Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1773: Duel

"Chen Feng, why do you want to quit? I think you might be the most suitable person to get the fragrant vermilion fruit." Pan Yuguo then asked Chen Feng again, because among the three, Chen Feng was the first to break through to become a demigod pilot. , And Chen Feng has a wealth of experience fighting top pilots, so it would be a pity to quit directly.

"Even if I don’t have a fragrant vermillion fruit, I can still play a very effective role. Relatively speaking, giving you a fragrant vermillion fruit will be more helpful to our country, and I haven’t done a good job of taking the responsibility of a country, so in fact The exotic fragrant vermillion fruit is not suitable for me.” As time went by, Chen Feng became more and more determined that he did not want to obtain the exotic fragrant vermillion fruit: “Furthermore, the ancient Soviet empire and the Buddha country have found new fragrant vermilion fruit, and we will definitely return it in the future. If I have a chance, I won't give up again next time."

Pan Yuguo's eyes flickered several times. In fact, what Chen Feng said was similar to his considerations. Suddenly he wanted him to become a **** of war and take over the heavy burden Murongfan had previously borne. To be honest, Pan Yuguo hadn't thought about it, his thoughts were very different. Step by step is to make yourself stronger step by step, and then make breakthroughs after reaching what he thinks is okay.

But now that he temporarily wants him to cross a field he is not familiar with and directly enter the highest level, Pan Yuguo thinks he is a little strenuous. He has never fought a demigod pilot, let alone a **** of war.

Although Pan Yuguo didn't think he would behave badly, he didn't fight against him. If something went wrong in the battle, he would not only be unlucky. It is very likely that the people of this country would suffer as a result.

Chen Feng will abandon the strange fragrance of Zhu Guo. In addition to his friendship with Hongshui Bin, this factor is the most consideration. He now wants to become the **** of war mainly to find Smith for revenge. The security of the country is still a bit far away for him. Under great pressure, Chen Feng felt that he might not be able to do well, so it is better to give the opportunity to someone more suitable.

Seeing Pan Yuguo's more solemn expression than his own, Hongshui Bin comforted him: "Since Chen Feng has made a decision, it is useless for others to say that no matter how much it is, the next step will be our two pk."

Pan Yuguo looked up into the eyes of Hongshuibin. He wanted to know whether the other party was ready: "Now the commanders of several military regions are discussing in Commander Ma’s office. Once they discuss the end of the Yixiang Zhuguo’s ownership, it will be determined. Now, do you think you can afford this responsibility?"

After the event of Murong Fan's fall, Hong Hung Bin seemed to be a different person. He is no longer the one who loved to do things according to his liking. Instead, he is concerned about what he should do: "Anyway, I will It's Murong Fan's apprentice. I must do what Master hasn't done. No matter how difficult it is, I have no reason to retreat."

Honghong Bin has become a lot more mature, and Pan Yuguo can feel the power of responsibility from him. It seems that this former classmate has grown to a level that he hasn't reached.

Pan Yuguo never escapes where he is inferior to others. In terms of his sense of responsibility, he is indeed inferior to Hongshui Bin, but he still has confidence in himself in terms of combat effectiveness and challenges Hongshui Bin: "I haven't played against you for a long time. I want to know what level of your current strength is, why don't you try it in the simulation room?"

"Yes, I also want to try again with you. I'm tired of always beating Chen Feng, you know, Chen Feng is so powerful now, I can't beat him at all." Hong Hung Bin nodded frantically and was able to fight The feeling of a new opponent fighting makes him very excited.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes to Hung Hung Bin: "Don't listen to Shui Bin's nonsense about Yu Country, it's just that I got some insights while traveling some time ago, so I have a little advantage temporarily."

"Oh? You brought up my interest, and I will also want you to compete." Pan Yuguo looked at Chen Feng fiercely. Chen Feng's current combat effectiveness is actually stronger than Hong Bin's, which makes him very good at fighting against it. Impulse.

"Okay, I'll be with you at any time." Chen Feng is also willing to fight Pan Yuguo, the strongest teenager in the school, although he and Hongshuibin have gradually caught up in the past few years, his strength is undoubtedly strong. Fighting against Pan Yuguo is very helpful for improving your strength.

The protagonists of the battle are mainly Hong Bin and Pan Yuguo. They are the only two candidates to get the fragrant Zhu Guo. Whoever wins means who is more qualified, so neither of them can be taken lightly and must be put into the duel in the best condition.

Chen Feng did not interfere with the preparations of the two of them. He entered another simulator to observe the battle. There was very little chance to watch the duel of pilots of the same level. Chen Feng looked forward to the two people's dedication to a very exciting battle. .

Hong Hung Bin and Pan Yuguo both attached great importance to this competition. They spent more time than usual adjusting their state. Faced with rivals that would compete with them, they both wanted to show their strongest side.

The results of the battle did not exceed Chen Feng’s expectations. Both of them brought their abilities to the extreme. Hongshui Bin was still so flexible and changeable, fully displaying the characteristics of'Candle Light Youying', and Pan Yuguo also made himself domineering. The fighting style was thoroughly displayed, showing infinite confidence in every attack.

The result of the battle is that no one wins. Neither person has a chance to defeat each other. Occasionally there are no opportunities to form an effective threat. Comparing the strengths of the two sides is almost the same. Unless there is a major mistake or there is no accident, the balance will basically be maintained. .

The battle with Hongshuibin was very enjoyable. Pan Yuguo was even more curious about what kind of combat power Chen Feng, who was able to defeat such a powerful Hongbin, had. After a short break, he challenged Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, let's fight! "

"Okay!" Chen Feng's hands were itchy watching from the side, even if Pan Yuguo didn't challenge him, he would jump out.

In this battle, Pan Yuguo realized what despair is. Chen Feng, as Hong Bin said, showed almost crushing combat effectiveness in every aspect. Pan Yuguo believed that he could not be stronger anymore, but in Chen Feng appeared very weak in his attack, and was suppressed by his peers for the first time.

Pan Yuguo was defeated by Chen Feng for the first time. He had never been forced to such a degree in a battle with his peers. Sitting in the simulator for a long time could not calm his mood. Hongshui Bin did not speak big words, and Chen Feng had really surpassed them by a lot.

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