Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2371: Stand ready

When Griffin went into battle wholeheartedly, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin felt his horror. The two guns in his hand seemed to be pointed at him at any time. Whether it was the front part of the light or the beam of light, they were full of destructive power and were hit. It's incredible.

Hong Hung Bin was the first to be forced to retreat. Under Griffin's fierce attack, he was struggling, so he had to withdraw from the battle group and wait next to him. At the moment, he does not need to do too much. As long as Chen Feng needs him, he will rush in without hesitation. .

With the nine floating cannons around, Chen Feng and Griffin fought equally well. The power of multiple weapons to attack at the same time was quite powerful. Griffin had the upper hand but was unable to turn into a victory and fought Chen Feng. It took a while.

In the end, Griffin still hit Chen Feng first with his own extraordinary strength. He slashed on the shoulder of "World Breaking" and then launched the shooting. The offensive did not give Chen Feng time to react like clouds and flowing water.

Chen Feng tried his best to hide but couldn't avoid it. Being locked by Griffin would be very dangerous. He believed that he would not be too far behind the opponent in strength, but at this moment a little difference is a world of difference. Let him Inability to shake off the opponent.

Since Griffin's attack was not dodged, Chen Feng shifted his focus to offense. His "World Breaking" is the most powerful offensive firepower. The higher his synchronization rate, the "World Breaking" can use one more weapon. Firepower can be more intense.

After being shot by Griffin, Chen Feng's counterattack followed one after another, and the surrounding light beams furiously furious, and guarded in front of Chen Feng to resolve Griffin's subsequent attacks, at least not worrying about his own safe question.

After blocking Griffin’s attack, these light beams turned and went straight to Griffin. Griffin couldn’t see where they came from and where to attack. He only hated the weapons in his hand when defending. less.

Griffin couldn't completely block the beams that came in. He gave up part of the defense except for some more dangerous beams, let those beams hit his special fuselage, and then continued to approach Chen Feng.

Griffin's persistence made Chen Feng very admired. He has unreservedly increased his attack power to the maximum, but the opponent can still overcome the interception of the attack and strike a blow to himself, which cannot be achieved by any other person. .

The two attacked each other, and wounds appeared on their special fuselages. For the time being, it was not clear who was more severely injured. However, Hongbin believed that it would be more unfavorable for Chen Feng to continue the attack, because they had not reached Griffin similarity. Degree.

Seeing Chen Feng launching waves of fierce attacks, Hong Bin joined the battle group again and flew towards Griffin with the beam of light. Chen Feng's attack would definitely not hit him, so all he wanted in his mind was to attack and attack, and the rest. Just leave it to Chen Feng.

Speaking of attack power, the flexibility of "Candle Light Youying" allows it to launch unexpected attacks. Moreover, Hongshui Bin also has a double-handed sword-drawing skill, even if Griffin is cut by him, he has to drink a pot. , So it must be handled carefully.

After Chen Feng didn't need to hide his full fighting power, Griffin could no longer suppress his and Hong Bin's joint. Sometimes he was chased and beaten in reverse, and the initiative of both parties was completely reversed.

"Chen Feng's situation has changed. I can't participate in the battle on the main battlefield anymore. You have to rely on your own efforts." Griffin reminded the Secretary of the Army that he can no longer count on himself. It would be good if he could resist Chen Feng and Hong Bin's joint. It is impossible to do more.

It has been a long time since Griffin felt that he might lose. After Murong Fan and Abe Boya fell one after another, he no longer had a serious opponent in the world, and every battle could be won with a little seriousness. Later, although Chen Feng and Hong Bin began to catch up, Griffin still believed that he would continue to win because of the large gap in strength between the two sides.

But now Chen Feng gave Griffin a blow, and the young man somehow broke through again, reaching a synchronization rate of 99 comparable to him. He didn't dare to think about what would happen next.

Griffin himself has been trying to break through, but he seems to have completely entered the bottleneck, no matter how he can do it, he can't succeed. Combined with Chen Feng's breakthrough, he is particularly sad. Why can't he be as smooth as him?

Griffin’s resentment didn’t last long, because he just thought about it for a while, he wouldn’t really complain about it. Chen Feng’s synchronization rate reached 99, so what? The experience gap accumulated over so many years is not something Chen Feng can do. Simply make up.

After saving Lang Ba, Chen Feng controlled the floating cannon to fly back to participate in the battle. After adding another weapon, he felt that the battle was much easier. There were some loopholes that were too late to be repaired, which could be supplemented with this floating cannon, helping the two to resolve a lot. In a crisis, you don't have to worry about whether Griffin will suddenly make a fortune in the battle, anyway, there will be floating guns.

With the assistance of Chen Feng, Hong Hung Bin was able to devote more energy to the attack. He felt that there were more and more light beams around him, and Griffin was gradually showing signs of undermining, so he took the opportunity to step up the attack rhythm and did not adjust the opponent. Time to adapt.

Griffin has never been as serious as it is today. After a short period of fighting between the two sides, he found that Chen Feng in front of him has gradually shown signs of Murong Fan. Although he can still obtain a certain advantage, it is difficult to win the opponent. Suppress thoroughly.

There is also Hongshuibin who is constantly disrupting the situation. This is also a **** of war. Griffin can’t ignore his threats. He was forced to retreat several times and scared the surrounding Saint Gama pilots. Jumped.

How could the invincible "gun god" be repelled? Any pilot of the Saint Gama Empire felt that he should crush the opponent easily. Anyone who led him to the final victory of the battle would never think that he would be repelled.

Griffin, who was repulsed, did not feel any anxiety, because the enemy he faced was no longer the same. Chen Feng, whose synchronization rate broke through to 99, is a very worthy opponent. A slight negligence may mean that he lost today. Who will the person be.

Griffin was not surprised that he was repulsed. He just stepped back and rushed back again, mixed with a large number of beams, and went straight to Flood Bin. He changed his strategy to solve Flood Bin first, and then slowly Deal with Chen Feng's threat.

Chen Feng was the first to discover Griffin's change, and he immediately pushed Hongshuibin aside: "You go away first, it's dangerous!"

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