Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 350: Shang (Part 1)

"I want to be beautiful. I have prepared these for several months. If you want to eat it again, it depends on fate." Boss Joey was next to Chen Feng. He was very happy that his carefully prepared dishes were recognized by everyone. The next time is the old time, and the chef inside is responsible for the remaining dishes.

Boss Joey only watched the Academy Tournament on TV, and didn't understand the various events that took place. Under his constant questioning, Chen Feng and the others confessed their grievances.

After listening to these Joey bosses, he was amazed: "Chen Feng, your game actually has such a reason. Fortunately, if you win, I'm afraid your name will be remembered by everyone."

"Chen Feng can still be remembered if he wins." Hongshui Bin held an injustice on behalf of Chen Feng: "He is the last student who established our six wins. We can't let the Azure Mecha Academy because he didn't lose. If his plan succeeds, ignore him."

Boss Joey patted his thigh, and took the initiative to take the wine glass in front of him and drank it: "Yes, Shui Bin is right, I said the wrong thing, and a cup of self-punishment is a plea."

Chen Feng knew exactly what Joey’s real goal was, and broke his careful thoughts: "Haha, Joey, if you want to drink, just say it, don’t use my business as an excuse."

Boss Joey happily filled himself with another glass of wine: "Unfortunately, your fighter A is now one more year old. Teacher Xu is very busy now. There is very little time to come over and drink with me. It's lonely to have no drink friends. ."

"Then you can drink more while we are here today, come, and I will toast you a glass." Chen Feng didn't understand his thoughts, and took the initiative to pour himself a glass of wine to toast to boss Joey.

"Haha, I like someone like you, cheers!" Boss Joey raised his neck and killed him, and gave Chen Feng a bear hug: "You won too much. To be honest, I really pinched it for you. Khan."

Boss Joey’s sudden bear hug made Chen Feng uncomfortable. After breaking away, he told about his mood on the court: "I was actually not sure at the time. I just wanted to fight hard, at least not let Hou Shengxin succeed. , But fortunately the result is not bad."

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't like his actions, Boss Joey stopped using his hands and feet to raise his glass again: "If you win, you win. Come, let me have a few more glasses."

"Drink and drink, but I can't drink too much with you. There is still class in the afternoon." Boss Joey was so happy that Chen Feng couldn't let him go, and just toasted with him a few more glasses.

In this way, Chen Feng and others spent their lunch break while eating, drinking and chatting. The boss Joey, who had a good drink, sent them all the way to the teaching building before leaving.

Principal Pan immediately asked Pan Yuguo to go to his office after returning to the school. Pan Yuguo went to the principal tower without stopping as soon as he finished his meal.

When taking the elevator, Pan Yuguo thought about the possibility of Principal Pan calling him over. After thinking about it, it was about the strange fragrance Zhuguo, because Principal Pan said before that he would fight for him the opportunity to obtain the strange fragrance Zhuguo from the Valkyrie Murong Fan. , His performance in the Academy Tournament was perfect. President Pan must have left alone in a jet plane for this.

It was Yixiang Zhuguo, and Pan Yuguo's heart jumped wildly uncontrollably. It was about whether he could become a god, and he couldn't help being nervous.

With a nervous and uneasy mood, Pan Yuguo knocked on the door of Principal Pan's office, and when he opened the door, he saw Principal Pan's serious expression, which made Pan Yuguo's heart sink.

"You should have guessed why I asked you to come? Yes, it's about Yixiang Zhuguo." Principal Pan did not ask Pan Yuguo to sit down, but stood up to communicate with him.

Pan Yuguo felt that the situation was not so good, and said the worst guess in his heart: "Isn't the Martial God willing to hand it over to the uncle?"

Principal Pan looked at Pan Yuguo solemnly: "Yes, I asked him for the fragrant vermilion fruit for the Valkyrie, but he said that you are not the first in his inspection list and need to continue to observe."

"I'm not in the first place? Is there anyone more worthy of his attention than me? Wushen doesn't want to hand over the veteran pilots, right?" Pan Yuguo pointed to himself in disbelief, in his opinion Gu Shenlan No young man in the Republic can compare with him.

Regarding Pan Yuguo’s speculation, Principal Pan firmly shook his head: “Absolutely not, the **** of war is not a short-sighted person, and Yixiang Zhuguo is handed over to the veteran pilots. What will happen to our country when they get older? He will definitely be among the young talents. Look for the person who sent the fragrant vermillion fruit. By the way, An Xuri is also the object of Wushen's inspection, and President An once asked him for the fragrant vermilion fruit."

Hearing that President An asked for Yixiang Zhuguo for An Xuri, Pan Yuguo didn't realize that he needed to worry: "An Xuri? Martial God would not give him Yixiang Zhuguo, right? Although he is strong, he is still far behind me. I won’t see it."

"What I don't know now is who is the first one on the Valkyrie's inspection list. There must be something special to be ahead of you, but I think all the young pilots still don't have the slightest clue." Principal Pan said again. Raised his eyebrows, he would make this action whenever he was thinking about difficult questions.

As a younger member of the family, Pan Yuguo understood that this uncle was doing his best to manage his own affairs. As the first student, he also had his own arrogance. He stood up and said proudly: "I don't care who is in the mind of the **** of war. Ranked in front of me, I always think that everything is achieved by myself, as long as my performance is good enough, the Valkyrie will eventually hand over the Yixiang Zhuguo to me."

Principal Pan was pleased to look at the younger generation in front of him. The future of the Ancient Godland Republic will rely on him to shelter from the wind and rain. His ability to show such a mindfulness is really reassuring: "It is best for you to think this way. This idea is too passive, it is old after all, and there is no longer the urge to be fearless when you were young."

"Don't say this, uncle, our country still depends on you, and I want you to watch me defeat foreign enemies!" Principal Pan's tone was a little lonely, and Pan Yuguo hurriedly complimented him. He still couldn't imagine the ancient Shenlan Republic. There is no situation with Principal Pan.

Principal Pan laughed, the decadence disappeared, and the heroic and domineering returned to him: "Haha, then you have to speed up your growth. Uncle Pan will not wait long when he is older."

After a busy day of study, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin returned to their dormitory at night. Chen Feng looked at Hongshuibin and stopped talking. He knew that Hongshuibin did not explain everything clearly at noon. He must have something else. Keep it from yourself.

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