Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 898: Lost

"Is it Ji Ling?" Chen Feng could not talk and laugh with You Jia and Hongshui Bin any more, and hurriedly pursued outside, trying to catch up with this mysterious person to find out his identity.

But the man moved so fast that Chen Feng could only hang from a distance behind him. He couldn't get close in the road of people coming and going. On the contrary, he moved farther and farther away, and gradually he couldn't see him.

He must not be allowed to leave like this. Chen Feng could only push away the person in front of him, apologizing and continuing to chase: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let me please!"

It was easy to catch up to the gate of Wanling Temple, but because it took too much time in the chase, Chen Feng couldn't follow the man in black robe. Looking at the pool in front of Wanling Temple, Chen Feng felt heartily. Yi Ji jumped up, standing on a high place and finally saw walking towards the parking lot.

"I can't let you escape this time!" After confirming the position, Chen Feng pulled up his legs and ran. He wanted to chase the person before he got into the car. The parking lot was not far away. He believed that he could use his feet. Do it.

But when Chen Feng was panting and feeling the parking lot, there were no people in black robes in this very few people. They were all a few people who came to worship at Wanling Temple and couldn't find any one. People act alone.

Chen Feng rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then looked at the parking lot carefully. He did not find the person he had been chasing after. It shouldn't be a mistake for himself: "How is it possible? This person disappeared? What did he do? Arrived?"

Although there were no new clues, Chen Feng continued to search unwillingly, trying to find out if there was a person in a black robe in the leaving vehicle, but he still found nothing. There was a lot of traffic coming in and out, and it was impossible to take all of them into consideration. Often when Chen Feng checked a car, another car next to him drove out.

Moreover, there are several entrances and exits in the parking lot of Wanling Temple. Chen Feng alone had more than enough energy, and finally gave up and returned to the gate of Wanling Temple. He wondered how this man in black robe got under his nose. left.

Chen Feng stood at the gate thinking deeply, and Hongshuibin and You Jia also chased out from the cemetery. Hongshuibin was still very puzzled and asked what Chen Feng was doing: "Hey, Chen Feng, why did you run away suddenly? What happened? Yet?"

"Did you see a person wearing a black robe in the cemetery just now?" Chen Feng confirmed to Hongshuibin that he had seen the person just now, thinking that it wasn't because he had read it wrong.

Hongshuibin recalled it for a moment, without any reflections: "The man in the black robe? I didn't see it, did you see You Jia?"

You Jia also shook her head and asked Chen Feng if this person is more important to him: "I didn't see it either. Did you see any special person Chen Feng?"

At that time, both You Jia and Hongshuibin had their eyes on Chen Feng, with their backs facing away from the direction of departure. Only Chen Feng could see the outside, so they did not see the person in the black robe understandable, Chen Feng was only a pity It was too late to ask them to help, otherwise the person might not escape.

Since both You Jia and Hongshuibin said that they had not seen it, Chen Feng simply stopped pursuing them, but told them his own conjectures: "In fact, it is not a big deal, but from the perspective of the person's dressing style, I think He is likely to be Ji Ling."

Hongshuibin put his hand on Chen Feng’s forehead to make sure that he was not thinking about it because of fever. He was surprised why Chen Feng would say such things: "Jiling? No? Didn’t Commander Pan say that he is now fighting in Europe? Will he come to us? Don't tell me Ji Ling that he was also a victim of the Qiantang River landing battle?"

Hongshuibin didn't believe that Ji Ling would appear in Wanling Temple at all. He said that there is a reason and evidence that Ji Ling should be fighting to atone for his crimes on the European battlefield at this moment, and there should be no reason to show up here.

You Jia supported Chen Feng and found out the reason why Ji Ling appeared in Wanling Temple from another angle: "But don’t you say that Ji Ling is the leader of the Creation Organization in the Southwest Military Region? In this case, he should be the ancient **** Lan The people of the Republic may be really related to the Qiantang River landing battle."

It was right for Hongshui Bin to think about it. His thoughts just now were too absolute. After all, they didn't know what Ji Ling's life experience was, and they couldn't be sure about him and said, "It's possible to say that, but it's too strange, Ji Ling will come here? "

After Hongbin's interruption, Chen Feng felt that he was too nervous. He saw a person who had a style very similar to Ji Ling: "Maybe I misunderstood. Forget it, let's find someone else."

Just as Chen Feng was about to let go of his doubts and go to meet the rest of the Independent Operations Team, he noticed an old man in plain clothes standing at the gate of Wanling Temple. His clothes should be from Wanling Temple. Staff, his lips trembled slightly while holding on to the door, as if saying something.

There was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. Although there was no heavy rain today, there was still some light rain. Chen Feng could not see the old man in the wind and rain. He stepped forward to help him back to the cemetery: "Old man, outside It’s windy, are you the staff here? Or go back to the cemetery."

"Young man, did you see a young man in a black robe walking out of the cemetery?" Unexpectedly, not only did the old man not want to go back, he clung to Chen Feng's hand to confirm whether he saw a cloak. People in black robes.

Isn't the old man talking about the person he just saw? Chen Feng immediately became interested, and helped the old man eagerly said: "I saw him! He is very much like a person I know. I chased him out just now, but unfortunately I didn't find him. Do you know him too?"

"Of course I know. I watched him grow up since I was a child. I recognize him when he turned to ashes." When the old man heard that Chen Feng also knew people in black robes, he was so excited that he almost fell.

Fortunately, Chen Feng's arm was strong after years of exercise, firmly supporting the old man who almost fell, and supporting him to the seat next to him, patting his back to help him relieve his breath.

You Jia and Hongshuibin saw Chen Feng's situation and walked over together, so Chen Feng explained to them that the old man had also seen the man in the black robe, and they seemed to be connected.

You Jia pulled Chen Feng and signaled him to give up his position. He squatted down beside the old man for his favor. He held the old man's hand and asked softly: "Old man, don't worry, you have something to say slowly.

You Jia's movements were softer than Chen Feng's, and the old man soon became sober with her help.

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