Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2336: Total suppression

Being stimulated by Chen Feng, Smith's state suddenly improved a lot, and his anger value increased, he even opened the beam rifle attacked by Chen Feng, and almost slashed the "World Breaking" with a sword, if it hadn't been killed by floating artillery. To intercept Chen Feng, the lottery must first be drawn.

Smith's uprising made Chen Feng more energetic. The enemy in front of him still retains a very strong combat power. Contempt for the opponent will make the battle go in a bad direction, so Chen Feng no longer wants to attack with concentration.

Once Chen Feng was completely serious, Smith felt tremendous pressure, especially as the beam cage got closer and closer, his heart became more and more frightened. This is Chen Feng’s most powerful killer move. Once trapped, he still How to escape?

In order to avoid being surrounded by the beam cage, Smith began to jump up and down again. He controlled the "dead" to rampage and tried to stay away from Chen Feng, especially the beam cage, but Chen Feng always followed him tightly and couldn't get rid of it.

This is the change brought about by Chen Feng's transformation of the beam rifle into close combat. In the past, when he was shooting from a distance, the enemy would suddenly accelerate and change direction, and there would be a delay in re-targeting, so Often be thrown away.

But since the beam rifle can adapt to close combat, this problem has been solved. Chen Feng waved the beam rifle and directly chased him up, using the beam in the front of the gun head to block Smith's forward path, and other floating guns took advantage of the opportunity to transfer the beam.

Smith can only break away a short distance at most and then Chen Feng catches up again. The two special planes are chasing after me. Basically, they are not separated by more than one kilometer. Therefore, the beam cage gradually comes to Smith's side.

Seeing many light beams whizzing and circling on his right side seemingly powerful, Smith was frightened. He believed that the "dead" could not last for a few minutes under the blow of so many light beams, and Chen Feng would devour himself alive.

Smith, who was frightened by the beam cage, wanted to escape again, but he had no other means to use. The closer the beam cage was to the target, Chen Feng became more focused. Not only was Smith unable to get rid of Chen Feng, but the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

"Are you gay? Don't get close to me!" Smith blurted out a word in the panic, accusing Chen Feng of being too close to him, like a pervert who harassed the same sex.

Chen Feng was stunned after hearing this. What kind of statement was this? Didn't the two fight in mechas? What did this have to do with gender? Then he wanted to understand why this was because it was a manifestation of Smith's confusion.

Smith yelled at Chen Feng for being too close while trying hard to advance to a safe place, but Chen Feng was not a vegetarian. He used the beam rifle and floating cannon to firmly block his escape route. He tried hard for a long time to advance. Two kilometers.

Two kilometers is a drop in the bucket for Smith. In order to chase down the fleeing enemy plane, he flew out of the coastline about tens of thousands of meters away. Just two kilometers is not worth mentioning for tens of thousands of meters. Staying in place is no different

Smith couldn't get rid of Chen Feng, and the beam cage was finally late. The beam cage constructed by many beams was a little slow, but there was absolutely no problem with its power. As soon as he approached Smith, he was swept in.

A beam cage formed by countless light beams, the outermost beams spread to both sides, opened the blood basin and swallowed Smith. Smith wanted to escape from his mouth, but Chen Feng lengthened the beam of the front part of the beam rifle. Blocked it back.

"Fuck!!!" Smith didn't dare to imagine the consequences of falling into the beam cage, but now he didn't want to enter and has already entered. The airtight wave of beams is constantly spinning around the "dead", and has no intention of attacking him for the time being.

What does Chen Feng want to do? Smith couldn't help but think of Chen Feng's purpose, why he was not eager to kill himself, now that all the preparation procedures have been completed, the beam cage burst out with all he can basically be unable to stop him.

When Smith was thinking about it, the beam inside the beam cage hovered at high speed. Even if Smith surrounded Chen Feng, he still felt that the success rate of killing the opponent was not high enough. He was still increasing the number of beams in the beam cage to be foolproof.

After the beam cage wrapped Smith, the four floating cannons originally used to chase and intercept Smith were also added to it. Smith rushed twice but was blocked by the continuous beam of light, and the situation became more and more critical.

The speed of the beam growth is far stronger than Smith’s destruction speed, and Chen Feng also hides in the beam and attacks together, making Smith even more unpredictable. The beam is constantly coming in. Here you have to guard against Chen Feng’s from time to time. Strike out.

Smith was very uncomfortable every time Chen Feng shot. The beam rifle in Chen Feng's hand was not like a long-range weapon at all. It had repeatedly played unexpected roles in face-to-face confrontations, and Smith's synthetic giantsword barely blocked the increasingly dense impact.

Although the giant sword could protect most areas of the "dead", its flexibility was greatly reduced. Smith couldn't move freely while holding a giant sword, and Chen Feng took advantage of the void to control the beam and hit the joints one after another.

The joints were originally the weakest position of the mecha. Under Chen Feng’s deliberate control, they caused quite serious damage. In particular, the artificial muscles were almost completely torn, making the "dead" more inactive when moving. smooth.

When Smith noticed something wrong, the artificial muscles in the joints of the "Necromancer" were almost completely destroyed. Every time he acted, he became a halt, just like a puppet, stopped in such a fierce battle. Very fatal.

As soon as there was a problem with Smith's operation, Chen Feng rushed to bite the opponent mercilessly, and the front beam of the beam rifle was expanded to the opposite side, attacking Smith in the most violent way, and then cooperated with the more powerful swordsmanship to increase the power. .

Smith became more and more unstoppable. Caton’s movements made it very difficult for him to wield the giant sword. He finally moved to the place he wanted but couldn’t make any effort. Chen Feng’s beam rifle hit the giant sword with great strength. Without relief, it is directly transmitted to the whole body.

The damage to the joints and the tearing of the artificial muscles made the "Necromancer" lose the ability to slow down the vibration. Every attack of Chen Feng would make this special machine tremble more and more, and all the vibrations were transmitted to Smith without reservation. Body.

In the unstoppable shock, Smith’s bones were shaken to the point of falling apart. He tried his best to ride on the driver’s seat to resist the power of the shock, but he couldn’t stop the violent shock that comes from every collision. It feels really uncomfortable.

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