. There were countless incidents that happened at that time, but the only thing about the "War God" was still fresh in the memory of the director: "So the "War God" who received treatment in our hospital became reinforcements. First of all, the enemy forces know that they cannot allow the'War God' to attack easily, so they send people to monitor the hospital. If he leaves the hospital, he will be ambushed."

"Say slowly." The director said too much for a while and needed a breath. Chen Feng was also fascinated by him. These famous top pilots had faced much worse conditions than themselves. They could have In the current stable life, thanks to the **** battles of these predecessors, I don’t know how many moving deeds are buried in the long river of history. I can know one more thing.

After the dean took a rest, he pointed to the closed elevator: "So we used this secret passage. This is the first time we started the secret passage to assist the military operation. So everyone was very nervous at the time and didn’t know what would happen. In order to ensure that the'War God' can go to the military headquarters smoothly, we have designed more than a dozen plans in advance."

"Wait, I seem to remember this incident, but didn't it mean that the'War God' broke through the enemy's interception and went out for reinforcements?" As the director said, Chen Feng vaguely remembered the reports he had seen before. What the report says is completely contrary to what the dean said.

"No, no, no, the content of the report is fake and it is used to confuse the enemy." The dean shook his head decisively. He also participated in the fabricating of this report back then: "The actual situation is that we have found someone to pretend to be a'War God' and rush out. Attracting attention, the real "War God" left through a secret passage and successfully boarded the mecha when there was chaos outside the hospital."

The matter was nearing its end, and the dean immediately went on: "After the message that the'War God' was in place, we let the pretendant return to the hospital. The enemy outside couldn't find his trace and thought it was.' Valkyrie's thrown off, and then it is logical for him to drive the mech to attack. No one has ever suspected that there is a problem in our hospital."

"It turned out to be like this." Chen Feng suddenly realized that what the dean said was the truth. If he had not had a conversation with the dean today, then the real process would never be known.

"I assisted the'War God' at the beginning, and today I helped you again, so I believe that the secret passage of our hospital will make more contributions to the country in the future. Please keep the secret and don't reveal its existence." The dean touched the elevator door affectionately. He could not be the dean for too long after he was over 50 years old, and he would no longer be able to witness the effect of the secret passage.

Chen Feng received the great favor of Tianqing City Hospital, and naturally it is impossible for him to expose the secret passage to others. He solemnly swears in front of the dean: "I promise never to tell anyone about the secret passage! It will definitely continue to play in the future. effect."

"Okay, go back to the ward. I saw suspicious people hovering around. Please be careful not to be seen clearly by them." The dean nodded to Chen Feng with satisfaction, telling him to pay attention to the surrounding environment and go back. The doctor changed his status.

Chen Feng put on the doctor's lab coat again and adjusted the angle of the mask before leaving the dean's office. In order to be cautious, the dean also called the two nurses over and asked them to accompany Chen Feng to act together, so that the crowd could at least take care of them.

The three of them walked towards Chen Feng's ward as usual. Chen Feng was caught between two nurses without squinting, avoiding eye contact with those who are conceiving ghosts.

The people who wandered outside Chen Feng’s ward looked up a little, glanced at the three of them, and then lowered their heads. Chen Feng’s body shape and appearance were too similar to those of the doctor, and it was normal visiting hours, which they took for granted. He thought this was because the doctor did not think deeply about Chen Feng during the routine examination, so Chen Feng smoothly went back to the ward without going over the sea.

The doctor lay on the hospital bed for a long time, seeing Chen Feng coming back as if he had met his relatives: "You can be regarded as returning to change me, lying in bed is too boring."

In order not to be discovered by the outside spy through the window, the doctor lay on the hospital bed and deliberately covered his nose and mouth, and did not dare to act rashly to attract attention, so it was very uncomfortable to live a life.

Now after finally waiting for Chen Feng to return to the ward, the doctor was finally liberated, but he did not rush to open the sheets and get out of bed, but first instructed the two nurses to block the window and provide cover for them to change their identities.

Make sure that people outside cannot see himself through the nurse. The doctor exchanged clothes with Chen Feng. He patted the doctor's coat refreshingly on his body, feeling that he had come back to life again: "This suit suits me tomorrow. At the same time, I will come back and change my status with you."

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