Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2359: testify

"Safety can now be guaranteed. What happened to you?" Commander Ma wondered why Chen Feng was so cautious. Then he thought of the attack on Wanling Temple, "You want to know the follow-up on Wanling Temple. Huh? The spy who attacked you was shot dead on the spot by the abbot. The surrounding tourists later learned the truth and expressed their understanding. I will definitely prevent the spy from appearing again."

The abbot on the spot killed the Saint Gama spy who wanted to fight back and caused a riot among tourists who did not know the truth. They thought that the abbot of Wanling Temple, Caosuga, rushed over to seek justice for the dead.

Although the monks of Wanling Temple are protecting the abbot, their number is far less than that of tourists, and they can't make the situation escalate. Seeing that the tourists are getting closer and closer, the situation is about to escalate into a large-scale event.

At this time, the abbot suddenly raised his head and roared loudly. The strong voice made the surrounding tourists have to cover their ears. Otherwise, they were worried that their eardrums would be ruptured. This shows how profound the abbot's skill is.

After yelling to calm the tourists a little bit, the abbot continued to say in this voice: “I know you don’t understand why I killed someone. Please give me some time to prove it. I’m doing this to protect everyone’s safety. ."

After speaking, the abbot waved his hands. The two monks next to him lifted the spy’s body and picked up the bomb he had dropped. They held it in their palms and walked around in front of many tourists, and then pulled the safety ring away. Throw it away from the crowd.

The bomb exploded in the air, and the huge explosion sound was stronger than the abbot's roar, causing some tourists to be stunned in cold sweat, thinking that if the bomb was thrown on their side, they would definitely be dead.

"He is a spy of the Saint Gama Empire. He just took out a bomb and wanted to launch a terrorist attack. I can only kill him. I hope everyone can understand." After the abbot said briefly what had just happened, he specially sent Chen Feng to Wanling. The news of the temple is hidden to avoid extraneous branches. There are many things that don't need to be said all.

Now the tourists can finally understand the abbot’s actions, and the people who were close to saw the spy’s blond and blue-eyed look. It was definitely not the appearance of the people of the Republic of the God of Quran. They told the people behind that the abbot was a foreigner. .

Everyone already knows that Chen Feng killed Smith, so the Saint Gama Empire will definitely retaliate. It is foreseeable to send people over to carry out terrorist attacks. Especially Wanling Temple is where Chen Feng’s parents’ spiritual seat is located, and it is easier to be targeted by bad guys. .

Combined with the power of the bomb just now, the tourists gradually believed the abbot's words. It was for the safety of these people that he did not care about his identity and acted in the public. He should be blamed.

"I have notified the military that there will be troops coming soon. The spy will be handed over to them by then, and I will also be investigated by the military. Wanling Temple will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer." The abbot continued righteously. In the right words, he will continue to strengthen tourists' trust in Wanling Temple, and calm the emotions of tourists with the news that soldiers are about to arrive at the scene to take over.

Sure enough, after hearing that the troops were about to arrive, the tourists no longer clashed with the monks. They calmly stood by and waited, wanting to see the final result. After all, it was a life. They had to see if they had to talk to the abbot. The same.

The troops stationed nearby arrived at the scene quickly. Wanling Temple is a very important temple in the Qulan God Republic, so there are troops stationed next to it all year round. They rushed over as soon as they received the news of the Wanling Temple incident. .

The abbot let the monk out of the way, and the soldiers passed the tourists to the front of the dead spy. They carefully checked the spy’s body and found a secret button on his abdomen, and this button directly proved that the other party was a spy of the Saint Gama Empire .

The leader of the team nodded to the abbot to indicate that he knew the truth, and then said to the tourists approaching around: “Don’t worry, as far as my inspection is concerned, this person is indeed a spy of the Saint Gama Empire. Take the corpse back to conduct a more in-depth investigation. Once the investigation results are available, they will be announced immediately, and everyone will not be disappointed."

Now the tourists were completely relieved. Even the military admitted that the deceased was a spy. They had nothing to worry about. It was enough to wait patiently for the final result, so they gradually dispersed and continued to visit and worship in Wanling Temple.

However, the death of the Wanling Temple still caused a certain impact. Many tourists always felt flustered during the tour, and hurriedly walked through it and left quickly. It seems that the Wanling Temple today is particularly depressed.

The abbot realized that the human life incident would have a bad impact, so he asked all the monks in the temple to chant the death curse together, to save the spies who had just died in the temple, and to soothe tourists' emotions.

Listening to the sound of chanting around one after another, the tourists became more and more calm. Although there was still a hint of fear about the death of the spy in their hearts, it was much better than it was at the beginning. Finally, they can shuttle in the Wanling Temple relatively normally.

The troops directly took the spy's corpse back. By the way, they also helped Wanling Temple to clean up the ground to ensure that there were no blood stains and bomb fragments on the ground. Then everyone returned to the station neatly and prepared to investigate the identity of the spy.

At this time, Chen Feng's family had reached a safe position. Chen Feng deliberately contacted the commander of the troops through the abbot and told him what had happened to him in Wanling Temple, saying that this man had been following himself and tried to attack when he left.

The abbot made the move because he saw that this person wanted to attack him. Chen Feng said that if the abbot was to be punished for killing someone, he would be willing to take responsibility with him. After all, the other party was to help him.

After arranging the affairs in the temple, the abbot hurried to the army station and explained the situation to them. Because the spy would rather pay the price of his life and insist on detonating the bomb, he had to kill him to ensure the safety of surrounding tourists.

Combining the testimony of Chen Feng and the abbot, the commander of the army can determine that they did not want to kill a foreigner for no reason, and then through an autopsy of the body, he found a bomb hidden in his body and could not find any information about the entry of the person. It shows that he entered the Qur'an God Republic illegally in order to carry out a terrorist attack, and naturally he cannot punish those who killed him.

The bomb in the corpse is unique to the Saint Gama Empire, and only they can put such a sophisticated but extremely powerful bomb in the spy. If he succeeds in approaching Chen Feng, it will be chilling to think about the results. .

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