Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 894: Qingming is approaching

After Chen Feng, Hong Bin also walked out of the simulation cabin, his face was full of pride: "Hahaha~ The combat capability of'Candle Light Youying' in the ocean is second in this world, and no one dares to say first. "

Chen Feng sneered at Hongbin. The difference in mecha abilities between the two was too large. Even now their synchronization rate is the same, there is still a huge difference: "Don't get cheap and sell well. You are driving a special plane. Win me a modified one. What's so boring."

Obviously it was Shuibin who won both games, but Ye Qi came over to praise Chen Feng and said, "But Chen Feng, don't belittle yourself. You have performed very well in the two games just now, especially in the first game. The'Candle Light Youying' caused so much damage, no one among us can do you like this these days."

"No? It's not normal for other people to do it because of the inferiority of the mecha and the gap in synchronization rate. Why can't you even bring more threats to Shui Bin, Senior Ye Qi?" Chen Feng asked in surprise. In his mind, Ye Qi is the best mecha-driving skills among everyone. Even if his modified machine is not comparable to "Candle Light Youying", it should not be better than himself.

"It's true." Ye Qi nodded smoothly, saying that he had never lied: "My modified machine is mainly based on positional warfare, and its defensive ability is relatively prominent and its mobility is relatively lacking. It is very unsuitable for'Candle Light Youying' This kind of fast and destructive mecha fights, and it is difficult to damage it. In fact, it is not only me, but we have not tried to fight with Shui Bin together. In the end, the loss of his special machine is not as much as you. There are a lot of human causes, I have to say that the attack ability of your modified machine is really very strong, and your awakening talent is terrible!"

"Chen Feng’s awakening talent combined with this modified machine can indeed maximize his attack ability, but we have not specifically designed it for Chen Feng in naval battles. Today I saw that the floating gun can actually help him in the sea at high speed. Move, maybe we can make some improvements on this in the future." You Jia also considered from the perspective of mecha research and development about the room for improvement of Chen Feng’s modified machine. Since Chen Feng is her boyfriend, she will give Chen Feng Feng is thoughtful.

Nangong Huandie didn't care so much. The situation in her eyes was that Chen Feng played well, and finally regretted losing because of the mecha, so her tone was very excited: "Brother Chen Feng is great! It's almost a pity. "

Seeing everyone turning around Chen Feng, Hong Hung Bin felt that he was very injured. He was clearly the winner. Why did everyone go to Chen Feng? This made him feel very disappointed.

Raising his hand to highlight his own existence, Hong Bin shouted to everyone: "No, I am the one who won the two games! I said, can you respect me, congratulations?"

Zheng Zhirong turned his head and stuck out his tongue at Hong Bin, disdaining his shouting: "You should win if you win. Chen Feng's performance is what makes the eyes shine."

Hong Hung Bin wilted like a frosted eggplant. In today's simulated battle, he failed to show absolute suppressing power. No wonder others did not take it seriously, unless he could rub Chen Feng on the ground from beginning to end, but he There is no such confidence.

From this simulation exercise, Chen Feng is not only familiar with the changes after his synchronization rate reaches 94, but he is also more confident in his future. He can cause fatal damage to special planes when the mecha is at a huge disadvantage. Damage shows that his attack potential is absolutely top-notch. As long as the more weapons he can control at the same time, the less his opponent can resist. This will be the direction of his practice.

I'm very happy to see Chen Fenggang returning to be able to perform like this. The people in the independent action team are more confident. Ye Qi took the initiative to make suggestions to Nangong Huadie: "Chen Feng returned to the team and made such great progress. I think we can find more difficult tasks elsewhere."

"You're right. I'll see if other military departments have requests for support. I think our team should be able to perform any tasks now." Nangong Huandie readily agreed, and she also wanted this team to act independently. The team is exposed to higher-end tasks.

"Can you postpone the time to pick up the task?" At this time, You Jia suddenly interrupted their conversation, and wanted them not to pick up new tasks for now.

Nangong Huadie didn't understand You Jia's approach, and wanted to ask Cleanup Yu: "Sister You Jia, can you tell me why?"

You Jia did not answer directly, but turned to look at Chen Feng with sadness in his eyes: "Tomorrow is the annual Ching Ming Festival. The main base of the Southeast Military Region is not far from the Qiantang River. I want Chen Feng to have time. It’s better to pay homage to his parents."

When You Jia prevented Nangong Huadie from looking for a new mission, Chen Feng thought that Qingming was not far away. He should go to his parents' graves in the Southeast Military Region to perform his duties as a child.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng’s heart was like a wild horse flying out. He couldn’t wait to go to his parents’ graves to tell about his experiences in recent years, so that they in another world could be proud of themselves: "I hope everyone Promise my wayward request, I want to worship my parents on this special holiday."

One year after the Qiantang River Landing War, in order to commemorate the people who died innocently in this battle, the Ancient Shenlan Republic built a temple nearby called Wanling Temple.

This Wanling Temple gathered the bones of all the victims of the Qiantang River Landing War, and erected tombstones according to the family for future generations to worship. The remains of Chen Feng's parents were naturally there, and he was going to this temple.

"It's right to pay homage to your parents, I don't think everyone will have any opinions?" How could Nangong Huadie not let Chen Feng go? She also asked everyone for their opinions, so that Chen Feng could spend it more comfortably. Worship.

No one is right about this kind of thing. The Qiantang River landing battle was the beginning of the first mecha war. The sudden attack affected a large number of ordinary citizens. As a result, countless families were broken and left indelible trauma to the world. In particular, Chen Feng's parents were killed in this attack, and it is too unreasonable not to let Chen Feng go to pay homage.

Therefore, everyone supports Chen Feng to go back to Qiantang River. On the special festival of Tomb Sweeping Day, it is most suitable to remember innocent people who suffered.

"Thank you everyone, I just got back and I will leave. Please make everyone wait for me for a while." Chen Feng was very moved by everyone's understanding, and he bent down to thank him constantly.

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