Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2343: Repeated obstacles

"Why, you can't stop me for long, maybe you will die because of it, aren't you afraid of death?" Griffin saw that Pan Yuguo showed no signs of wavering, he couldn't help asking this young man, could the other person die to death? No concept?

How could Pan Yuguo not be afraid of death? He showed his talent in the field of mecha driving when he was a child. He was expected to learn from the family. After he finished his studies, he was sought after by everyone. He still has a very big future. Where would he want to die? .

Staring at Griffin as he is getting closer, Pan Yuguo frankly treated each other: "I'm afraid of death, but Chen Feng's life is more valuable than me. I must protect his safety, perhaps because of this at the cost of my life. I don’t hesitate too!"

Pan Yuguo's words moved Griffin. It would be great if Smith also had the consciousness of this young man. In many cases, it was not that Smith was not strong enough, but because he lacked this desperate spirit that made him repeatedly fail.

Griffin throbbed in his heart, which also caused him to adjust his wrist movements. The two spears were split into front and back swings and attacked by the sword-drawing technique that Pan Yuguo used to cut with all his strength. Then he stabbed into the chest of the "crazy war". , Knock it into the air with a strong flick.

"Crazy Fight" suffered a heavy blow and flew away without Pan Yuguo's control. Pan Yuguo tried his best to keep it stable but could not do it. Griffin's flick contained very high-speed skills, making his special plane almost impossible. Completely paralyzed.

However, despite the inability of the "crazy war" to act, Pan Yuguo's life was very safe. Griffin did not intend to kill him, but threw Pan Yuguo to a place where he could no longer be hindered by his own extraordinary skills, and rushed to Chen Feng again. .

Pan Yuguo and Griffin didn’t even have time to fight for five seconds. Don’t underestimate this short five seconds. Pan Yuguo really felt the power of the top pilot’s full force and benefited a lot from it, and waited for him to digest it. There must be a lot of diligence.

Although Pan Yuguo was quickly defeated, he still bought a little time for Chen Feng and Xu Xu. With this time Chen Feng flew forward again, and Xu Xu also seized the time to fly up, replacing Pan Yuguo and blocking it. Griffin.

Griffin's patience is limited. In the face of enemies who are on the road again and again, he decides to increase the power of the attack. As for life or death, it depends on the opponent's good fortune. Otherwise, it will really be caused by Chen Feng. Escape.

Using two guns to fire on Promise, Griffin did not keep his hands anymore. Every beam of light ran towards the deadly part of the promise. Promise immediately felt Griffin’s changes. He did not dare to neglect and fired beams to intercept. .

The promised beam was not Griffin's opponent at all. I saw the beam flying from Griffin’s side crushed all of the promised side, and only lost a few of them, and soon the promised beam would not be protected. attack.

Griffin's beam attack angle was extremely tricky, and he promised to rack his brains to avoid only part of it. In the end, he was hit by many beams directly on the fuselage, spinning and falling into the sea with smoke.

"Master!" Chen Feng, who was fleeing, saw the promise to fall to the sea on the radar, and couldn't help but want to fly back to rescue her teacher.

"Don't come here! Hurry up!" Chen Feng was promised and strictly forbidden as soon as he showed signs of this. He did not lose consciousness. Among the few people present, Chen Feng absolutely must not have an accident. He would rather die than let him. Chen Feng is in danger.

The promised voice made Chen Feng hesitate. He didn't want to let his mentor and Pan Yuguo fight desperately because of himself, but from a rational point of view, his departure was the best choice. It was the life of others and his own, Chen Feng Can't make a decision.

Chen Feng was hesitating, but Griffin would not be entangled. He speeded up to Chen Feng to solve the biggest threat. Once one of the Geminis of the Quran God Republic dies, at least the Saint Gama Empire can be assured of peace of mind for decades.

He promised that he wanted to stop Griffin again, but he had more than enough energy. The thruster and many armors behind "Dark Night" were damaged. Not only could it not guarantee the flight speed in the air, but it was also difficult to stabilize his figure.

He fell into the sea with a puff, and promised that he could not control the mecha until the end. On the other side, Pan Yuguo had difficulty alleviating the impact. He wanted to step forward again, but found that the Tang Dao in his hand was broken in two, and the thruster was the same All destroyed.

Griffin's goal is very clear. He will fully weaken Promise and Pan Yuguo's mobility to prevent them from getting in the way. So far, everything is going smoothly according to his plan. In three to five minutes, he can take Chen Feng away. life.

The closer Griffin is to success, the more focused. There are many people in this world who fell before success, and Smith is the same. If he hadn't let his guard down because of Griffin's arrival, how could he be caught by Chen Feng? Chance to kill.

Griffin would not make such a mistake. He raised two guns and prepared to attack the floating guns and propellers behind the "World Breaking". There is still a long distance from the Republic of the God of Qur'an. Chen Feng lost his mobility. Easy to do.

Just when Griffin locked Chen Feng on the offensive, suddenly a beam of light came straight towards him, if Griffin hadn't reacted quickly to dodge to the left, his special plane would almost be hit on the right shoulder.

The reason Griffin would dodge this beam attack is that he felt dangerous. This beam was definitely not something ordinary people could attack. So he looked up and saw Hongshuibin driving "Candle Light Youying" approaching. .

After Chen Feng saw Griffin and killed Smith to escape, Hong Bin gave up his plan to fight the mecha near the coastline and started to approach Chen Feng. He knew that Chen Feng was definitely not Griffin's opponent, even if he promised and Pan Yuguogang Coming over to help still won't be much help. Chen Feng needs herself most, and there is nothing to do with Griffin.

So Hong Bin hurriedly hurried, and finally took advantage of the superior speed of "Candle Light Youying" to catch up with the few people who were fighting. After he arrived, Griffin couldn't help but shook his head: "This is bad!"

Griffin has an absolute advantage no matter which person he is facing, but the combination of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin can barely stop him. When the two people are together, he will not want to kill Chen Feng, leaving it to Ge Riffin's time is running out.

After seeing Hong Bin, Griffin immediately turned around to look at Xiang Chen Feng, and constantly squeezed the triggers of the two guns in his hands, bursting out a large number of beams, all heading for "World Breaking" and wanted to pounce before Hong Bin came over. Kill Chen Feng.

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