Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 929: Female officer

But fortunately, everyone can understand the reason why Commander Pan did this. In this way, they don't need to make another trip, which can greatly shorten the preparation time for the action, which is really very effective.

Therefore, no one expressed dissatisfaction. Everyone said that Commander Poon did not need to apologize. They should also thank Commander Poon for allowing them to spend less time and start performing tasks faster.

"So do you have any questions?" After they finished the exchange, Commander Ma continued to ask everyone if they had any questions.

Not really excited about Hongbin, Chen Feng and the others looked at each other a few times, and finally pushed Ye Qi out to speak on their behalf: "There are no other questions. The only question now is, when are we going to leave?"

Commander Ma made a domineering wave of his hand, indicating that they can start the action: "Go now! The base on the Gusu Empire is ready to welcome you. You can fly the mech directly over, and then it's up to you. Played."

"Okay, let's go!" He promised to say goodbye to Commander Ma and the three commanders-in-chief. Since flying the special plane, he promised to have participated in battles in every military region, so the relationship between them is still close. I left the office after a few sentences.

Chen Feng and the others also bid farewell to the four highest resolutions of the military of the Ancient Godlan Republic, and prepared to follow the promised pace to the hangar. Among them, Hong Bin could not wait to drive a special plane to another country to participate in the battle.

"Ye Qi!" Guan Yuzhen suddenly stopped Ye Qi when they were about to walk out of the office.

Ye Qi quickly stopped and turned around and looked at the elder who had raised him for nearly two decades: "Commander Guan, I am here!"

Guan Yuzhen stared into Ye Qi's eyes. After joining the Independent Action Team, the young man who was regarded as his biological son satisfied him with all his performance, so all Ye Qi felt was his approval.

After the two of them had made eye contact, Guan Yuzhen instructed Ye Qi in a deep voice: "The war is ruthless, and you must proceed with caution!"

"I understand, please rest assured, Commander Guan, we will definitely come back with victory!" Ye Qi suddenly delivered a military salute. He will continue to use practical actions to make Guan Yuzhen proud of him. This trip to the Gusu Empire is another great experience. Opportunity.

"How do you see the rainbow without going through wind and rain? Young people need to have experience to grow up. Commander Guan, please feel free to let them go." This was Commander Jin Buhuan's voice. He persuaded Guan Yuzhen not to worry, and nodded and smiled at Ye Qi .

This Commander Jin seemed to be a person with a story. Ye Qi and Guan Yuzhen said goodbye again, and everyone was able to really leave the office.

As soon as he walked out of the office, Hong Bin saw that the female officer who had brought them in was standing outside the door. It seemed that she had been guarding the door and did not leave.

"Due to the need for the concealment of the plan, the hangar is now under tight control, and I will be responsible for taking you in." The female military officers began to lead the way again, speaking and doing things with the taste of a soldier's vigorous vigor.

On the way to the hangar, Hong Hung-bin looked at the female officer several more times. She should be about the same age as her own. Her face was not covered with powder but could not hide her delicate face and tight uniforms. It also made her rugged figure appear outside, and the temperament that she had developed in the military department was different from that of ordinary people, the more she looked at it, the more it made Hung Hung Bin feel his heart.

The female officer led the way, always feeling that she had eyes staring at her. When she turned around, she was looking at Hongshuibin. Hongshuibin was so frightened that she quickly turned away her eyes, scratching her ears and pulling Chen Feng in front of her, for fear of being blocked by her. Thought he was a disciple.

The female officer did not show any displeased expression, perhaps because she was used to the gaze that others cast on her. Hsu Bin’s behavior was a little cute, but instead attracted her attention. She never paid attention to Hsu Bin and instead looked at him quietly. It is a good change.

After arriving in the hangar, Chen Feng saw that there were many mechas inside, and their mechas were neatly parked at the door where they could be dispatched at any time, including the promised special plane "Dark Night."

There were still a lot of logistic personnel surrounding their mechas. The female officer came forward and communicated with them and came back and said: "Everyone's mechas have been checked, and you can start and set off directly."

"Then let's go, leave early and arrive early, and strive to finish this matter as soon as possible." Xu promised to be the first to board the elevator platform of "Dark Night" and greet everyone to enter their respective mechas for preparation.

The departure process went smoothly. The military department made sufficient preparations for this operation. Under the command of female officers, seven mechas came to the take-off area unimpeded all the way. All personnel on the way were evacuated, making them one I didn't encounter any outsiders on the road. This was also to hide the identity of the candidate who went to the Gusu Empire this time, so as to prevent the news from leaking out and let people in Europe be prepared.

Standing outside the take-off area, the female officer waved goodbye to everyone in the mecha: "I'll be here. Good luck to everyone!"

Coming out to the outside, promising to return to the usual way, with a strong joking tone in his tone: "Help me tell your father, this time I will help him so much. When I come back, I want to treat me to a big meal."

"I will, I wish you all good luck!" Faced with the promised request, the female officer answered very appropriately.

Promise was very satisfied with her answer, and flew into the sky in the "Dark Night" with laughter: "Haha, that's right, kids, let's go!"

The speed of "Dark Night" was extremely fast, and Xu promised to fly to the Gusu Empire quickly. Chen Feng and others accelerated to catch up. It was too late to say goodbye to the female officers. This was exactly what Hongshuibin wanted, and he was still thinking about what he could do to ease the embarrassment. , Now it’s the best not to worry about what to say.

During the flight, Chen Feng approached the promised person and asked: "Master, you just said that you want the female officer's father to treat you. What does that mean?"

"It means literally, let her father invite me to dinner, what else?" Xu promised to answer Chen Feng carelessly, and his attention was on another matter: "I said Shuibin, kid, you Did you fall in love with someone? Staring at her desperately along the way."

"Uh... this..." Hong Hung Bin was embarrassed. It turned out that even Teacher Xu had seen his small movements and did not know how to answer.

After seeing this female officer again, Hongshui Bin behaved very absent-minded. He, who had always been quite active, became cautious, fearing that he would leave a bad image in front of her.

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