Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2302: Hand-to-hand combat

Smith was busy fighting with more than a thousand enemy planes on the opposite side. He did not notice the crisis in the Saint Gama Empire, so he didn't know what the Minister of Military would do to remove the mechas. He cursed very annoyedly: "You What are you doing? Are you trying to hurt me!"

"Why am I hurting you?" The Secretary of the Military Department didn't understand what Smith was talking about. Everyone was working hard to win the battle in the Pacific. How could I hurt Smith and said, "Now the country needs rescue, we must first manage that. side."

"There is an enemy in the country? It seems that only retreat." Actually the homeland was out of state, and Smith figured out what happened. In this case, he had nothing to say, and hurriedly ended the communication and prepared for a more brutal battle.

After fighting for so long, both sides have paid a huge price. No one wants to let the other side leave safely, so the side who wants to leave the battle must pay a higher price. Smith has foreseen how much he will face in a while.

Sure enough, when the Saint Gama Empire's mecha troops wanted to retreat in an orderly manner, Commander Ma immediately changed the combat strategy and ordered all mechas to move forward, never giving the opponent a chance to easily return to the country.

This is not only to kill the enemy, but also to create opportunities for the pilots who are still fighting on the land of the Saint Gama Empire, and to reduce the return of the Saint Gama Empire as much as possible, so that these pilots can have a greater chance of survival. .

Most pilots can understand the good intentions of Commander Ma. They also know that the enemy retreats mainly because of the efforts of those pilots. Since they have helped themselves lead the enemy away, they have to do something for them. contribution.

Every pilot of the Qur'an God Republic is pursuing desperately, even more attentively than in the previous battles. The ancients once said that they would reciprocate themselves, and they would never disappoint those who gave up their lives to perform the mission of death.

Smith shot and intercepted the mecha that was catching up, while secretly frightened, these enemies were as crazy as they were. They were obviously far inferior in strength, but they rushed forward without hesitation. Do they think they are immortal.

The pilots of the Qur'an Republic of course have no immortality. Smith has defeated at least fifty or sixty mechas along the way, but the pilots in the back are still succeeding. Every time a person falls, another person will make up for it, and he did not stay at all. Out of space.

Smith felt very tired, and it was a great consumption for him to continue to break the mecha, not to mention the promise that this would also be very crazy chasing behind his **** and attacking, the "dead" suffered several violent blows. Blow.

As the armor of the fuselage was broken down, the "Necromancer" had begun to emit thick smoke in several places. Smith took a little look at the main joints. The promised attack was very purposeful. It was to destroy him. Flexibility in battle.

Once Smith’s actions come to a halt, the mighty Koran God Republic mecha in front of him will deal a fatal blow to him. He promises to be very clever. He knows that his strength is not enough to kill Smith, so he wants to rely on the masses. His power caused him to kill him. As long as he did the harassment work well, others would complete the subsequent processes.

Smith feels more and more insecure. The enemy on the opposite side is stronger and more cunning than the other, and abruptly wipes out the advantages he has created so hard that he might become their prey. This is a joke.

Smith didn’t want to turn himself into a joke, so he paid special attention to the promised attack, and avoided all the attacks of the demigod pilot. There was also the sniping of Brahman Kaul and Nangong Mengdie, which also cost him no expense. Less energy.

Mainly constrained by these three people, Smith could do less in other areas. Nangong Phantom Butterfly saw that he could not play much role in the battle with Smith, so he took Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling to attack the retreating. Enemy plane.

Zheng Zhirong charged forward with the equipped multi-faceted shield to resist the artillery fire. Ji Ling followed him with a dagger and exploded a fatal blow. The combined power of the two was quite good. Any enemy they were looking at became fish in the sea. food.

Nangong Magic Butterfly acts independently. Because of the special ability of her modified aircraft, the tactics of shooting a shot and then changing to another place is most suitable for her. However, driving the modified aircraft around to eliminate the most threatening enemies for the two so that they have safety environment of.

Often when the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire still focused on Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling, they were approached by the Nangong Phantom Butterfly unknowingly, stabbed through the deadly part, and saw a mecha suddenly appear and again. Disappeared quickly.

This should be the mysterious and invisible modified machine of the Quran God Republic. The pilot of the Saint Gama Empire wanted to warn his companions, but the attack of the Nangong Phantom Butterfly had cut off their vitality, and their eyes went dark before they went out. The alarm was killed in Huangquan.

The small group of three people is very efficient, chasing the Saint Gama Empire mecha units and killing them all the time. Originally, the other party's retreat was very structured. It was so messed up by them and completely messed up. No one knows if there is one around him. Invisible enemies exist.

In order to prevent the Nangong Phantom from being silently killed, the Saint Gama Empire pilots all danced around with their weapons. As long as the Nangong Phantom gets closer, they will definitely be blocked, but this invisibly pulled them away from each other. The distance between them has caused loopholes in the formation that will be broken, but in order to save their lives, the pilots can no longer take care of that much.

Nangong Phantom Butterfly saw that the enemy had changed his combat strategy, so he stopped making meaningless attempts to call his troops over. Then the Saint Gama Empire’s mechas appeared far apart, and there was a large wave of Guran God Republic machines. A rushed in.

The Saint Gama’s Imperial Mecha, which was too late to reattach, could not isolate the enemy’s impact. Soon they were filled with enemies who had just rushed in. The battle became more chaotic. Every pilot might not be himself in all directions. people.

The mechas of the two sides are intertwined and cannot distinguish you and me. After a melee, no one is sure that they can win, but this is advantageous for the Qur'an God Republic, because they dragged the other side back to the mainland. The friendly forces on the side can get more time, and if they handle it well, they might have a chance to escape after the harassment is complete.

Griffin wanted to quickly defeat the two young Gods of War in front of him, but his state inevitably declined, and he could no longer be suppressed as strongly as before. In a short period of time, the battle would not be over.

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