Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 927: Promise to lead

Since passing by with this woman, Hongshui Bin hasn't forgotten this chance encounter these days, and it really made them meet again today.

This woman was dressed in a military uniform, with a ponytail combed high, and she did not have any extra jewellery on her body. She looked particularly brave. Judging from the badge on her shoulder, she should be an officer-like position.

Ye Qi was also very puzzled, and could not find an answer to Hong Bin: "I don't know who she is, but since she came out of the military, the soldiers are so respectful to her, so she should not have a low status. When is there such a young female officer in the military department?"

The female officer did not hear their whispers, and she stretched out her hand in front to lead the way: "A few, please follow me."

"Yeah!" Shuibin took the lead, and Chen Fengxin blinked his eyes wisely. It seems that Shuibin has got rid of the knot with You Jia, and perhaps a new love song will happen soon.

Everyone filed into the military headquarters, leaving only the soldier who had stepped out to intercept and muttered to himself: "What happened today? How come unreported people come to the military headquarters?"

The pace of female officers is very fast, and everyone met on the way will nod her. Many of them are senior officers and officers, making her identity more mysterious and making everyone more curious about her.

Among them, Hongshuibin was the most concerned. He wanted to understand the name and origin of this female officer. Unfortunately, the female officer was rushing all the way ahead and did not give him a chance to ask questions.

Before arriving at Commander Ma’s office, the female officer finally stopped and signaled everyone to enter: "Commander Ma is waiting for you inside. Please come in."

The female officer did not intend to enter the office, and business matters. Hongshui Bin was unable to inquire about the identity of the female officer. A group of people walked into Commander Ma’s office without stopping, preparing to learn that they would rush here in a hurry. s reason.

There were several people in Commander Ma’s office. In addition to Commander Ma and the commander-in-chief of the three major military regions, there was also a figure whom Chen Feng and the others were very familiar with standing inside.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the people in the room turned their heads and looked around. The person Chen Feng was familiar with showed a long-awaited reunion smile: "Yeah, the kids, let's meet again."

"Master!" Chen Feng ran a few steps to the person and shouted respectfully. This person is the promise teacher from Langya Mecha Academy and the master who taught Chen Feng many superb martial arts.

"Hello, Teacher Xu." The rest of the people also greeted Teacher Xu one after another. Everyone graduated from Langya Mecha Academy and had to be taught by it in the school. It's right to show respect.

"Well, good kids." Teacher Xu waved his hand indifferently, and then said to Chen Feng in particular: "Good job, I have heard about your performance in the Southeast Military Region, and I didn't shame me. Ok, Ok!"

"It's mainly because the martial arts that Master taught me is very applicable, so I can have those victories." Mr. Xu's pretending to be prudent made Chen Feng a bit funny. He was not like this in school. Even Teacher Xu was uncomfortable in this room, and unconsciously forced himself to correct his posture.

Commander Ma, as the host here, stood up to introduce each other to everyone: "Since everyone is already in place, let me introduce it to you first."

"This is Commander Pan Bayi of the Southeast Military Region, and this is Commander Guan Yuzhen of the Southwest Military Region." Commander Ma first introduced the two commanders-in-chief whom Chen Feng and the others had seen before, and then pointed to the last new appearance. Commander-in-Chief: "This is Commander Jin Buhuan of the Northern Military Region. You probably haven't seen him before. You can get to know him."

The commanders-in-chief of the three military districts of the Qur'an Republic were all gathered together. No wonder even those who promised such a Meng Lang became solemn. Everyone hurriedly greeted the three commanders-in-chief and expressed their respect.

After the greeting, Commander Ma began the purpose of calling everyone here: "Everyone should know that there is a large-scale mecha war in Europe. According to the latest news, the ancient Soviet empire and the creation organization in the European Union We are in crisis under the joint offensive, and we are gathered here today for this."

The ancient Soviet Empire was about to be defeated? The sudden news made Chen Feng and others very surprised. You must know that the ancient Soviet Empire is the strongest mecha country besides the three major mecha powers. I didn't expect it to be reduced to the point where it asked for help. The European Union and the creation The cooperative power of the organization is evident.

He promised but didn’t feel too much. The number and severity of the battles he participated in exceeded Chen Feng’s and there were too many people. It is clear that victory or defeat is a commonplace matter for soldiers. Since the Creation Organization will inspire European countries to form alliances to attack ancient times. The Soviet Empire, then the result now is basically reasonable.

After Chen Feng and the others recovered from their astonishment, Xu promised to ask: "The ancient Soviet Empire is in crisis, then our country should do something? Now we are summoned to the military headquarters, is it for us to pass Reinforce them?"

Commander Ma called up the map of the Gusu Empire and began to explain the task he wanted to entrust Chen Feng to them: "Yes, you are the most important part of our reinforcement plan. I hope you can continue to operate as an independent team. In the form of operations in the ancient Soviet Empire, we can adapt to the actual situation to help the ancient Soviet Empire survive the crisis. Of course, we have sent reinforcements in the past and other mecha units, so you don’t have to worry about the pressure on your body. ."

"It means that the high-end combat power is just a few of us, right?" Xu promised pointing to the few people who had been summoned to confirm the strength of this reinforcement.

Commander Ma Shishiran nodded: "There will be some ace pilots who will pass by, but you are the only pilot who is the King of Pilots and above. Although your number is small, you are the most important part of this reinforcement operation One ring."

"Is there no other pilots who have come here? You want me to take them? Isn't this a joke? You just trust me like that?" The promised quirkiness showed up again, asking if the four people who made the plan couldn't think of it Let him lead the team.

According to Commander Ma’s plan, it is equivalent to letting Promise lead this independent action team, but as everyone knows, Promise’s character is not a qualified leader. This combination is too strange, even Chen Feng They all felt that Commander Ma was embarrassing Master.

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