Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2364: New storm

By the time Commander Ma returned to the office, Hong Bin had completely calmed down. During the period, he called Chen Feng to express his congratulations. The two had a lively conversation for a while, and the feelings were as close as they were in childhood. Create barriers.

Promise could not help but join in, and told Chen Feng not to relax in his cultivation. It is not the ultimate goal to increase the synchronization rate to 99. There is still a powerful enemy in front of Griffin. Chen Feng needs to do too much before defeating him. many.

Of course, Chen Feng will not let up. He was able to make such a major breakthrough under the stimulation of Griffin. He knew that there was still a big gap between himself and the opponent, and he would not let himself until he could defeat the opponent. Relax.

Chen Feng also inquired about the battle situation on Gunkanjima, especially about Griffin's performance, because he knew that after he was absent, Hongbin alone could not restrict the other party, even if others worked hard, it would be difficult to provide effective s help.

In front of Chen Feng, Hong Bin did not need to pretend. He vomited bitterly and said that he was too difficult. Griffin continued to attack like he was about to eat himself. He paid a very high price and was still beaten by the opponent. flow.

"You hold on again, I will rush over as soon as possible." Chen Feng said that he will go to Gunkan Island soon. Now he needs to understand how many changes in his various abilities have been made, and then he must target the "World Breaking". Adjustment and transformation.

Sharpening the knife and not chopping wood by mistake, Chen Feng must keep himself at the best level to fight Griffin, so as not to waste his first attack after the breakthrough, and to better help himself. So it will take a few days before he can start.

The promise is the same. Instead of asking Chen Feng to rush over, it's better to give him more time to adapt: ​​"You don't have to come in a hurry, we are not that vulnerable. With today's experience, we can definitely deal with the reappearance of the'gun god'. it is good."

Although he promised to say so, Chen Feng still didn't let his heart down. If Griffin was so good at dealing with him, he would not have long suppressed Murong Fan and Abe Boya of his generation, so he still had to hurry up to avoid long nights and dreams.

After the exchange between the two sides, Hongshui Bin and Xu promised to discuss directly in the office. They had to create a good space for Chen Feng to attack, so that Chen Feng could start the battle without any worries, thus causing a blow to the Saint Gama Empire.

The key to the action fell on Hongshui Bin, who made him the only God of War here. If he does not perform well, no one can replace him. He promised to gently pat the shoulders of Hongshui Bin and said, "Do you have confidence?"

"If you have no confidence, you have to work hard, and you can't delay Chen Feng's debut after the breakthrough!" Hongshui Bin twisted his neck slightly to relieve the stiffness of the muscles, and he was ready to give Griffin a go, so that Chen Feng could attack better. opportunity.

Promise saw through Hongshuibin’s thoughts and directly stopped: "Don’t think about it. Chen Feng’s breakthrough is important, but the Quran God Republic can’t lose you. What should you do if something goes wrong? I think Chen Feng also Can't accept this result."

The promise made Hung Hung Bin calm down. If he had an accident, Chen Feng alone would still not be able to beat Griffin, and he would still be under a lot of psychological pressure, so he still had to consider how to protect himself first, and then talk about other things.

When Commander Ma came back, the two basically reached a consensus, and promised to say: "We think Chen Feng will not be in a hurry and give him more time to adapt. Shui Bin and I will fight against the'gun god' with all our strength. You still need your support."

"That's okay, I will send another team to assist you." Commander Ma nodded and agreed. He is definitely willing to cooperate with the two people's decision. "But today's casualties are too heavy, can we try to make our people less sacrifices? some?"

Commander Ma is still very concerned about the fact that the entire team of ace pilots will survive with only two people left. No matter how powerful a country is, it will not be able to withstand such a consumption. Several more visits to the Quran The Republic’s **** are gone.

Promises cannot be guaranteed. Given Griffin’s strength, the probability that a pilot with insufficient strength will die in the battle is very high: "I can only say as much as possible. After all, Shui Bin and I cannot protect ourselves. If we want to protect other humans, we are not caught. ."

Commander Ma also knows that he is a bit too strong. Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin are still too young. It is very difficult for them to stop Griffin. Asking for more is likely to be counterproductive. The top pilots on their own There is a big gap between combat effectiveness and the opponent, and there is no point in thinking too much and not doing it.

"As long as possible, they are all the pillars of our country. One less sacrifice is needed." Commander Ma didn't say anything, as long as Hongbin and Promise have this awareness, they will take care of it when fighting. .

The Saint Gama Empire has achieved more significant results. When Griffin returned, there was a wave of applause. Everyone saw his excellent performance. It can be said that without him, there would be no more islands. .

"We still have to rely on you. We haven't won such a happy victory for a long time!" The Minister of Military held Griffin's hand for a long time, and he almost forgot when the last hearty battle was, like Smith Not after I came back.

Griffin is relatively calm, because there are still goals that have not been achieved: "Don't worry about celebrating, the Pacific hasn't been captured yet."

To be honest, Griffin was not too satisfied with today’s results. He thought he could take the Battleship Island, but he was delayed for too long, and other top pilots did not come forward. As a result, the most important island still remained. Under the control of the opponent.

Next time, the Gunkanjima must be taken down, so that the Qur'an God Republic has no springboard to attack its own country, Griffin thought. However, Chen Feng is likely to return after this battle. It is unclear what the battle will be like. He still needs to make a long-term plan: "We should prepare for the next battle. Once Chen Feng comes back, it will be difficult to have what we are today. The effect."

"As long as you play the level, we will definitely win. I think it's best to continue to let the mecha units follow you." The Minister of Military Department completely put Bao on Griffin. Through today's battle, he feels that he believes in the other party more and more. There will be good results.

Griffin looked at the opponent helplessly. Although he was the hope of the Saint Gama Empire, he was so blunt and left everything to himself. This decision was too hasty. In case of an accident How to do.

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