Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1709: To old Burma

Since the Qur'an God Republic is a powerful country in the world, it naturally possesses a lot of technology that surpasses other countries. A small amount of it can be sold to obtain very large profits. Merchants took risks for this, and earned other people through reselling. Money you can't make in your life.

The merchants of the Qur'an Republic struggled to survive in the cracks, and they did get reports that were far higher than the risks. However, the people died for food and the birds died for food. After walking on the wire for a long time, there is always the possibility of falling. They finally lost in a certain transaction Hands up.

In Myanmar, everything depends on the strength. The merchant of the Qur'an Republic and a local snake here have been trading for three years. This time is very long. Few forces can maintain the rule for such a long time, so the merchants are worried. Whether it can still maintain its current dominance, it starts to look for the next family and wants more protection.

As a result, somehow the wind leaked. The merchant's behavior of riding a donkey to find a horse angered the local snake. He didn't care about the three or seventy-one, and arrested all the merchants from the Ancient Godland Republic, regardless of whether it was right or wrong. Those who made a deal with him but betrayed him, anyway, wanted all the merchants of the Ancient Godlan Republic to suffer the most severe punishment.

And the so-called next homes that those businessmen were looking for, saw the local snake and the mecha troops coming to arrest people, all mechas were so scared that they didn't dare to move. The confrontation is really unreliable.

Unprotected merchants have naturally become fish and meat to be slaughtered, especially in the disorderly Lao Burma. No one will rescue them if they don't have enough benefits, so what awaits them is death.

Although some merchants were the first to betray their technology by stealing technology, more merchants were innocent. They worked diligently to trade in Lao-Myanmar to seek a living space for their families. They should not be treated like this.

When the news came back to the ancient Shenlan Republic, Commander Ma immediately decided to rescue these kidnapped businessmen. Even if some of them were engaged in illegal activities, they would be brought back to the country for trial, instead of letting Lao Burmese. People abused them at will, causing panic.

Commander Ma asked someone to find the contact information of the forces that kidnapped the businessman, and directly contacted their leader to try to get the person back, but the opponent ruthlessly refused. It may be that he is used to being overbearing in old Myanmar, and the image of the ancient gods is not good. The ground snake is very rude to the commander-in-chief of the horse. He also said that he will broadcast the whole process of the killing and warn all those who cooperate with him. Don't try to betray, otherwise you will end up miserably.

Commander Ma tried to persuade him several times to no avail. Even if he was willing to provide some convenience to the other party, it was not effective. It seemed that it was impossible to get the person back through diplomatic means, so he decided to send someone to rescue him.

Chen Feng, who had nothing to do in the military department, became the best candidate for the attack. Although Lao Burma had a lot of mechas, there were no top pilots, just a mob. Even if Chen Feng was besieged by them, he would not fall. If you fail, you don’t need to worry about the safety of the task.

Chen Feng also knows what happened in Lao Burma. He has been to Lao Burma and knows the situation there, so he has been waiting for Commander Ma to find himself. When it comes to who is best to go to La Burma, he should not be able to find it except for the military department. There are other better candidates.

After Commander Ma found Chen Feng, the two hit it off. The only thing to consider is how to bring back all the kidnapped merchants. The people on Lao Burma won’t obediently watch Chen Feng save people. Once they find that the situation is not right, they will do it. The businessmen started, so Chen Feng told Commander Ma that he needed someone to help protect the businessmen from the enemy.

In such a large country as the Ancient Gods and Lanterns, Commander Ma is very capable. Naturally, he has sent many spies to other countries. Among them, Myanmar has many. It is time to play their role in this important task. .

Commander Ma promised that Chen Feng would do everything possible to ensure the survival of the merchants. Chen Feng would only need to break through the interception of the enemy mecha troops and rescue the people. He would handle the rest of the matter and give the world a satisfactory explanation.

Now that he has decided to go to Lao Burma to save people, Chen Feng can only start the action alone. Lao Burma’s local snake is not a fool. Once it is discovered that there is a large-scale mecha transfer in the Republic of the God of Qur'an, he will definitely strengthen his guard and save people by then. It's even more troublesome.

Only when Chen Feng went quietly to Lao Burma and broke through the enemy mecha forces with outstanding personal ability, could he rescue the businessman more safely, and it was more convenient for him to act alone, without having to think about other seven-seven-eights. thing.

Without further ado, there are only a few days left for the execution of the businessman. Chen Feng needs to leave for Lao Burma quickly. After saying goodbye to Commander Ma, he drove "Bao Shi" to leave the military headquarters and changed the course of action several times. Lurking to the periphery of Lao Burma.

After rejecting Commander-in-Chief Ma, the local snake in Old Burma guessed that the Qur'an God Republic would not give up and let all pilots under his hand carry out intensive patrols with mechas to ensure that they would not be rescued by the merchants. The invaders will directly kill the merchants, and the Quran God Republic will only get a pile of corpses.

Chen Feng parked the "World Breaking" in a safe place. That was the address given to him by Commander Ma. It was mainly used to park the mechas performing missions. The location was very concealed and guarded by special personnel. It was absolutely safe and reliable.

Then Chen Feng sneaked into Lao Burma alone. He was already familiar with the road before, wearing a hat and a mask to cover his face, Chen Feng went all the way to the door of Wuershan's house.

To save people, he still needs the help of the locals. Chen Feng didn’t know the ability and location of the gang who kidnapped the businessman. So he thought of Wuershan, who had worked with him, and tried to get information from him. .

Lightly knocking on Wuershan’s door, Chen Feng still remembered what he had said to him when he left. I don’t know how this man who has been revengeful is doing now, whether he got it with the help of the military headquarters of the Ancient Godlan Republic. A certain amount of power.

After a while, the door was opened, and Wu Ershan looked at the person in front of the door, but that person deliberately covered most of his face, which made him unable to recognize who the other party was: "Who are you? Is there something to do with me? "

"It's me, I'm here again." Chen Feng did not say his name, because he believed that Wu Ershan could hear his own voice and also avoid revealing his identity in the conversation. Wuershan's house is in a downtown area, and there is a constant flow of people nearby. It is not certain whether it will be heard by people passing by, so Chen Feng must be cautious.

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