Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 688: Unlucky Jiangnan Mecha Academy

"Yeah, this time I definitely want to make Langya Mecha Academy 5 to 0, and the best substitute players can also fight and kill all of them!" This is a student who is very confident of his school. They firmly believe that the Azure Mecha Academy is the strongest Mecha Academy in the Ancient Godland Republic, and the Langya Mecha Academy is just a stepping stone.

Regardless of the Azure Mech Academy’s evaluation of Nangong Phantom Butterfly, audiences from all over the world who are watching the live broadcast still have a good impression of this girl, and most hope that she can show a good competitive state in the next competition.

Also at the main base of the Southwest Military Region, Murongxuan was also watching this live broadcast. At the beginning of the Academy Tournament, Guan Yuzhen issued an order for the first time, so that there is no need to dispatch any personnel in the military area except those who guarantee minimum security. , Gave them plenty of time to watch this world-renowned pilot competition.

At this moment, Murongxuan saw the radiant Nangong Fantasy Butterfly on the TV, and smiled softly: "This is the woman the Nangong family wants to marry me. Let me see what you do. "

Although Murongxuan is not very interested in Nangong Fantasy Butterfly, and somehow the Nangong family has withdrawn the request for marriage, but after this incident Murongxuan still has a slight attention to Nangong Fantasy Butterfly, wanting to see how this would almost become What kind of strength does his wife's girl have?

After all the participating teachers and students showed their faces, Principal Pan immediately launched the drawing ceremony to determine the respective grouping of each Mecha Academy under the public, so that the list of each round of the duel can be seen directly by everyone.

This is very exciting. In the past, the lottery ceremonies of the college competition were held separately, and the results of each lottery were never announced in the public. This undoubtedly made the representatives of the schools who want to participate in the lottery sweat. The audience in front of the plane had even more desire to watch. It must be said that this arrangement of Principal Pan accurately grasped the audience's watching intention.

According to the usual practice, Langya Mecha Academy and Azure Mecha Academy are still divided into two and a half groups. Representatives of other schools will draw lots for which group they will be in, and then the computer will randomly arrange the order of battle between schools.

However, this academy competition was held in Langya Mecha Academy, so after the draw ceremony, the school that was selected to fight against Langya Mecha Academy will immediately start the first battle of this college competition.

The representatives of each school who participated in the lottery were secretly praying that they would not be in a team with Langya Mecha Academy, and did not want to be the first person to fight against Langya Mecha Academy, at least so that they would not be in the first place. Shame in front of all followers.

It was Principal An who led the Azure Mecha Academy to Langya City. This time, he led the team here in his busy schedule to lead the students to wash away the shame of being five to zero last year.

Principal An looked at the lottery representatives and contestants of other schools with an eagle-like look, and said to the students behind him: "Have you seen the students in these schools clearly? I ask you to win every game. Use the best The momentum of welcoming the final finals, and then defeating Langya Mecha Academy in the finals, returning home gracefully."

"Yes!" "Understood!" The students behind Principal An nodded heavily and carefully noted his requirements. It seems that these schools that are to be grouped with the Azure Mecha Academy will be very difficult. .

After all the school representatives have drawn lots, the form of grouping has become clear. The school personnel who are in the same group as the Azure Mecha Academy look relaxed. They know that they are definitely not an opponent of the Azure Mecha Academy. Fortunately, they will be here. They will definitely not be the ones who will play in the opening game, at least they can watch a good show first.

And the school personnel who were drawn to the Langya Mecha Academy are more nervous. Each team has so many ten teams. It is easy to draw themselves in a pair of matches. Then it depends on whose luck is worse. .

After the results of the grouping came out, Principal Pan asked to turn on the computer, and the computer program was directly projected on the stage. The two and a half groups of school lists were scattered on both sides, waiting for Principal Pan to order random sorting.

At this critical moment, Principal Pan stopped and actually began to whet everyone's appetite: "We are about to announce the list of matches. What school do you hope that will be arranged together?"

"Anything will do, hurry up!" The audience doesn't care about this. They just have to watch it coolly. It will be the same for them anyway. Anyway, it will be Langya Mecha Academy and Azure Mecha Academy in the end. The two veteran mecha academies are in the finals, and the previous ones are just appetizers.

Only those who are closely related to the game will be more nervous. They don’t want to meet the powerful Mecha Academy prematurely. Their goal is to advance as many rounds as possible. The opponents and the order of the battle is very important to them. .

"Then let's start random sorting." Seeing that everyone's appetite was dampened, Principal Pan controlled the rhythm very well. Before the audience was bored, he pressed the button in front of him to start the random sorting program on the computer.

The names of the mecha academies are flying fast on the stage, and no one can guess where it will appear in the next second. Every time the mecha academy and Langya mecha academy’s names pass by, its school staff will be afraid , For fear that the name of your school will stop.

The pressure of the first one to play is too great. The opening game must be played under all eyes. This requires extremely high psychological quality of the students who play. If one is not good, it is easy to perform abnormally and become the laughing stock of everyone.

And the opponent in the opening match is Langya Mecha Academy. No one thought of defeating the students of Langya Mecha Academy, but if you lose too ugly in the opening match, everyone will laugh at everyone. You can become a pilot and represent the school. Those who play are all talented people, and no one wants to become famous because of a crushing defeat to an opponent.

The start time of the computer program was set to half a minute. After a series of dazzling changes, the movement speed of the names of the mecha academies began to slow down, and finally stopped moving gradually, and the final battle sequence came out smoothly.

The school personnel who were not selected to start the opener with Langya Mecha Academy were happy, and there was a team of people who were really sad, and they would be eliminated in a few days after coming to Langya City. It really makes people unhappy.

And the name of the school that will be playing against Langya Mecha Academy evoked Chen Feng's meeting. Isn't this the Jiangnan Mecha Academy they have ever won?

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