Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 377: Make progress again (on)

"Don't worry if you don't want it, Principal Pan, please arrange for me to go." Teacher Lang did not shirk any more, and directly accepted the task.

Principal Pan also understands the personalities of the two Jihuangs. Originally, choosing one of the two was just a meaning. In fact, he only wanted Teacher Lang to lead the team, and now Teacher Lang himself offered a natural promise: " Okay, let's make arrangements like that then."

"Speaking of which, the transfer of classmate Hsu Bin this time has made Principal An of the Azure Mecha Academy very proud." Two major events have been finalized. Principal Pan recalled the conversation with Principal An last night, even though he He supported Hong Bin in pursuing his dreams, but he felt hard to let go of the reaction of the person opposite.

"The departure of Shui Bin is a great loss for our Langya Mecha Academy, and it is a great gain for their Azure Mecha Academy. It is impossible for President An to be happy." Teacher He can imagine President An's face The expression on the face, thinking of Hong Bin's departure, even he feels a little painful, it is only strange that Principal An has picked up a promising student for nothing.

Principal Pan rarely had time to speak openly with several teachers, opened the chatterbox and said incessantly: "You don’t know that when Principal An picked up my communication, he was very bitter and enmity, and he didn’t want to talk to me. Talking more often. And when I said that when Hongbin was going to transfer to another school, Principal An couldn't hide the smugness on his face, if he was in front of me, maybe I would want to take him straight."

"Haha, Principal Pan, you have been the principal for so many years, and you are still so violent." Teacher Xu picked up the wine gourd and wanted to take a sip, but thought that this occasion was not suitable for drunkenness and let it go. He liked Principal Pan at the beginning. Only because of his temperament chose to come to Langya Mecha Academy, now seeing President Pan is still as excited as before.

Principal Pan was stroking his long beard, and he no longer had to stand up in front of these teachers who had known him for many years: "Huh, his face is so cheap, I can't help but rush over if I want to change it to the old one."

Teacher Lang laughed. He thought that Principal An took it for granted: "Principal An is too proud of it too early. According to my opinion, even if student Hongbin is in the Azure Mecha Academy, he will not regard himself as the Azure Mecha Academy. The students, not to mention the students over there should be still lingering, right? The relationship between the two is more difficult to ease."

"I think so too. According to Shui Bin's temperament, it is impossible to integrate into the Azure Mecha Academy." Teacher He agreed.

Principal Pan thought of another question: "By the way, has Mr. He Yixin dealt with the student's accommodation in Tianqing City?"

"President Pan, don't worry, the arrangements have already been made." Teacher He vowed to pat his chest and promised: "I have entrusted Deputy Dean Sun of the Royal Academy last night and asked him to arrange for Shui Bin in the Academy. For one room accommodation, he replied to me this morning that everything was taken care of, and student Shui Bin can live there directly today."

"That's good, no matter whether student Hong Bin will come back to Langya Mecha Academy in the future, we must do our best to help him. Students can deny our school, but our school can't deny our students." Pan The principal is taking the opportunity to teach Counselor Wang again.

Aunt Lin saw that the people on the table had finished talking about everything, and continued to greet everyone with chopsticks: "Everyone, eat quickly, the dishes are almost cold."

Everyone once again tasted the food prepared by Aunt Lin, and talked about the complicated international situation.

In the afternoon shooting class, Teacher Lin specially walked to Chen Feng's side to find out how he practiced double-gun shooting? "The book's experience: "Student Chen Feng, how did you read the book I gave you?"

"Hello, Teacher Lin, I have been reading this book for the past few days. There are too many experiences and different styles in it. I think it will take a long time to digest and understand." Chen Feng is very grateful to Teacher Lin for putting this book. The book was handed over to him, and his shooting skills have been greatly improved.

Teacher Lin was relieved and smiled, thinking of its importance and exhorted: "Just go in as you can. I am also worried that this book will be too esoteric. By the way, you must keep this book safe. Don't lose it."

In order to make Teacher Lin feel at ease, Chen Feng said about his own response method: "I found out that there are too many secret things in this book that must not be circulated, so they are locked in a cabinet when they are not read. But this I read the book very slowly, I am afraid it will be difficult to return it to you in a short time. Do you have any time to take it back?"

"Okay, pay more attention to yourself. As for when you need to pay attention to it, don't worry, I won't use this book for the time being, just keep it." Teacher Lin asked Chen Feng to leave him with peace of mind.

Chen Feng glanced at the empty flood bin's shooting platform next to him, and thought to his heart what is going on with Hong Bin at the Azure Mecha Academy? Can he adapt to the environment over there?

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of the result. Chen Feng shook his head and threw these outrageous thoughts out of his head. He raised his beam rifle for shooting training. The most important thing now is to improve himself and not to pull down too much when Hong Bin returns.

After several rounds of shooting, Chen Feng was surprised to find that his shooting performance has improved a lot. It is estimated that he has read "How is Double-gun Shooting Made?" "After correcting some gun-holding techniques and shooting postures, it really played a positive role.

So Chen Feng continued to practice. Since it is quite effective, you can't miss it. As soon as possible, combining the experience in the book with your own situation is the king.

Teacher Lin came over and watched a few times, and saw Chen Feng's full attention and didn't bother him. He was more satisfied with his results on the performance indicator and never came to guide Chen Feng again.

In Teacher Lin's opinion, Chen Feng can study on his own, as long as there is no major problem, he doesn't need special teaching.

Now there are four students in the class who don’t need much attention from Teacher Lin. They are Pan Yuguo, Murongxuan, Nangong Mengdie, and Chen Feng. The first three of them have proven themselves in the past learning process. Chen Feng's talent in rifles has allowed him to catch up with these outstanding classmates.

After class, Chen Feng happily looked at the data on his score display. Basically every shot was above the 9th ring, occasionally interspersed with a few 3rd and 5th rings. This was the first time he had practiced double-gun shooting. It has such a good effect.

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