Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2382: In simple terms

With Chen Feng’s help, Hong Hung Bin was able to "listen" to what the stars wanted to tell him wholeheartedly. The expression on his face gradually eased and became clearer, because he discovered the flaws in his skills and he also learned from A suitable solution was found in the insight.

When Hung Hung Bin finished his enlightenment and bowed his head, he saw the obstacles around him at first sight. These obstacles were all sorts of things, including buckets, standing cards, and even more than half of them were destroyed. Steel plate.

"Hey, did I go to the garbage dump?" Hongshui Bin tried to find it in his memory, as if he hadn't been in such a messy place just now.

"I'm looking for someone to help you make a temporary obstacle, otherwise it will be bad if people come and go and hit you." Chen Feng has been waiting next to Hongshui Bin, seeing his friend wake up and immediately leaned over to explain the situation to him.

And Chen Feng really wants to know the effect of Hong Bin's epiphany: "What did you understand? Is the effect good?"

"Haha, thank you so much. I just sorted out my fighting skills carefully, and found a few better ways to improve. When I go back, I will study it carefully." Hongshui Bin stepped forward and walked forward. Realizing that the comprehension was not over yet, and he needed to go back to the room to continue meditation practice, Chen Feng accompanied him directly back.

On the way, Chen Feng didn't forget to inform Commander Ma that the maintenance equipment restarted to repair the base. After all, the outer wall of the base could not be kept in a broken state and affect the lives of the people inside. It was embarrassing to delay the repair process.

After Hongbin returned to his room, he went back to his bed to sit and adjust. Chen Feng didn't ask much about his own practice. He gained a lot of experience in today's battle, and he also needs to systematically organize and study.

The two of them were speechless all night and came to the early morning of the next day. Hongshui Bin opened his eyes first. He happily came to Chen Feng and asked softly: "Chen Feng, are you free, can you do me a favor?"

"What do you want me to do? You say?" Chen Feng has always been in a state of alert, and he noticed it as soon as Hongshui Bin made a move.

Seeing Chen Feng's sober appearance, Hong Hung Bin simply sat down beside him: "I used to use the skills taught by Master step by step when I was fighting, and I didn't have enough of my own characteristics. I realized last night. This shouldn’t be the case. I should first focus on my own characteristics and then use skills as a supplement to create a more suitable fighting style for me.”

Hearing what Hongshuibin said, it seems that he has to start developing his own unique skills. No wonder he is so happy. Chen Feng is also happy for him after hearing this: "This feeling is good. If you can study successfully, then fight against the'gun god'. 'It will be more certain."

"So I would like to ask you to cooperate with me in the practice. I still have a lot more details to confirm." Hongshui Bin invited Chen Feng to accompany him for training, so that he can find out what he has not considered more quickly and effectively. The place.

Of course, Chen Feng would not refuse. The two came to the hangar and drove their special planes together, and went to practice in the waters near Gunkanjima. Hung Hung Bin tried it with satisfaction and summed up a lot of useful experience.

After this exercise, Hong Bin determined that his direction of study was right. When the two of them were in close combat, he could use his more varied skills to obtain a lot of opportunities, and he almost succeeded in hitting "Breaking World" many times and causing Chen Feng. hurt.

In the past, Hung Hung Bin was stuck with the skills Murong Fan taught him. Although there were many changes, he did not really show his own characteristics, but now it is different. Hung Hung Bin only fights in a way that makes him feel most comfortable, and his power is even greater. One floor.

Under the premise that Chen Feng did not use the beam cage and did not fully explode his strength, the two matched each other. You must know that now Chen Feng is also very strong in close combat. By imitating the double-gun fighting skills, he can compete with Gerry. Fen has played back and forth, and Hong Bin has been able to beat him like this is already very good, and he can play an extraordinary role in the face of Griffin.

The results of the exercises made Hongshuibin very satisfied. He controlled "Candle Light Youying" to fly to Chen Feng, and prepared to study it more by himself: "This epiphany effect is great. When my skills get to the next level, we say We may win!"

Hong Bin is not expecting a synchronization rate breakthrough. Only Chen Feng can achieve a synchronization rate of 99 at his age. He can perfect his skills and it is already very good. Now his most important goal is to maximize his epiphany. effect.

So the two trained in the base for several days, rushing to and fro in various training venues every day, making all pilots who saw them feel stressed. They are already gods of war and training at such high intensity. What else do they have? Reasons not to work hard.

Due to the performance of Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin, a training frenzy was set off at the base of Gunkanjima. Every pilot was doing his best to train, and even eating and sleeping did not stop, which really increased the overall strength. .

During the training, Chen Feng and the two heard frequent news from domestic spies. Hongshui Bin reminded Chen Feng with concern: "You'd better not go out for a while. Once the Saint Gama Empire confirms that you break through, it will do everything possible. If you are sent to assassinate you, it is too dangerous for you to go out now. You also have to arrange for You Jia and Xinghai to find someone to protect them."

Both Chen Feng and You Jia are Hung Hsui Bin’s best friends, so he doesn’t want to see any accidents happen to anyone, especially You Jia’s mother and son can easily become enemy targets without the power of a chicken. He wants Chen Feng to do a good job. Measures.

"Well, I didn't want to leave until the base was repaired. You Jia and Xinghai will also stay at Langya Mecha Academy. They will be safe in the school." Chen Feng has already made arrangements, and he specifically contacted President Wang Congwei for protection. My family is thoughtful.

Wang Congwei was very clear about the cause of the disturbance, so he promised that Chen Feng would pay special attention to the control of the campus, especially near the teacher's apartment and research building, there would be special guards and mecha on patrolling continuously.

It is very good to have such a measure. Chen Feng can't let Langya Mecha Academy treat You Jia and Chen Xinghai according to the treatment of wartime control. If that is the case, it will be too much and it will easily cause other problems.

Hearing that Chen Feng had already made arrangements, Hung Hung Bin was relieved to continue training. Just as Chen Feng was about to practice with him, a soldier entered the training room and found him: "Commander Ma, please come over. ."

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