Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1794: Doubtful

"Pan Bayi actually removed so many mechas. Now the defense near Langya City is almost an empty shell. As long as Chen Feng can't exert the usual level of combat effectiveness, our mecha units will definitely be able to destroy all those defense facilities. At that time, the landing will not be hindered, and we will be able to drive straight into the hinterland of the ancient Shenlan Republic." The senior officials of the Zhu Timwen Federation can almost foresee the scene of Chen Feng's inability to support the defense line. The breakthrough of this battle is. On the premise of Chen Feng's decline in strength.

Xu Xin wanted to laugh with excitement. After so much effort, the Zhu Timwen Federation finally put the target of the attack on Chen Feng. It is the best to report private revenge. This time he will personally give Chen Feng an unforgettable one. The fiasco.

After deciding on the main attack point of the new battle, the Zhu Timwen Federation did not put Xu Xin and Lin Wenjie in jail again. After all, the two did provide a lot of useful information during this period, and they should not be bullied too miserably. , Or if the two of them are pressed into a hurry and they don't cooperate anymore, the gain will not be worth the loss.

As the order was issued, the Ju Timor Federal Mecha Troops around the Qur'an God Republic re-adjusted, returned the overly damaged mechas to the country, and integrated the remaining mechas that could continue to fight. Although the size of the mecha troops was much smaller than that at the beginning, after the baptism of war, the combat effectiveness of each of them rose instead of decreasing.

This time we are about to attack the coastline near Langya City. The pilots of the Zhu Timwen Federation are full of expectations. Langya City is one of the most important cities in the Qur'an Republic. If it can be attacked, it will definitely hit ancient times. The morale of the Lanshen Republic is also an excellent opportunity for them to earn a lot of military exploits, so every pilot is gearing up to have an excellent performance in the next landing battle.

After Chen Feng came to Langya City, he went to Langya Mecha Academy first. He wanted to get help from his alma mater to provide Langya City with more protection. After all, no one knew about Zhu Timwen’s government. Where is the target of an attack, the defensive ability near Langya City has declined again, since Chen Feng is here, he must do everything possible to change this situation.

It just so happens that Langya Mecha Academy has many excellent pilots, and there is also a small mecha unit guarded by them. When needed, the best students can drive these mechas to participate in the battle and intercept enemies who break through the line of defense.

Now the principal of Langya Mecha Academy has changed from Pan Qiyi to Wang Congwei. He readily agreed to Chen Feng’s proposal. The threat from the Zhu Timwen Federation concerns every member of the ancient Shenlan Republic. As the most prestigious mecha in the country One of the schools, the Langya Mecha Academy has the responsibility and ability to assist in the battle of the defense line.

Chen Feng thanked Wang Congwei for his cooperation. With the strong support of Langya Mecha Academy, he at least didn't have to worry about the occasional part of the fish that slipped through the net, and he could concentrate more on dealing with the enemies that appeared ahead.

Then Chen Feng rushed to the front and asked the mechas to abandon the first line of defense along the coast and retreat to the surrounding defensive facilities, because due to the reduction in the number of mechas, they could not withstand the impact of the Zhu Timwen Federation landing. Defensive facilities can be attacked to fight within the range, and can more effectively prevent the enemy from continuing to deepen.

After making arrangements, Chen Feng ushered in a group of people he really wanted to meet, that is, the independent action team led by Nangong Huadie. They came to Chen Feng according to Pan Bayi’s arrangement and assisted Chen Feng in guarding the vicinity of Langya City. Line of defense.

"Commander Pan still understands me, and I am more confident in sending you to me to fight with you." Chen Feng welcomes the arrival of Nangong Huadie and others. He has never forgotten the feeling of fighting together for many years.

Zheng Zhirong smiled and hugged Chen Feng. From his point of view, Chen Feng could stand up to the defense line alone: ​​"Haha, you are a demigod pilot. What is there to worry about? You will definitely win in the Zhu Timwen Federation. No more."

Nangong Huandie noticed the "world-breaking" in the hangar. Although she didn't say anything, she was still paying attention to everything about Chen Feng silently. It was the first of all to notice Chen Feng's condition: " Brother Chen Feng, how come there are so many missing floating artillery pieces? Have you encountered any powerful enemies?"

"Yes, I ran into the'Knife God' who sneaked in on the way to the Southeast Military Region. We fought a game and it became like this. Fortunately, he only drove a standard mech, otherwise I would be even worse. "Chen Feng stretched out his hands helplessly, and briefly described the experience of the fight with Boya Abe, and everyone was amazed by it.

Few pilots in the world have the experience of fighting the God of War. Even if they do, they have basically set foot on Huangquan Road. Chen Feng’s performance is good enough. Everyone is feeling his good luck. The fight against Abe Boya must be guaranteed. Bringing Chen Feng a great harvest, this is something other people can't even think of, because they are not sure that they will survive in the hands of Abe Boya.

After planning the inspiration, I realized the seriousness of the situation. Since the "World Breaking" was damaged, Chen Feng would definitely not be able to exert his strongest combat effectiveness: "For now, we may have to face even more difficult battles. Now that Chen Feng’s combat power is impaired, others have to bear more responsibilities."

"Yeah, so I'm so happy that you can come. We will definitely win with you!" Chen Feng slowly looked at everyone in front of him. He has full confidence in these partners, and there are still some before. If you are worried, there will be no more wavering now.

"Didn't you go to the cloud before? Why did you suddenly come back to participate in the battle?" Nangong Mengdie was puzzled by Chen Feng's appearance. Although the Zhu Timwen Federation was aggressive, it seemed that there was no need to call Chen Feng back. To the extent that: "Did something happen to the'War God'? The onslaught of the Zhu Timwen Federation only started after the confrontation between the two Gods of War. I don't believe there is no connection."

Chen Feng's heart suddenly twitched, and he felt very sad whenever he thought of Murong Fan, but now the news is still being blocked, so he can only bear the pain.

Reluctantly squeezing out a smile, Chen Feng said to him from left to right, "Then what, how many attacks has the Zhu Timwen Federation launched? How is the damage on our side?"

Looking at Chen Feng, who was smiling and not smiling, everyone could feel his embarrassment. It seems that something big had happened. It is estimated that Hong Bin’s loss was also related to this, but he has no authority to know it. .

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