Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1818: meet

"In fact, it is not just the principal's office, but other areas of the school also have their own defense facilities. When the First World Organization attacked our school and the second-generation mecha launch conference, their failure to succeed was related to the strong defensive ability here." Chen Feng also pointed to other places in Langya Mecha Academy, proudly expressing that this school would explode with astonishing combat effectiveness when needed.

"It turned out to be the case. I was right this time. I visited a special mecha academy with my own eyes." Brahman Kaul nodded in agreement. She had heard about the several crises encountered by Langya Mecha Academy, and now she knows This school actually relies on its own defense facilities to keep the enemy out of the school, and the students who can learn in it are really very happy.

The two of them said as they walked, they quickly walked through the woods and came to the bottom of the minaret. Chen Feng took the lead into the elevator to lead the way: "The principal's office is up there. My wife, the new principal of Langya Mecha Academy, and some of my friends are now Waiting above."

"Are there so many people? I thought you would only let me see your wife." Brahman Kaur was a little surprised. She didn't get along well with Chen Feng this time. I thought Chen Feng would just be perfunctory at best. , Let You Jia meet with herself to finish the matter, but she doesn't want Chen Feng to be willing to introduce her friends to herself.

Chen Feng knows that Brahman Kaul is not bad-hearted. This female machine emperor is here to have fun. In that case, she doesn't need to be too restrictive. Let friends also come and meet this special strong man: "Come here. Let’s see you all together. My friends are very curious about you. It’s very rare for a female pilot to grow up to the emperor."

"That's because I have a high talent, so I can't do it with other talents~" Brahman Kaur was quite arrogant, and suddenly raised his head proudly, saying that he is different from other female pilots and can Becoming a machine emperor is a sure thing.

Following Brahman Kaur's movements, there was a turbulent wave in front of her chest, and Chen Feng's eyes didn't know where to put it properly, so he had to meditate silently, do not see evil, and told Brahman Kaur to quickly enter the elevator and prepare to rise.

Brahman Kaur felt Chen Feng's nervousness, and he leaned against Chen Feng in the elevator: "I said you have a wife and children, and you are not a virgin man. How can you behave worse than those men who want to approach me? "

"What are you talking about!" Chen Feng was reluctant. He took the Brahman Kaul as an equal communication object, and it is not comparable to those who are unpredictable: "I think you are a respectable person. My pilot, I will tolerate you everywhere. I am completely different from those guys. I will be angry if you say that!"

"Okay, well, I know, young and temperamental." Brahman Kaur didn't know if he was really shocked by Chen Feng's words, and finally left Chen Feng and walked to the other end of the elevator to wait. .

The elevator went up quickly, and it came to the top of the minaret in about half a minute. Inside was the principal's office where Wang Congwei was located. When thinking that You Jia and others were also inside, Chen Feng rang the doorbell with expectation: "Principal Wang , I’m Chen Feng."

Before Chen Feng’s words fell, the door of the principal’s office was opened from the inside. It turned out that Wang Congwei ran to open the door to welcome the two people in: "I see that'Broken World' has circled the school a few times, but it can be regarded as waiting for you. coming."

"Sorry, because the Brahman Kaur pilot wanted to see our school in the sky, I took her a few more laps to make you wait a long time." Chen Feng apologized to Wang Congwei in embarrassment, and everyone did it. I was ready to wait in the principal's office, but he did other things on his own, and he did not respect people a little bit.

Before Wang Congwei spoke, Brahman Kaur quickly intervened and said: "I am very interested in Langya Mecha Academy. What I saw today is indeed well-deserved. It opened my eyes. Principal Wang did a great job. It's a pity Buddha. China does not have a mecha school like this, maybe this is the reason why we have not been able to catch up with your country."

"Haha, the Brahman Kaur pilot is absurd. The current achievements of Langya Mecha Academy are inseparable from the dedication of Principal Pan. If a school wants to rise, in addition to its own strength, the principal's leadership is also very important. I’m just picking up people’s teeth. The credit is not on me.” Wang Congwei did not accept Brahman Kaul’s praise. He believed that all these credits should be counted on Pan Qiyi. Without Pan Qiyi’s decades-long leadership, Langyaji How can College A have today's glory?

While the two were talking, Chen Feng walked straight to the depths of the principal's office. He had already seen You Jia who was thinking about it, and everything else was not important to him.

Since Chen Feng and Brahman Kaul entered, You Jia's eyes have been fixed on Chen Feng. She doesn't care about anything except her husband. The two hurried to each other and hugged each other tightly, and all their troubles were thrown away. Behind the head.

After chatting with Wang Congwei for a few words, Brahman Kaur walked to Chen Feng's side and looked at You Jia who was in Chen Feng's arms and nodded repeatedly: "I heard that Chen Feng married a beautiful woman who is all over the country. It’s outstanding in the field, and it’s really well-deserved at first glance."

"Do you know me?" You Jia looked at Brahman Kaul in confusion. She didn't think she was a very famous person, and she didn't deserve the other party's special attention.

Brahman Kaur nodded very bluntly and made no secret of the purpose of the trip: "Yes, I came here specially for you."

You Jia was even more surprised. How could she be able to attract the Empress of Buddha Laye, she let go of Chen Feng's embrace and walked to Brahman Kaur to observe the other side carefully, and asked again: "But why? ? There seems to be no connection between us?"

"Because Chen Feng, I have some friendship with him, so I want to understand his affairs, and then I found out that he actually married a wife, so we are related?" Brahman Kaur brought Chen Feng closer. Also said ambiguous words.

Two women with their own characteristics stand face to face, and the one who Yu Jiamei is elegant and generous, has a graceful and luxurious temperament. Brahman Kaul carried the iron and blood of a soldier. When she was "breaking the world" in the cockpit, she specially arranged her dress, which made her hot figure more prominent, making it difficult to move when she saw her. Open your eyes, as if you want to beat You Jia in some ways.

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