Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1890: Go to war

Brahman Kaul continued to stay in the front. She was placed in the forward position and launched the first wave of attacks according to domestic orders at any time. Therefore, the mecha troops could be restrained in time to communicate with Chen Feng.

The news that Brahman Kaur had contact with Chen Feng quickly spread back to the Buddha Laye country, and it made their senior leaders feel uneasy. They have always been very sensitive to the relationship between the two, and always felt that Brahman Kaur would do it because of Chen Feng. Do things that are not good for the country.

This time the Buddha Layah transferred the first troops to prepare to attack the Qulan God Republic. In addition to the growing confidence, there is another point that the top of the Buddha Layah wanted to test the loyalty of the Brahman Yapeng brothers and sisters, and wanted to see the two of them. How will they play in the battle, find out whether they will really give everything for the country.

As a result, before the battle started, Brahman Kaul took the initiative to contact Chen Feng, and he was still in full view. How could this make the senior officials of the Buddha Laye country not nervous? They are increasingly worried that the brothers and sisters have ties to the Quran God Republic.

Even if Brahman Kaur was very open and upright so that the pilot behind him heard the process of talking with Chen Feng, but the suspicion was pervasive, even if Brahman Kaur did well, others would still find points of doubt from it.

Does the dialogue between Brahman Kaur and Chen Feng contain code words? Is Chen Xinghai the key to their exchange of information? Was the Brahman Kaur not letting the mecha troops attack Chen Feng to show goodwill? These are the points that will be infinitely magnified. People are only willing to believe what they want to believe, and what Brahman Kaur does can not dispel their doubts.

In view of the behavior of Brahman Kaur, the senior officials of the Buddha Laye state believe that no more time can be delayed, and they must act on the Republic of the Quran God as soon as possible. Otherwise, they do not know whether they will be disintegrated first, and they cannot sit and wait.

Ever since, the day after Chen Feng and Brahman Kaul met again, Fo La Ye Kingdom finally broke the deadlock and launched an invasion war against the Republic of the God of Qur'an. No one would have thought that the reason for their attack was because of this.

Fo La Yeguo’s attack was very rapid and violent, but fortunately, Ye Qi took a look at the border in person. He realized that the mecha team on the border alone could not withstand the impact of so many mechas. Once he returned to the main base, he sent reinforcements. Towards the border, a relatively strong line of defense was rebuilt, at least it would not be rushed by Fo La Ye's mecha troops in the first place.

Guan Yuzhen also joined the dispatch of the Southwest Military Region after learning about the scenes that Chen Feng and the others had seen. Judging from the stationing of the Folaye National Mecha Unit, they put most of their troops on the front line, indicating that after the war began. Their attack will be very violent, a bit similar to the tactics that have been accomplished in one battle, and the attack power is very sufficient.

However, this tactic has a fatal flaw, that is, when the defending side defends against their impact, the follow-up strength of Fo La Ye country will appear insufficient, and their impact will become weaker and weaker when they are caught in a tug of war. That will be a great opportunity for the Qur'an God Republic to turn things around in one fell swoop.

Now the strength of the Southwest Military Region is relatively strong. After Ye Qi released the new recruitment policy, many high-achieving students from mecha schools came here. They have high talents, so they grow very fast in the battle. Many people have already Become the backbone of the Southwest Military Region, helping the Southwest Military Region have the strongest team of pilots since its establishment.

And because these pilots all graduated from top-notch mecha schools, they all have relatively high quality. The education in the school makes them willing to obey the command, which is very convenient to dispatch, and invisibly strengthens a part of their combat effectiveness.

While Ye Qi dispatched mechas to the border, Guan Yuzhen dispatched the entire southwest military region’s troops on the other side. He gathered all the mechas close to the southeast and northern military regions. There is no danger in these places. The first thing to ensure is the security of the border with Buddha Laye.

The number of these mechas was about 500 units. Guan Yuzhen did not directly let them go to the front line, but stayed at a place close to a hundred miles away from the front line, allowing them to reinforce the front line at any time according to the situation.

The pilots who can be deployed to guard the fringe area have experienced many battles. They have experienced many battles and have very rich combat experience. The piloting of mechas has also been improved in various battles, and their strength will be better than Pilots of the same level are stronger, so Guan Yuzhen let them be responsible for the task of real-time reinforcement, so that they can play a greater role.

As for the 1,000 mechas from the Northern Military Region, Guan Yuzhen and Ye Qi decided not to use them for the time being, because these pilots who were new to the Southwest Military Region were not familiar with the combat style of the Southwest Military Region. There may be flaws due to unskilled cooperation, if it is caught by the Buddha, it will be very disadvantageous.

Any negligence in such a large-scale battle may lead to failure, so Ye Qi will temporarily leave these pilots on standby for the time being, and it is best to wait for them to understand the actions of the pilots of the Southwest Military Region before making plans.

And when Chen Feng and the others returned to the main base of the Southeast Military Region, Nangong Mengdie and others were already waiting for them inside. After they parked the mecha and walked out, Nangong Phantom leaped out and jumped in front of Chen Feng: "Brother Chen Feng, long time no see~"

"I haven't seen it for a long time, have you caused trouble for your sister in the past few years?" Chen Fengzai carefully glanced at the girl in front of him for several times. Three years later, the originally quirky Nangong Phantom Butterfly has become mature. Many, although she still looks so cute, her temperament has become different, perhaps because she wants to help Nangong Mengdie manage the Nangong family.

Seeing that Chen Feng actually looked down on Chen Feng and thought that he would cause trouble, Nangong Huandie pursed her lips unhappily, saying, "How is it possible? I helped my sister deal with a lot of troubles, okay? If you don't believe me, ask my sister.

"My younger sister has helped me a lot in the past few years. Now the Nangong family is on the right track, and soon you will see people from our family appearing in various military districts." Nangong Mengdie stepped forward to prove her sister. After the efforts of the two sisters, the Nangong family has now received enough recognition and can begin to take on more responsibilities.

Nangong Huadie proudly held her sister's hand and held her head up, despising Chen Feng, and she would look down on herself: "That means you don't know how hard I work, Brother Chen Feng, and my sister's synchronization rate has broken through again. ."

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