Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1755: Come from desperation

It is absolutely impossible for Hongshui Bin to let go of Murong Fan. This is his mentor and the God of War respected by the Ancient God Lan Republic. If he is allowed to die in exchange for Murong Fan's survival, Hongshui Bin will definitely choose to agree without hesitation.

Hong Hung Bin no longer has much room to dodge, and carrying "Wu Mei Niang" makes it inconvenient for him to move. Under the attack of the enemy, he can only choose to continue to descend. Seeing that he is about to hit the sea, if he continues like this, he will not be killed by the enemy Hit a lot of meat and vegetables.

The triplets pilot saw that Hongshuibin was still holding Murongfan’s cockpit and the special plane "Wu Meiniang" did not let go. Suddenly he felt that today’s battle has gained a lot and it seems that he can get better results than expected: "Since you If we don’t realize it, then we can kill a demigod pilot by the way when we kill a **** of war today, and we will see who dares not accept our strength at that time."

Hong Hung Bin was still gritting his teeth to support, but "Wu Mei Niang" was too heavy. One foot of "Candle Light Youying" had to grasp Murong Fan's cockpit, so he could only use the other foot to hold this special plane and flee. When it appears to be insufficient.

It was difficult to avoid the attack of the special plane behind him. After "Candle Light Youying" was hit several times, Hongshui Bin shut down all the alarms that sounded. He only focused on the distant coastline. He must take Murong Fan and Wu Meiniang. Take it all back.

Hong Hung Bin flees with all his heart, and has no intention of defending, so the triplets pilots attacked very smoothly. The four weapons in his hand continued to greet "Candle Light Youying", leaving one after another wounds on it.

As "Candle Light Youying" has more and more traumas, many mecha components have problems, but Hongshuibin is still a long way from the coastline, and it is impossible to reach it before being shot down by the enemy.

As for the other mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic, they couldn't catch up with the two special planes in front of them. Moreover, the mecha units of the Zhu Timor Federation formed a circle to encircle them and suppress them. They were overwhelmed. How could there be any way to save people? .

Just when the triplets pilots were riding on Hongbin’s body to show off their lustful power, a turning point appeared, and eight beams flew in the direction where the two were entangled. These beams were powerful and by no means ordinary mechas or modified machines. What could be launched forced the triplets pilots to retreat a certain distance.

"Who?!" The triplets pilot looked cautiously in the direction where the beam was flying. He had a bad premonition and it seemed that a strong enemy had appeared.

But the person on the other side did not respond at all, and continued to shoot with weapons on his hands and on his body. A steady stream of light beams kept flying towards the "Yaki Orochi", preventing it from approaching Hongbin again.

Although the enemy did not speak, the triplet pilot judged his identity from the opponent's attack method: "It turned out to be'Booming Heaven'. Do you think you can get in the way of me? I will be with you today. Kill Murong Fan and Hongshui Bin in front of you!"

However, "Hangtian" still did not respond. It continuously fired beams to attack the "Yaqi Orochi", exerting its offensive firepower to the extreme, and in this way prevented the triplets from harming Hong Bin.

Hongshui Bin also hurriedly seized the opportunity to continue moving to the coastline, where it was the chassis of the Republic of the God of Qulan, and the enemy had to consider whether he could retreat completely before he and Murong Fan wanted to kill him.

The multiple arms possessed by the "Yaqi Orochi" are not a joke. Even if they are shrouded in a lot of light beams, they can still be shattered by future attacks with weapons in their hands, once again narrowing the distance with Flood Bin.

But when they just shifted their sights, they saw a long knife quietly piercing through the sky and slashing towards their chest, unexpectedly another enemy ran out to attack him.

For the owner of the long sword, the triplets pilots can immediately think of such a powerful move. Only Pan Yuguo, who has been high hopes by countless people, has killed many Zhu Diwen with his sword drawing technique. The mecha of the Federation can be regarded as one of the deadly enemies of the Zhu Timwen Federation.

Therefore, as long as the pilots of the Zhu Timwen Federation pay special attention to Pan Yuguo, the triplets pilots are naturally no exception. They stretched out two hands to block the long knife in front of their chest and showed a bloodthirsty expression. : "It turned out to be you, so good, lest I find you again!"

"Who are you?" Pan Yuguo didn't know the identity of this mecha with multiple arms. He rushed over after receiving a distress signal from Commander Ma. He just rushed to see Hong Bin being pursued by someone, so he shot. Rescue.

When Commander Ma and Pan Bayi arranged for the two pilot pilots of the Southeast Military Region, they deliberately arranged them to the most convenient place to rush to the combat area in case of accidents. As a result, this arrangement was really used. They Smoothly received the defeated Hongbin.

The triplets pilot’s interest in Pan Yuguo doesn’t have to be Murong Fanxiao, because Pan Yuguo has caused great losses to the ordinary pilots of the Zhu Timwen Federation. If he can be killed at the same time, then the status of the triplets pilots in the country will be Soaring to the point that Abe Boya can't match.

Seeing Pan Yuguo's intention to fight against the enemy, Hung Hsung Bin gratefully reminded him: "Yuguo, please don't fight him. This special machine is weird. My master has folded it in his hands!"

"Something happened to the'War God'?" Pan Yuguo was shocked. He looked carefully at the object held by the legs of "Zhuzhao Youying", and saw Murong Fan covered with blood lying in the cockpit on one of the legs.

Now Pan Yuguo didn't dare to easily fight the mecha with multiple arms. Even Murong Fan couldn't deal with the enemy, he seemed to come forward that was not courageous, but was seeking his own death.

Although Pan Yuguo would not fight against this powerful enemy, he still controlled the "crazy war" to cover the retreat of Hongbin. This was his purpose, and he would not give up responsibility because the enemy is stronger than himself.

Fortunately, the firepower of "Booming the sky" continued. With his help to contain the enemy, Pan Yuguo's pressure was greatly reduced. He escorted Hongshui Bin ashore after only a few rounds of fighting with the opponent.

In just a few rounds of confrontation, Pan Yuguo’s entire back was soaked with sweat. The opponent’s special machine was too weird. With four arms swinging weapons at the same time, he would often not know which one should be dealt with first. Chen Feng had similar feelings when he was doing simulation training.

And Chen Feng is very different from this enemy. After all, the floating guns are fired from a long distance, which is a continuous pressure to create. However, this special machine with multiple arms is different. He can shoot at close range in a short time. The astonishing power of the distance burst makes people feel more pressured than Chen Fenglai.

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