Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 936: Promised question

The reason why I promised to leave is that the people in the entire ice city have a bad attitude towards them, including the soldiers who just went out to prepare a place for them. Their eyes are full of unkindness, and they continue to stay. Unnecessary incidents are likely to be caused in the ice city, it is better to leave both sides early and not see.

"If this is the case, then I will not force it to stay. I hope we can work together to defeat the European Union!" The promise was firm. Tchaikonov was not good at forcibly keeping people. After shaking hands with the promise, the meeting ended successfully. .

"Okay, let's go to rest first, and come back to learn about the latest situation when we adjust." The soldier who just went out to prepare a place for Chen Feng and the others just opened the door and walked in, promising not to stay in the command room any more, and guilty. Take everyone to the rest area.

As the length of stay in the ice city increased, Chen Feng felt more and more bitterly cold, and his body became a little stiff. These people in the ancient Soviet Empire were really cruel to him. They used this method to exercise themselves, especially Tchaikonov. Chen Feng also sighs inferiorly in the sports outfit of the midsummer season.

Xu Xu didn't like this thorough coldness even more. The dark wounds on his body were aroused and brought continuous pain to his body. The frequency of drinking was getting faster and faster. The wine in the wine gourd was quickly consumed and almost bottomed out. He returned to the hangar and brought more wine to keep out the cold. Chen Feng intimately hugged him a bucket, so that he could last at least a day.

Seeing that Promise insisted on returning to the hangar but only brought a lot of wine, the eyes of the leading officer looking at Promise could not help but become strange. How did he know the reason for the promise that he must drink, and he thought that this half-hearted machine The teacher is a hopeless drunkard, and gave him another reason to underestimate Chen Feng and others.

He promised that he never cared what outsiders thought of him. He drank the wine in his mouth, and when he arrived at the accommodation arranged for them, the officer left immediately, and he didn't mean to stay with them.

Without outsiders, Chen Feng felt a lot more at ease. Since entering this ice city, they have been greeted with malicious gazes, which made him feel uncomfortable. Until now, he has not adapted.

Look up and check the accommodations arranged for them. It is the same as in the Southwest Military Region and the Southeast Military Region. They are still two large rooms, which are provided for men and women to live separately. From the outside, they look similar to the surroundings. People don't like them, but they don't compromise on living conditions and treat them equally.

However, this also means that there is no heating equipment in the room. He made his promise to leave as soon as possible. He stood outside the door suppressing the pain that was beginning to surge in his body, and smiled at Chen Feng, who looked at him with concern. I laughed: "Master, I'm too lazy to move, kid, help me make the bed."

"Leave it to me." Chen Feng immediately ran into the room and promised to tidy up the sheets. He knew that Master usually uses alcohol to relieve his physical injuries. The faster he drinks, the worse his physical condition is. The action on the board was a bit faster again.

After Chen Feng finished the shop, he promised to lie down without any image: "Cool! It's a pity that I don't like this city of ice and snow. Otherwise, your stay here will help improve your body's endurance. You need to be able to stay longer. Over a period of time, you can drive the mecha to make movements that can withstand more pressure."

"Forget it, I don't like this place either. What I saw along the way was all hostility. We came here for reinforcements. As for the opinions on us so much?" Hongshui Bin immediately shook his head, compared to those who exercised here. The quality, he is more difficult to accept is the hostility from all sides.

Ye Qi found a chair and sat down, thinking that the Bingcheng people would have this attitude: "Because they are the proudest people in the Ice City of the Ancient Soviet Empire, they think they can't handle the European Union. , And then they have to ask us for help, which is a shame to them, so I can understand their performance."

Being able to understand doesn't mean being able to accept it. Hong Bin still wants to leave and doesn't want to be angry for nothing: "I can't accept this kind of attitude anyway, it's better to leave early."

Nangong Mengdie considers everyone’s mission. It’s not a good choice to stay in the ice city and wait: “Let’s go, our belonging is not here. The military sent us here to have better results. It’s not good if we are not at the front line. Play."

Chen Feng did not participate in their discussion. He stayed with Xu after he lay down. He could feel the changes that happened after Master came to Ice City. He was worried about the onset of hidden injuries in Master’s body. He wanted to be the first time. Help.

Chen Feng stayed with him every step of the way, which moved Xu promise. This apprentice did not act very special when he was in school. It was only later that he gradually attracted his attention. In the end, he felt that Chen Feng's potential was good. Chen Feng is an apprentice, and the two people don't spend much time together. The relationship between the teacher and the apprentice is not deep, but there is something wrong with him. Chen Feng follows him with a nervous expression. This is the concern that he has promised not to feel for a long time.

My heart is warm, but my promise is still screaming: "Don't worry, I am just temporarily not adapting to the cold environment here. Your master, I have not experienced anything, and I am afraid of some difficulties?"

"I'm not worried, I just thought that we had just arrived here, and something happened to our team leader. It would not be good to affect the team's actions." Knowing the promised character, even Chen Feng followed him. A joke to cover up the fact that he cares about his body.

"Haha, tomorrow will be fine." After this episode, promised to have a closer relationship with Chen Feng, and proactively told Chen Feng the time he needed to adjust, and then suddenly asked: "I said kid, you What is the current synchronization rate?"

There is a reason for the promise to ask. Starting from the military headquarters of the Qur'an God Republic, they felt the ice city of the ancient Soviet Empire. During the period, they never stopped except for the border to be searched. The promise was the strongest and natural. Leading the way, followed by Hong Bin, but the third place in the team is not Ye Qi in the promised image, but Chen Feng, who has just gotten the modified machine, and Chen Feng is still firmly in place. The third place has never fallen behind.

This makes Xu promise very strange. It stands to reason that the synchronization rate of Hong Kong and Ye Qi is 94. Hong Kong is driving the special plane "Candle Light Youying", and it is normal to be in the second place.

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