Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 364: The last reunion (below)

"I'm sorry, I let you down." Hongshui Bin apologized and glanced at You Jia quietly. In fact, it was not the modified mecha that made him make a decision, but You Jia said that the person she liked was Chen Feng, thinking of this flood. Bin's heart twitched again.

It's a pity that everyone was immersed in the shock that Hongshuibin suddenly said that he was going to Tianqing City. Only Chen Feng saw the unusual behavior of Hongshuibin, but he didn't think much about it, only that he was reluctant to leave his friend who grew up with him.

Teacher He asked Hongshuibin not to be too cautious. He didn’t mean to accuse him: “There is no need to apologize. This decision is beneficial to your development. To be honest, if I face this problem, I will choose to go to Tianqing. City. But you said so suddenly that you are leaving tomorrow. I think you should hurry up and explain it to your friends."

Aunt Lin wisely picked up the dishes and chopsticks. The table was in a mess. Everyone had eaten almost, and she didn’t even bother to chopsticks when she heard Hsu Bin’s words. No matter how delicious the food was in front of them, they wouldn’t be interested. It is better to clean up and give them a good communication environment.

After all, He Yuqi is also the young master of this house. In such a dignified atmosphere, she didn't know what to do, so she simply tidied up with her mother. This time Aunt Lin did not refuse her, and kindly helped her lift her long hair.

Zheng Zhirong, who is usually very lively, has been brewing for a long time but does not know what to say. He rolls up his sleeves and wants to clean up with the mother and daughter so as to escape this place of right and wrong.

"You stay, let's go over to the sofa and say." Teacher He stretched out his hand to stop Zheng Zhirong, and if he let him leave, I'm afraid this conversation won't continue.

Chen Feng sat on the seat and watched the face of Hongshui Bin stubbornly, observing the changes in the expression on Hongshui Bin’s face, he still couldn't believe that Hongshui Bin would leave like this, so he didn't give him any time to prepare: "We are still the best. Friends of yours? Why didn't you tell me? I asked you so many times, why did you keep hiding from me?"

"I can't say it. We agreed to graduate together and go to the battlefield together to find a murderer to avenge your parents, but suddenly I was going to transfer to the Azure Mecha Academy. I really don't know how to be with you. Say..." Under Chen Feng's persecution, Hongshui Bin finally couldn't help but screamed out the burden in his heart. He really didn't want Chen Feng to misunderstand him, thinking that he was an unbelieving person.

Chen Feng yelled back with a louder voice: "But as long as you tell me to become a pilot of the deformed mecha, I will definitely support you! Do you think I will stop you from letting you go?"

"I'm afraid! I'm afraid of losing our friendship! I'm afraid that I won't be able to face you!" Hongshui Bin lowered his head and his voice was hoarse. Yesterday's injured voice was hurt again. He covered his face with his hands and tears could not stop his fingers. Flow out from the seam.

This is the first time Chen Feng has seen Hongshuibin cry in so long since he has known Hongshuibin, and his heart softened as he listened to his painful wailing: "I know that deciding to go to Azure City will put you under a lot of pressure, especially to go with us. I don’t deal with the Azure Mecha Academy. But please have more confidence in me. As long as you are good to you, I will definitely support you. Why don’t you fight for this opportunity? No one else can get it. I would never do anything like dragging my legs."

Chen Feng only cared about feeling distressed for Hongshui Bin, but ignored that what Hongshui Bin said was you, and it mainly included Chen Feng and You Jia. After many years, he realized how naive he was at that time. If you can be a little alert, maybe there won't be so many things happening later.

"Actually, I have always wanted to tell you, but I have not been able to find a suitable opportunity, and my decision was made hastily. I regretted it when I came out of Principal Pan’s office. Every time I was going to tell you something He swallowed again, because I was afraid that I wouldn't know how to face you after I said it." Now that the words have already been said, Hongshui Bin simply cried and uttered his concerns.

Chen Feng coaxed Hongshuibin to stop crying: "This is a good thing. You should tell me happily. Besides, even if you go to Tianqing City and become the driver of a special plane, you will not be the same as me. Fight side by side? And we have the ability to take revenge even more with special planes. Well, I don’t blame you for hiding it from me. Don’t cry.”

At the same time, Chen Feng thought that there was so much burden in Hongshui Bin's heart. It seemed that he usually cared too little for him.

The others walked around halfway under the leadership of Teacher He, and were relieved when they saw Chen Feng and Hongshuibin forgiving each other. In contrast, the fact that Hongshuibin had to go to Tianqing City became less so. It's important. The most important thing is that everyone's hearts are always connected.

What everyone could not accept was that Hong Bin had just said that he would leave the next day after deciding to go to Tianqing City, not his decision itself. Putting yourself in the situation, they would make the same choice.

Zheng Zhirong stepped forward and said, "Chen Feng is right. Even if you go to the Azure Mecha Academy, what if you are still our friend, it is not the same when we help Chen Feng take revenge together."

"Don't forget to count me." Nangong Mengdie added coldly beside her, but her tone was cold, but she revealed a touch of warmth.

Lin Xian is not to be outdone. Even if he can't make it to the front line after the transfer, he can still shine in the logistics support: "I already have some ideas for strengthening and upgrading mechas. When you control mechas on the battlefield, upgrade them. Leave the task of A to me!"

Only Nangong Huandie didn't know Chen Feng's life experience, but she also nodded and said that she would join in, and asked her sister to go back and explain the truth to herself in detail.

Chen Feng looked at everyone gratefully, and felt that He De, how could he have so many partners for him to consider, and couldn't help but tears into his eyes: "Thank you! This was originally just a matter between us, so you worry! "

Hong Bin stood up and stretched out his hand to everyone: "It's settled! Although I am in the Azure Mecha Academy, I will always be a student of Langya Mecha Academy. I will come back as soon as I become a pilot of the variant mecha. I will never forget our agreement!"

"A word is settled!" Everyone swears together with hands folded, tears and laughter in the young faces.

You Jia stood outside the crowd watching them successfully resolve the gap, with a comfortable smile, and decided to conceal what happened with her last night, so as not to let it affect the friendship between Chen Feng and Hongshuibin.

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