Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 817: Awakening ability

"We will definitely succeed." Chen Feng was so touched that he couldn't help holding You Jia into his arms. How could You Jia, who can consider others like this, make him not love him.

In the afternoon, a jet plane familiar to Chen Feng flew over the Royal Academy and landed on the apron after getting permission. Two people filed out of the plane, it was Lin Xian and He Yuqi.

After getting permission from Dean Sun and the person in charge of the project, You Jia immediately contacted Lin Xian and asked him to tell Counselor Wang and Teacher He about the matter, and then brought He Yuqi to participate in the development of the modified machine as soon as possible.

Teacher He, of course, hopes that his students can go to the Royal Academy. After hearing Lin Xian’s report, he personally took him to see Counselor Wang. Now President Pan has delegated the authority to handle most matters to Counselor Wang. Soon Counselor Wang will succeed the principal of Langya Mecha Academy.

Counselor Wang supported the departure of Lin Xian and He Yuqi even more. It is not easy to get a place to participate in the research and development of modified aircraft. It will greatly improve the number of researchers who join. He really wants to see the school’s outstanding mecha research areas. Celebrities, this modification machine is a great opportunity.

So Counselor Wang once again dispatched the jet that used to transport Chen Feng and the others to participate in the Academy Tournament, allowing them to rush to the Royal Academy as quickly as possible.

Chen Feng and his party received the news early and waited outside the tarmac early. After seeing them coming out, Zheng Zhirong took the lead and rushed up, hugging He Yuqi happily, and kept kissing each other during the period. The love between the two of them is always so hot, I can't wait for everyone to see it.

The situation on Nangong Mengdie's side is completely opposite. She and Lin Xian just leaned side by side and whispered, revealing their true feelings in the ordinary.

Chen Feng did not disturb their reunion, and watched this warm scene from a distance with You Jia arm in arm. After a long time, everyone finally got together again, just not knowing where the "War God" took the flood. Bin.

After lingering for a while, Lin Xiancai separated from Nangong Mengdie and walked to Chen Feng and hugged him vigorously: "Chen Feng! Long time no see! I heard that something like that happened to you and Shui Bin, I'm so worried, if it weren't for Sister You Jia If she can handle it well, I will definitely go to the Southwest Military Region."

"It's all misunderstandings. There are still some villains who are adding to the flames to make things uncontrollable, but You Jia is right. Don't I stand in front of you right now? On the contrary, it is a blessing in disguise, but you It seems to have lost weight." Chen Feng deliberately jumped twice to let Lin Xian see that he was really fine, and in turn questioned Lin Xianqing's weight loss.

Lin Xian helplessly spread out his hands. This is all You Jia’s pot, but it also gives him more opportunities for improvement: "Sister You Jia is gone. We will spend more time and energy on sharing her work. It wasn't until after Sister You Jia left that I realized that she actually took on so much work alone, and after we shared it, we still felt a little too much. How did she do it?"

"Hehe, when you become proficient, practice will make perfect. It's just that you are not familiar enough with my task." You Jia shook her head and said that she didn't do much. She is not a proud person and never thinks of what she has done. To make others feel admired.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Lin Xian got together, He Yuqi reluctantly let go of Zheng Zhirong, and walked over and asked, "When will we build the modified machine? We will start work early and finish it earlier. We can also leave more time for Zhirong and Mengdie to transform the second-generation mechas. ."

"We have to test whether Chen Feng is in line with my thinking today. If it goes well, I believe it will not take too long. I know that you have thought about the transformation plan for Mengdie and Zhirong for a long time. Feel free to do it, Chen Feng I’ll take care of the refitting machine.” You Jia told He Yuqi that it’s okay to be responsible for rebuilding the second-generation mecha of his lover, and there is no need to be distracted by Chen Feng’s refitting machine.

"Well, we are good friends with Chen Feng anyway, and we have a lot of mecha research experience. Maybe our idea will make the modified machine more suitable for Chen Feng." But He Yuqi rejected You Jia's kindness. , Said he must join the research and development of Chen Feng's reorganized machine.

Public is public or private. Since Lin Xian and He Yuqi came to the Southwest Military Region in the name of building a modified machine, it would be unreasonable if they did not participate in the research and development process, and they would like to make a difference.

Lin Xian quickly got into work and asked about the research and development direction of Chen Feng's modified machine: "What kind of idea is Chen Feng's modified machine? Can you tell me first?"

Chen Feng explained the floating gun proposed by You Jia to everyone: "Tomorrow I will use a simulation program to test whether this idea is feasible, and then determine the direction of the modification machine."

"Multiple tasks? Chen Feng, do you still have this ability? I have been fighting with you for so long and haven't found it." Zheng Zhirong looked at Chen Feng like a New World. As a teammate fighting in the Southwest Military Region, he had never What is special about Chen Feng.

Chen Feng pointed to You Jia, saying that he would not know what kind of abilities he had if it hadn’t been for You Jia to bring it up: “It was only after the synchronization rate broke through 90 that You Jia was aware of it. She has simulated the mecha posture several times in front of her, and she still has no special feelings. She said that it is likely that I awakened, and then I slowly realized the brand-new ability."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, You Jia followed him and explained to everyone why he discovered Chen Feng’s ability: "You may not know that Chen Feng has been very good at multitasking since he was a child, and then I saw him simulate When fighting, there is always spare energy that can’t be used, so I guessed that Chen Feng should be awakened. Fortunately, the later development proved me to be right, so I wanted to invent a weapon that can be separated from the mecha to distract Chen Feng. The awakening ability of the operation is maximized."

Everyone knows that You Jia's thoughts are all spent on Chen Feng, and that Chen Feng's change is the first to be found in reason.

Nangong Mengdie is also a person who has awakened abilities. He knows how important the awakening ability will affect the future pilot path. It is everyone who wants to be a top pilot who can awaken as early as possible and awaken to the right abilities People dream of.

After imagining the effect of the distraction operation ability, Nangong Mengdie felt that it would be difficult for him to hold on to Chen Feng who was using several weapons at the same time, and it would be the same for other people.

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