Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2395: Solid

Pan Yuguo looked up and saw Brahman Kaul’s tender eyes. He boldly held the other’s hand to express his love: "For you, I am willing to face the swords and fires, even if the Buddha is full of danger, I will not Let you go alone."

"Alright, alright, you two are enough, don't give us dog food here." Hongshui Bin waved his hand in front of him, as if he was stimulated by the love between Pan Yuguo and Brahman Kaul Look like.

In Commander Ma’s office, only Pan Yuguo married a Brahman Kaur, who is also a pilot. Others cannot still be tender and sweet on the battlefield like them, so sometimes they feel a little bit spicy.

However, Honghong Bin pretended to be so obvious. He wanted to make the scope of the office less dignified. Brahman Kaul will go back to the Buddha Land to visit relatives for a while, and now is not the time to discuss this heavy topic.

The war with the Saint Gama Empire has not yet ended. If you want to live with peace of mind in the future, the two countries must decide the winner, otherwise there will be the possibility of development. The two countries must decide the identity of the new hegemon. .

Commander Ma has been studying how to attack the coastline of the Saint Gama Empire for several days, but after deliberation, he has not found a more effective method. The Saint Gama Empire has absorbed the experience of previous failures and blocked the protection of the coastline.

Even in the underwater area that the Republic of the Qur'an God could use in the past, according to the intelligence returned by the detection mechas, the Saint Gama Empire was filled with bombs such as mines, and the densely packed mechas could never pass safely. .

In order to find out how many bombs there are in the underwater area, many detective mechas have gone or not. The Saint Gama empire’s defenders saw a sudden explosion on the sea several times, that is, the Koran Republic mecha detonated the torpedo. Caused.

"Huh! See if you dare to attack us from underwater, so many mines are placed below, we will blow up as many as you come!" The Saint Gama empire pilots are gloating, they love seeing the enemy detonate a torpedo and die tragically. It seems that the more dead and wounded the enemy is, the less pressure they will have when they wait until the next battle, so they most hope that the enemy will continue to explore the sea.

The Saint Gama Empire has almost thrown most of the country's underwater bombs into the waters on the Pacific side. Even if the Koran Republic's mechas are all recruited, there will still be surpluses. This is the easiest way to directly damage the enemy.

However, the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic are not stupid. They stopped exploring the sea after several inspections. Commander Ma guessed that all of this large area of ​​the sea was full of bombs, except for the increase in casualties. No effect.

The pilots of the Saint Gama Empire did not want to go into the water themselves, because there were too many bombs in the sea, and they couldn’t remember where it was safe or unsafe, or there was no place in the sea that was safe, so they simply got away. Far to ensure safety.

Commander Ma saw that all the mechas on the garrison were far away from the coastline, and he was even more sure that the danger under the sea was huge. Otherwise, the pilots of the Saint Gama Empire would not be so relieved to leave the space, and he was not afraid of sudden impact. Login?

Commander Ma told the Detecting Mecha to stop trying to find out the situation in the sea area, and to focus on finding out the deployment of the Saint Gama Empire's forces, figuring out which areas are their key protection areas and which areas are weaker.

The Saint Gama Empire has a long coastline, and it is impossible to protect everything perfectly. There will always be loopholes. The purpose of detecting mechas is to find these loopholes so that Commander Ma can make targeted deployments in order to gain an advantage in the battle. .

Therefore, the exploration mechas of the Qur'an God Republic will fly to the coastline of the Saint Gama Empire from time to time, and fly around there to observe the mechas and various defense facilities on the distant land, and evaluate their combat effectiveness and return to the warship. Command room on the island.

There is a dedicated person in the command room responsible for collecting these data, and then summing them up and projecting them on the same map, which more intuitively shows the distribution of strengths and weaknesses of the Saint Gama Empire’s shore defenses, which can become more detailed every day.

Of course, the Saint Gama Empire is not willing to let the enemy unscrupulously observe its own defense deployment. If you run over every day, I am not completely exposed to you, but anyone who wants to win this battle will not be indifferent.

So the defensive force on the coastline changes every day. Sometimes there is more here, sometimes more there, and sometimes some mechas disappear, just to prevent the Qur'an Republic from clarifying their truth. deploy.

The strength of the Saint Gama Empire changes irregularly, and the data returned every day is inconsistent with the previous ones, but this is not difficult for the officers brought by Commander Ma. They merge all the data together and analyze them in a unified manner. If you get an average, you can still figure out which areas have stronger defenses, and you can try to avoid these areas when fighting.

The Saint Gama Empire knew that no matter how much adjustments they made, they couldn’t completely deceive the Ancient Godland Republic. The key was to expel the mechas that came to investigate and prevent them from continuing to spy on the deployment of troops on the coast, so the Saint Gama Empire started defensive attacks. .

After all, it was close to its own territory. As long as the Saint Gama Empire's mechas did not rush out too far, they would basically be in no danger. They besieged the reconnaissance mechas from multiple directions and drove them all out from the vicinity of the coastline.

When the investigation was blocked, Commander Ma couldn't figure out the layout of the Saint Gama Empire. Fortunately, the previous reconnaissance mecha sent back many more useful information, which can provide certain help to the battle decision.

The main defense of the Saint Gama Empire is the southwest side bordering the Pacific Ocean, because the terrain here is more suitable for mecha landing. Once it is breached by the mecha of the Qur'an God Republic, it is likely that a continuous flow of mecha will rush into them from here. Hinterland.

As for the large number of cliffs on the northwest side as a natural barrier, even if you climb the higher mountains, you will encounter very uneven terrain. It is difficult for mechas to fight in this complex environment without sufficient experience. The Saint Gama Empire The pilot is confident to win.

In addition, the plasma gravity compression gun was also placed on the northwest side. It was installed on a very high mountain. As long as an enemy aircraft appeared over the cliff, it could wipe out all the invading enemies in one shot.

It seems that the southwest side may be the most suitable direction for offensive, but don’t forget the Saint Gama Empire and Griffin. He has always been with the defensive forces on the southwest coastline, and one who can fight immediately God of War is not easy to mess with.

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