Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2305: Life and death

It was indeed the special planes of their own country, "World Breaking" and "Candle Lightning Youying". The captain was right. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin really came to save themselves. The pilots hiding behind the mountain seemed to have seen the vitality, and they made it back. There is hope of leaving here alive!

The pilot who rekindled hope was about to rush out of the mountain, but he was stopped by the captain: "Stop it all. Now the enemy's defense line has not leaked. Don't you rush out to find death? Wait a little longer. Happening!"

Since the mecha troops of the Qur'an God Republic have basically returned to the islands, the Saint Gama Empire never expected that they would come again, and the people who came were Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin, and the unfinished defense line appeared loose. .

The top God of War is not something that just a few pilots can contend, let alone no precautions. The Saint Gama Empire’s mechas have been shot down constantly. A rough count of at least nearly 50 mechas in this round of conflict. Lose combat effectiveness.

When encountering such a powerful enemy, the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire naturally sought help from above. Their military minister was deploying a strangulation plan against the enemy aircraft on the territory, and they heard the request for help: "Chen Feng and Hongshuibin are alone. Came to the coastline?"

When the Minister of Military Department asked, he ran to the window and saw two special planes flying high in the air. They were indeed the two Gods of War of the Qur'an Republic: "Quickly notify the'Gun God' and Smith and let them intercept These two!"

"Also! Notify all the other aircraft kings and tell them to attack together. Since Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin have no other helpers around, let them all stay today!" The communications officer was about to make contact and was stopped by the military minister. , This time he asked the communications officer to contact all the top pilots. This is a very good opportunity to cut off the future of the Republic of the Quran.

"Yes!" The communications officer kept in touch with one person after another, telling them about the appearance of Chen Feng and Hong Bin, as well as the decision of the Minister of Military Affairs, hoping that they could take action together to take down the two who committed the danger alone.

After Smith came back, he was irritated that his plan had failed again. As a result, he was happy when he received this order. If he could kill Chen Feng and Hong Bin, it would be much more important than his plan, and it would also eliminate the hidden danger of future revenge.

The other machine emperors also accepted the task unwillingly, and the other party ran to their door. It was an action beneficial to the country. They had no reason to refuse. As for Griffin hesitated for a while, saying that he would decide not to attack depending on the situation.

Griffin is very optimistic about the future development of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin, and he does not want to participate in the siege operation. I think there should be no problem with Smith adding other fighters in the past, and there are thousands of mechas next to him. Will be defeated.

Griffin is not willing to participate in the Secretary of the Military. There is nothing to say. He can order not to move the opponent, and he also thinks that the current lineup is enough. There is no need to bother Griffin to take action. He only has to do. What is waiting for the good news to come.

While launching the attack, Chen Feng noticed that there were multiple special planes moving in his direction. It seemed that the Saint Gama Empire wanted to leave the two of them forever, and reminded Hongshui Bin: "The Saint Gama Empire is serious. Be careful not to be surrounded by them."

"I know, they definitely want to use this opportunity to kill both of us, and they can't let them get what they want." Hong Bin nodded and said that he knew it. He charged and swept down a piece of mecha before returning to Chen Feng's side. "It's almost time to retreat."

Even if the Saint Gama Empire’s special planes were not approaching, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were very uncomfortable with the attacks of thousands of mechas around them. They found opportunities to attack several times but in the end they still needed to evacuate, otherwise they would become mountains. The enemy planes into the sea were submerged.

The purpose of the two people coming here is to save people, not to trap themselves. When the other's special planes are all in place, it will be too late. They have to line to a safe enough place and then talk about how to save people.

Smith was the last person who didn't want to let Chen Feng and Hong Bin go off. After seeing the two keep backing up, he urged others to continue chasing them: "Everyone catches up together. Today, we must not let them go!"

All the machine emperors know Smith's mind. This guy just wants to avenge his private vengeance and destroy the two most dangerous enemies. Usually he is pretending to be grandson because of his lack of strength. Now he finally has the opportunity to immediately start to cry.

But now everyone is fighting for the Saint Gama Empire, so there is no machine king to question Smith's actions. They speed up to chase Chen Feng and Hong Bin who want to leave, looking for a way to keep them.

As for the surrounding Saint Gama Empire mechs, following the actions of the top pilots, some loopholes appeared in the coastline defense line temporarily. The captain behind the hill saw it and rushed out as soon as he saw it: "Everyone, rush with me. , Success or failure in one fell swoop!"

Other pilots also rushed out with their mechas. The Saint Gama empire pilots over there noticed the changes on the land. Some people turned their directions to intercept them, and wanted to wipe out all the enemies who ran with their legs.

Under the rain of bullets, the two dozen mechas were hit one after another. Before they reached the coastline, half of the mechas were lost. The rest of the people continued to bury their heads. They were not sad but could not waste others. Human effort.

After all the hardships, how could they easily give up here? Therefore, the people who were still alive tried their best to break through the Saint Gama Empire's defense line. They played a speed that they had never reached before and quickly came to the coastline.

They did not entangle the surrounding enemy planes too much. All the mechas of the Quran God Republic that came to the coast rushed into the water. They dived down with all their strength to increase the distance from the enemy planes, using their mechas to be more adapted to underwater movement Features swimming outwards.

Saint Gama’s empire pilots would not stop their attacks because of this. In addition to some people still holding weapons and shooting continuously, some people drove mechs into the water and surrounded them from all directions to the enemy planes that wanted to escape. They were not given any escape. opportunity.

There was another fight between the two sides underwater. Although they had a lot of advantage in the water, the number was too small after all. The mechas of the Qur'an God Republic were shot down, and only five mechas rushed out. Encircle the circle.

The five lone seedlings rushed forward at full speed, breaking through the sea water ahead and throwing away the Saint Gama Empire mecha, but they soon fell into despair, because there were new enemy planes ahead, and there were too many enemies around the coastline. , They can get rid of the nearest batch, but they can't avoid another batch of enemies who have just arrived far away.

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