Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1825: Farewell

Brahman Kaur kept extending her chopsticks, and the few dishes just served on the table were reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. Brahman Kaur didn't stop until almost half of the time she ate. She found that all four of them except Chen Feng Without moving the chopsticks: "Why don't you eat it? Hurry up and pick up the dishes. It's really delicious. If you don't eat it, I will eat it all."

"Oh, I just thought of what happened when I first came to the open-air restaurant to eat. At that time, we ordered some ordinary dishes and then encountered a troublesome guy. Now I want to come and feel nostalgic." Chen Feng thought of what happened in the open-air restaurant many years ago. It was at that time that he met You Jia and also forged a grudge with Murongxuan.

After many years, Chen Feng can still remember every detail of the time. Turning his head to look at You Jia, she found that she also showed a nostalgic expression. It was a touch of emotion when she wanted to come. What happened during that meeting changed their lives. The appearance of Murong Xuan only It's a test.

Seeing Chen Feng and You Jia falling into memories, Brahman Kaur put down the tableware in his hand and sat up straight: "You didn't know each other here, right?"

What Brahman Kaur said was because the open-air restaurant was the place where Chen Feng and You Jia started, so they would have special feelings and they could not help but express it.

Brahman Kaur, who is no longer deliberately looking for troubles, appeared elegant and full of wisdom, and once again refreshed You Jia's knowledge of her, and replied with a smile: "Yes, I met Chen Feng by coincidence, and also I met an uninvited guest and made our encounter more memorable."

"Who is that uninvited guest? Is it also your admirer?" Brahman Kaul is very interested in the other person in You Jia's mouth. You Jia's charm makes every man's heart move, and the one who will take action is definitely the best. By.

"His name is Murong Xuan. He used to be a member of the Murong family to make troubles, and his strength is very strong, so basically no one dared to defy him, but after the Murong family fell, he is now much lower-key." Jia doesn't shy away from mentioning Murongxuan's name and asks Chen Feng about the recent development of the Murong family.

After Guan Yuzhen reorganized the Southwest Military Region, the Murong family's power declined greatly. Many pilots who had been loyal to them got on the right track and returned to the embrace of the country. Only the Murong family themselves were still struggling to rebuild their glory.

In view of the huge damage the Murong family has caused to the Southwest Military Region, Guan Yuzhen has never let go of their suppression. Even after resigning from the post of commander-in-chief of the Southwest Military Region, he is still helping Ye Qi deal with affairs about the Murong family. The Southwest Military Region is in a situation of self-depletion.

"The Murong family seems to be completely dying. I haven't seen him for a long time since Murong Xuan." Chen Feng said, suddenly a special thought came out: "The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, the Murong family They still have the ability to access various secrets, especially after the defeat of the Southwest Military Region, they have a tendency to march to the Southeast Military Region. Could it be that they leaked the defense intelligence to the Buddha Laye country?"

"No, this is a heavyweight confrontation between two countries. If one is not good, the country may be ruined. Will the Murong family dare to help the enemy country?" Lin showed an unbelievable expression. I think that a deep-rooted family like the Murong family will betray the country and leak the deadliest defense information to the hostile country.

Because Brahman Kaur has fought against the Southwest Military Region for several years, he has a certain understanding of the Murong family that Chen Feng said. From an outsider’s point of view, he has different opinions: "That’s hard to say, if the family you are talking about is prepared If you give up your country and go to another country, don’t you have no problems doing so.”

"Hiss!" Everyone took a deep breath. Brahman Kaul said that the situation is too serious. This is a big matter related to treason. Is the Murong family really dissidently? They don't have enough intelligence to make judgments easily.

When everyone fell silent, the person in charge of the open-air restaurant brought the waiter with a new dish: "Come on~ These two dishes are our restaurant's new signature dishes, I hope you will like them."

The reaction of the people was not very enthusiastic, because they were still immersed in the shock that the Murong family might treason. The person in charge was a little surprised seeing that they hadn't moved their chopsticks: "Why did you stop? Is it because our dishes are not delicious?"

"No, no, the food is delicious. We were discussing things just now." Chen Feng said quickly that there was no problem with the dishes in the open-air restaurant. Everyone was very satisfied with the food, but it was delayed because of other things.

"That's good. I'm still worried that you will be dissatisfied. I suggest you eat while it is hot. It will taste worse when it is cold." The person in charge saw that the topic between Chen Feng and the others seemed unsuitable for participation and reminded him. Then left with the waiter.

Chen Feng and the others continued to eat, but after the ripples in their hearts, no matter how delicious the food was, Chen Feng didn’t care. He kept thinking about the possibility of the Murong family’s treason and how to deal with this problem. .

Brahman Kaur alone has no connection with the Republic of the Quran God. She can enjoy the food very happily. She is very satisfied with the special dishes prepared in the open-air restaurant, and she can't stop eating.

Brahman Kaur stopped eating until she couldn't eat it. She was stunned by the wind on the table. Almost one person ate half of the food, and the others who were watching were stunned.

What's rare is that after eating so much, Brahman Kaur's abdomen is still slender and not bulging. Chen Feng couldn't help wondering where all the things she had just eaten went to, and why she couldn't see it at all.

Brahman Kaur stroked his belly and hiccuped. She let it go for this dinner, and felt it was too long: "If you are all right, then sit for a while."

"Well, my child is still waiting for me at home, maybe I have to go first, Chen Feng, will you come back tonight?" You Jia showed a sorry expression, she cared about her child and wanted to go back earlier.

You Jia's scientific research work is relatively heavy. In order to let her work at ease, Wang Congwei specially arranged someone to take care of Chen Xinghai for her, so that Chen Xinghai can receive the most comprehensive care at home. Although the aunt who takes care of Chen Xinghai is very serious and responsible, You Jia still wants to get in touch with her son as much as possible.

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