Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1946: Eat and drink

He gave Lang Ba a white promise. In his opinion, Brahman Kaur will definitely be restricted: "You don't want to think about where Brahman Kaur is fighting with whom, they are discussing each other and want to make a good impression on each other, so Neither of them can fully display their strengths. It is already very good to have such a performance, so there are so many demands."

"Hahaha, you are right, I have forgotten their main purpose." Lang Ba corrected it when he knew it was wrong, indeed he couldn't judge the battle between the two by the standards on the battlefield.

After despising Lang Ba, Xu promised and said to Chen Feng: "Apprentice, you can follow the follow-up progress of these two guys more, and then remember to tell me if you have new situations."

He promised very much to know whether Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaur could succeed, so he especially urged Chen Feng to share the progress with himself. Think about the demi-sacred pilots of the Republic of Qur'an God and the king pilots of the Buddha Laye. When it comes together, this combination will almost never appear again.

Chen Feng was speechless. He didn't expect to promise such gossip and still chase the relationship between the two, but he didn't find a reason to refuse: "Hey, well, I will tell Master if there is any change."

Pan Yuguo's "crazy war" basically does not need repairs, only Brahman Kaor's "Jaling Pinga" needs some effort in the preparation team. This is also because the two were more restrained when fighting and did not cause much harm to the other party.

While waiting for the maintenance class to be overhauled, the two exchanged for a while. Brahman Kaur discovered that Pan Yuguo had a very deep theoretical foundation, and the enthusiasm for discussing with her was indeed worthy of being carefully nurtured since childhood, which is very different from ordinary people.

And Brahman Kaul himself happens to be a person who likes to delve into theory, so he made suggestions to Chen Feng and others several times, and had a very good chat with Pan Yuguo, which is a channel for continued development.

Leaving the special plane to the maintenance team, the two of them walked back to Chen Feng's residence while chatting. Chen Feng was already looking forward to it in the house. He didn't know whether the communication between the two went smoothly, so he couldn't sit down in the living room.

When Chen Xinghai woke up, seeing his father's anxious look, he stretched out his hand and patted Chen Feng's thigh twice, as if to comfort him not to be too nervous.

Chen Feng was amused by his son's actions. This kid is so big that he can comfort others. He pulled Chen Xinghai into his arms and kissed him twice: "Your father is not worried about himself, but worried about your godmother. Can Uncle Pan succeed."

Chen Xinghai couldn't understand the meaning of Chen Feng's words, but he didn't care, he hehe holding Chen Feng's hand and playing.

Under Chen Xinghai’s cute offensive, Chen Feng temporarily gave up his troubles and played with him for a while. Chen Xinghai has been educated in mecha since he was a child, and there is very little time for playing. It’s a great opportunity to play.

Accompanied by Chen Xinghai, Chen Feng finally waited for Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaur back. After seeing the two entered the house, their mouths never stopped. Chen Feng understood that his matchmaking was effective.

You Jia smiled and glanced at Chen Feng. She felt that her husband was too worried. It was obvious that the two had a good pace, so why bother to interfere with what they did. Outsiders like them just watched silently.

The battle between Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaur caused quite a stir. Teacher He also specially asked He Yuqi to ask Chen Feng and several others to go to his home together. He wanted to use this opportunity to reunite and learn about his students' achievements today.

Chen Feng hadn't gone to Mr. He's house for a while, and missed the craftsmanship of Mr. He's wife. It happened that Brahman Kaur didn't know the two of them, so he took everyone to Mr. He's house with He Yuqi.

Seeing Chen Feng showing up with a group of people at his door, Mr. He was very happy and asked his wife to come out to greet him. Chen Feng hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Auntie must be busy in the kitchen now, so don't bother. Come in."

After thinking about it, Mr. He led everyone into his house. He had never seen Brahman Kaul. He took a few more glances on the way forward. He felt that the empress had a very outstanding temperament, and he hadn't lived for so many years. Have seen similar ones.

Let everyone sit in the living room and chat first, then Mr. He ran to the door of the kitchen: "Old lady, come out and meet the guests."

"Come on." Aunt Lin heard the sound and saw Chen Feng and others who hadn't seen for a long time: "You can be regarded as seeing you. You have rarely come to our house in these years, especially in Yuguo. You haven't had one since graduation. came."

"I'm sorry, I have to deal with too many things. I am afraid I would not be able to come back to school if it weren't for Chen Feng's strong invitation." Pan Yuguo got up and apologized. In fact, he passed by Langya Mecha Academy more than once, but he just didn't. Time comes in.

Aunt Lin didn't really blame Pan Yuguo, she waved her hand to let Pan Yuguo sit down: "It's okay, it's okay, and Chen Feng, should you introduce it?"

"Preparing to introduce, Teacher He, Aunt Lin, she is Brahman Kaur, now under the military department, is a powerful machine emperor." Chen Feng was already prepared, and took Brahman Kaur to the two I started with an introduction: "Kaul, this is Mr. He who teaches our mecha knowledge, and this is his wife. He received a lot of instruction from him when he was in school."

Brahman Kaur reached out to the two of them. She liked knowledgeable people: "Hello, I have a strong interest in mecha knowledge. Maybe we can communicate more when we have time."

"That must be possible. I like to exchange knowledge with people the most." Teacher He is extremely happy. In addition to teaching, he now helps guide the research and development of various mecha technologies. He needs to communicate with high-level people to broaden his horizons.

The food in the kitchen was almost ready. After getting to know each other, Aunt Lin put the delicious dishes on one end, and the aroma spread throughout the house before they even started to eat, which caused Brahmin Kaul to marvel: "It smells good. "

Pan Yuguo has never eaten in Mr. He’s home. After trying a chopstick, he nodded and said, “It’s so delicious. Auntie, your craftsmanship is definitely a chef level. None of the chefs in our base can catch up with you.”

Brahman Kaur echoed: "Yes, I have eaten similar meals in the image or the last time Joey came to Chen Feng's to cook. You two are the best craftsmen I have ever encountered."

"Hahaha, it's too exaggerated, I just toss around at home." Aunt Lin smiled from ear to ear, and being able to get everyone's agreement made her very happy. The room was full of laughter.

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