Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2135: change

"Cut! I have only been a pilot for a few years and I don’t know how many catties I’ve been. Give me a break!" Smith hated Chen Feng’s persistent spirit. He swung a giant sword backhand to block Chen Feng’s attack, and then quickly split it. Seven swords repelled Chen Feng.

This time Chen Feng felt Smith's change. The opponent was more organized than before when he made moves. The continuous attacks he wanted to perform were actually cracked by him before they started. This discovery made Chen Feng realize that it was not good.

After repelling Chen Feng twice in a row, Smith became proud: "Didn't I say that you are making rapid progress, but you are still far from catching up with me. Don't think you can suppress me again. The future battle will I will be the master!"

Smith was very arrogant, but Chen Feng couldn't refute it. It is a fact that he was forced to retreat twice in a row. The process of killing Smith seemed to be ups and downs. In the past, he was a little too optimistic. .

Smith regained the initiative to Chen Feng psychologically. He has been a pilot for nearly twice as long as Chen Feng. He has very rich combat experience and can blend in well when fighting most pilots.

However, the born Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were driving two very unique special planes, which made Smith's past experience almost invalid. He had never fought such an enemy before, and it was inevitable that he was a little confused in the battle.

Coupled with the influence of a series of external factors, Smith often failed to fight in his best condition, and thus failed several times. These failures gave Smith a lot of motivation. He has been reminiscing about the technical characteristics of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin in his mind these days, imagining how he should handle it better, and now he has some clues.

In order to avoid being dragged by Chen Feng and being siege, Smith incorporated some of the methods he thought of into the battle and achieved results. He successfully repelled Chen Feng who was chasing him, and verified that these methods were effective.

Smith was just like taking a reassurance pill. Chen Feng couldn't help but then he could escape his birth smoothly: "Now that you know our gap, if you dare to catch up again, then you won't be able to fight back. Simple!"

"Fighting experience is really important. I can see through my shortcomings in such a short period of time. I probably won't be able to keep you today." Chen Feng admitted frankly that he was inferior to Smith. After all, he had experienced fewer battles than the opponent. many.

Chen Feng stopped the pursuit. Smith took the opportunity to fly back to the camp of his own mecha. After he got a foothold, he recalled the battle with Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin: "The young people in the Qur'an God Republic are very strong. Time to change."

After Smith's departure, the battle completely lost suspense, and the Quran God Republic won another big victory, proving that the last victory was not a good luck, and keeping it going might really overthrow the Saint Gama Empire.

After that, the two countries fought several battles on the homeland of the Chu Timor Federation. Without exception, the Republic of the Qur'an God won the victory. They have never been disadvantaged in the field of top pilots, thus winning new cities successively.

What makes people feel strange is that even though the Saint Gama Empire has been defeated, Griffin has never come to help. He does not even know where others have gone. The spy sent by Commander Ma can never find him. position.

What exactly does Griffin want to do? Everyone was wondering if he was brewing a blow to the Quran God Republic, but until the Saint Gama Empire left only a northern island in the homeland of the Ju Timor Federation, Griffin was still dead. Not seeing the dead body is like the world has evaporated.

Does Griffin don't want to intervene in the battle here? Chen Feng didn't think it was. He thought Griffin was delayed because of something more important. Otherwise, as the totem of the Saint Gama Empire, how could he watch his country fail and remain indifferent.

Where is Griffin? What does he want to do? No one wants to figure out the answer, but even the leader of the Saint Gama Empire could not contact Griffin. According to the news from the homeland of the Ju Timor Federation, the mecha troops of the Qur'an Republic have already come to the city. If Fen still has no news, then I can only give it a hand.

The Saint Gama Empire definitely does not want to be driven out, even if there is no Griffin, it will fight against the Republic of the Gods of Quran, defeat their arrogance, and defend its largest country and the strongest country with the strongest mecha. Dignity.

Smith has adapted to the battle with Chen Feng and Hong Bin. Every time he fought with them separately, he performed quite well, and there was no crisis of defeat again. The other Robertson and others are also doing their best to participate in the battle. Each top pilot has played his strongest level to fight against each other, showing unprecedented unity.

But without Griffin, the Saint Gama Empire is ultimately inferior to the Quran God Republic in terms of the strength of the top pilots. Every time it has to send several people to besiege two of Chen Feng, Hongshuibin and Pan Yuguo, and let them The combat effectiveness pales in comparison.

For this reason, the Saint Gama Empire had to send another machine emperor to come to strengthen it at the cost of reducing its own domestic defense power to strengthen its combat power on the homeland of the Ju Timor Federation, and finally stabilized its position slightly and maintained its subtlety. Balance.

After several battles, the people of the Qur'an God Republic became more and more confident. They found that they already had the strength comparable to the Saint Gama Empire, and even surpassed the opponent with the help of three generations of mechas. The probability of victory was very high. .

The pilots’ belief in this way made Pan Bayi very gratified, because it meant that they would no longer be constrained by the past experience of being invaded by the Saint Gama Empire, and would no longer be difficult to fight because of the fear in their hearts. Give full play to strength.

Chen Feng fought with Smith three times. He could feel the gradual improvement of the other party, so he found Hung Shui Bin during a rest one day: "Shui Bin, have you noticed that Smith has become different? The battle is getting harder and harder? Dealt with."

"Yes, I felt that he was quite impatient in the past few times in the fight against him, but recently it has almost disappeared, and it has become very difficult to defeat him." Hong Bin also felt the same, and even sometimes he was almost hit by him during the battle. hurt.

"It may be that we inspired his ability to learn as a pilot. In the past, he did not meet an opponent of the same level when he was in the creation organization. Now he has to make changes in order to kill us." Chen Feng guessed Smith. Some changes have taken place, and it is definitely positive to benefit him.

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