Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2361: In a hurry

Griffin, of course, cannot allow the defender to cause constant damage. He combined his two guns to sniper. Each attack can destroy at least one turret, and several surrounding mechas will be destroyed. The line of defense is under his attack. Slowly torn.

The Guran’s Republic’s mechas have lost a lot of money. After some discussions, some pilots put up their shields to block the front of the fort. They wanted to combine the power of everyone to block Griffin’s sniper, but they didn’t hold the shields for a few seconds before they were powerful. The beam penetrated, and none of the participating mechas could survive, including the turrets at the rear that also failed to escape the attack.

The mecha and the fort exploded together. The tragic scene made the surrounding pilots look very sad. Is Griffin so strong? It is so terrible that so many mechas can't resist his attack!

Although the surrounding companions were killed one after another in Griffin's snipers, the pilots of the Gulan God Republic did not lose their confidence. They were determined to defend the remaining islands, even if they sacrificed their lives, they would keep the enemy out.

Griffin continued to kill the defenders on the island, and the defensive firepower on the island gradually weakened. The Saint Gama empire mechs behind also got the opportunity to start approaching the island. When they landed, they would surely bring another **** storm.

At this time Hongbin finally hurried back. He drove the "Candle Light Youying" to launch the beam cannon, and blasted several mechas that were about to rush to the Battleship Island into fragments, blocking the gap by himself: "Don't want to land, who dares to come over? I will kill anyone!"

"Then you have to ask me whether I can agree!" Griffin shot directly and forced Hongbin to retreat. He couldn't let Hongbin leave. Since Hongbin flew back to fight, he must drive him away. Let other mechas pass.

He smoothly forced Hongbin away. Griffin shouted to the surrounding pilots: "Go! Don't worry, I will guard you by the side. Don't worry about the threat from Floodbin. He can't do anything with me."

Griffin assured the pilots that he would take care of Flood Bin, and he did the same. He raised a synthetic sniper rifle and chased Flood Bin to attack and pushed him farther and farther, and there was no way to return to Warship Island. Participate in defense.

Even with the fastest Falcon form, Hong Bin still can't get rid of Griffin's lock. Several snipers flew past the armor on his side, and he was almost able to win the prize. In short, it was very thrilling. .

Hong Bin doesn’t think he can compete with Griffin, so his purpose is very clear, which is to hold Griffin for as long as possible, and to lead the opponent as far away from the warship island as possible. The defender above is gone.

But Griffin was so tricky. He stopped after chasing Hongbin for a certain distance. He waved his hand to Hongbin: "I still have a task, so I won't play with you. Goodbye. "

After talking about Griffin, he attacked the warship island again. Hong Bin jumped his feet in a hurry and quickly turned around and rushed to Griffin. The situation on the warship island was finally difficult after he led Griffin away. Better, he must never let the other party go back.

And what Griffin was waiting for was that Hongbin took the initiative to approach him. What he did just now was just to seduce the other party. Hongbin really took the plunge and immediately split his two spears and used the two-gun fighting technique to attack Hongbin. attack.

It was only then that Hongbin realized that he had been fooled. Griffin no longer fought rigidly as before, but began to adopt a more flexible response strategy, which would undoubtedly increase his influence on the battlefield.

Griffin decisively changed his mind after trying to break through and failed. Now Chen Feng and Hongshuibin are growing in strength. If he does not make changes, he will only be left behind by the two of them. Therefore, fighting more proactively becomes his New approach.

Griffin who adopted a strategy is very difficult to deal with. Hong Bin was tricked into fighting him and suffered continuous injuries. The scars on the body of "Candle Light Youying" became more visible to the naked eye. It would not take a few minutes to continue at this speed. He will be defeated.

Although he is very disadvantaged, Hong Bin still gritted his teeth and fought Griffin. He was unwilling to affect the battle on Warship Island. This island is the hope of the Qur'an Republic for subsequent battles. If it falls Then all their actions will be greatly hindered, so Hongbin said nothing to ask for help.

It was Commander Ma who noticed the predicament of Hongshuibin. He saw Hongshuibin fighting Griffin for a long time but never changed his form. He thought that Hongshuibin should be trapped, so he dispatched a The support force went to rescue him.

The pilots who can be retained by Commander Ma as the new force are at least ace pilots. They are a team of twenty people who reinforce Hung Hung Bin. The attack they launched together made Griffin cared a little, and made some room for Hung Hung Bin. Take the opportunity to leave.

Hung Hung Bin had no time to thank these pilots. He stared at Griffin's movements and adjusted himself. After he was deceived once, he would not be easily lured by Griffin again. Everything will be very careful.

Since the Qur'an Republic sent people to assist Hongbin, Griffin didn’t want to waste time fighting with him anymore. The special plane was lifted and flew to Warship Island to help his own mechas attack the defense line, destroying several defenses. facility.

The defense line on the warship island is in desperation. No matter which direction the enemy is attacking from, the corresponding defense is close to collapse. The mecha and defense facilities on the island have tried their best, but under Griffin’s leading impact, they have only continued to sacrifice. Copies.

Seeing that the line of defense was about to collapse, the people in the command room began to persuade Commander Ma to leave the warship island as soon as possible to other islands. It is too dangerous to stay on the warship island. It may be possible when the Saint Gama Empire's mech army will land. .

However, Commander Ma refused all suggestions to let him leave. He just wanted to stay on the warship island and coexist and die with the defenders here: "I will not leave, I will fight with everyone here to the last minute! "

If it is not a last resort, Commander Ma will never want to give up the warship island. This island is too important for the Qur'an God Republic. If it is lost, the Saint Gama Empire will regain the initiative in the Pacific, and it will be difficult to send troops to sea in the future. Rise countless times.

Before the defensive line has completely collapsed, Commander Ma will never go. He must stay on the front line to carry out the most appropriate command, and use his determination to coexist and die with the soldiers to inspire the defenders to fight to death and not fight the enemy. Swear not to stop at the last minute.

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