Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2436: persuade

The promised injury made Chen Feng feel the pressure multiplied. After losing the combat power of a demigod pilot, others need to take on more responsibilities. He must become stronger, or Griffin will lead the mecha army. They may not be able to stop them.

As he grows older, he promises that he will definitely not be able to fight like in the past. Chen Feng also does not want his master to endure danger at the end of his career as a pilot. The difficult enemies will be borne by himself. Experience makes him easy. some.

The promised injury made everyone feel heavy. Lang Ba promised that his body and heart were no longer here. Commander Ma saw that he had already said everything that should be said anyway, so he asked everyone to leave the office and do their own things. Rush to the infirmary.

Chen Feng followed closely behind Lang Ba. He promised to be his master and he would definitely go over and take a look. When the two came to the infirmary, they saw that Xu Xu was asleep on the hospital bed, coming from multiple instruments installed on his body. It seems that the situation is not very optimistic.

The pain in the body and the treatment of medications made Xu promise to fall into a drowsiness soon, so the only person Chen Feng could ask was the doctor next to him: "Doctor, is there a big problem with my master? Can it be cured?"

"It is impossible to cure him completely. I can only say that he will recover as much as possible. The most important thing is that he must not fight too vigorously, otherwise there will be problems again." The doctor said that he would work hard to do a good job. What can be done, there is nothing more.

Chen Feng knew that the hidden injuries in the promised body could not be cured. These hidden injuries would follow the promise for a lifetime. The body promised in recent years has been treated fairly well, and promised that there will be no major problems for a long time.

However, as the Qur'an God Republic confronted the Ju Timor Federation and the Holy Gama Empire one after another, and promised to participate in the battle without letting it go and fight with the opponents of the same level, this caused his already improved body to deteriorate again.

So the doctor was right. At best, he suppressed the promised hidden wounds but couldn't completely eradicate them. Unless he promised not to enter a demigod state to fight in the future, there will eventually be another day of outbreaks.

"Then I will trouble you to bother to treat my master. I will pay more attention to it in the future." Chen Feng asked the doctor to hurry up and let the promise return to normal. In the future, he will pay more attention to stopping the promise and then participate in too fierce battles.

Lang Ba carefully looked at the promised face and found that the old friend's cheeks were even thinner before. It is estimated that it was caused by the outbreak of dark injuries during this period. No wonder he sometimes found that the other party was drinking there every day when he didn't want to eat.

"Old man, do you have to fight everything yourself? Is there anything wrong to tell me?" Lang Ba quietly accused the promised "selfish" behavior, even though he knew that the other party couldn't hear him now.

Lang Ba’s friendship with Promise has been for many years. Chen Feng feels that they are very similar to himself and Hongshui Bin. After explaining a few words with the doctor, he left the infirmary silently, leaving them time to get along. Perhaps this is more beneficial to Promise’s recovery. .

He promised to feel like he had a long dream. In the dream, he returned to what he was when he was young and frivolous. He practiced and grew up with the one he loved. That memory was so beautiful that he did not want to wake up for a long time.

However, Xu Xu felt that he heard Lang Ba's voice again. He searched and found the source of the sound, and finally realized that he should be dreaming. Everything in front of him was illusory, but only his own memories.

Seeing his lover’s beautiful and young face, he promised a trance. It turned out that none of this was true. He could not go back to the past, but once he chose to wake up, he would no longer be able to live in the past so clearly, and no longer be able to interact with him. Lovers together.

"Wait for me again, when the war with the Saint Gama Empire is over, I will go to you soon." Promise promised to the lover in the dream, and the lover nodded with a smile on his face, promising to close his eyes with confidence. My thoughts returned to reality.

As soon as Xu Xu opened his eyes, he saw Lang Ba sitting on the side of his bed looking at him worriedly, still chanting his own name in his mouth, and promised to pretend to be angry: "What is the noise? Didn't I get to sleep? It is really annoying. Clear dreams!"

"Do you think I want to waste time with you here? If I had been ten or twenty years ago, I wouldn't have worried at all." Lang Ba also directly replied with a promise. Their old friends for so many years quarreled with each other. It's normal.

He had been drowsy in the hospital bed for a few days. The doctor saw that he had not woken up and checked him again. He found that the promised body was basically not very abnormal. The problem should be mentally, but he promised not to Wish to wake up.

So the doctor contacted Lang Ba and hoped that he would come and help. It was about the comfort of promise Lang Ba rushed to the infirmary, sat on the bedside of promise and exchanged him for two consecutive days, and finally let his voice succeed in the dream of promise. in.

The voice of the old friend awakened the promise. The promise was actually very grateful to Lang Ba, but because of his character, he would not bluntly thank the victim, but express his gratitude in other ways. Lang Ba is very used to this. Kind of thing.

The two laughed tacitly, and then promised to turn their heads to see the various instruments on their body, and they couldn't help but grow their heads: "What did you do when I was in a coma? Why do I have so many treatment equipment? "

"You are ashamed to say that you have severely overdrawn your body in this battle, and the doctor used a lot of equipment and drugs to stabilize your body." Hearing this promise, Lang Ba immediately stopped fighting. Obviously I often warned that I promised to be careful and careful, but the other party didn't seem to listen, "If you do this again in the future, no one can save you!"

"Haha, of course I know that I can't keep the demigod state for too long, but this time the situation is different." Xu promised to explain to himself with a smiling face, he didn't want to make old friends really angry, "If we don't break out the strongest combat power How can it be possible to resist the third wave of reinforcements from the Saint Gama Empire? I have to do this for the sake of overall consideration."

Langba understood that what he promised was right. As long as any one of them pulls his hips, the thousands of mechas from the Saint Gama Empire will surely rush over unceremoniously. Then all the defense lines around the warship island will be collapse.

So Lang Ba actually has no reason to accuse him of his promise. He cares about his old friend’s body at most: "Forget it this time, you can never do it again next time. Your apprentice is also very concerned about running here every day. You see, this is not the case. Again……"

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