Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 954: Destroy channel

After Ji Ling and Yun Yang quarreled fiercely, the two never met anymore. They only managed their own affairs. As the leader of this attacking team, Ji Ling’s affairs would be more onerous. Yun Yang felt uncomfortable. He was clearly the stronger one. Why should the leader always hand over the main leadership to Ji Ling? This is absolutely partial.

In order to prove that he is a thousand times stronger than Ye Qi, Yunyang urged the mechas under his management impatiently: "Hurry up and put all the people in your mechas on the ground, and all of them will enter the base in Road City to participate in the attack. Point! Hurry up!"

Under the command of Yun Yang's urging style, the mecha he managed unloaded all the men in black that they carried at a speed one step faster than that of Ji Ling. All these men in black flocked to the passage, wanting to take the shortest time Enter the base in Road Town.

Ji Ling is not as urgent as Yun Yang. He kept in mind the order of the leader of the creation organization when he came, and gave priority to killing Chen Feng and others, especially the demigod pilot who promised to kill him here at all costs. In the base, he was not allowed the opportunity to participate in this battle between the European Union and the ancient Soviet Empire.

Because he had strong hostility towards Chen Feng in his heart, Ji Ling quietly changed the leader’s order. He informed everyone that once they found the promise and Chen Feng, they would immediately kill them on the spot. Those who were unable to kill them could also provide witnesses. Intelligence, as long as there is participation, everyone will be rewarded.

That's why Chen Feng encountered the situation in the hangar. The two people thought that a pie in the sky would allow them to live a life of drunkenness and gold, but they were attacked by Hong Bin from behind and killed their lives hastily.

When Chen Feng said that he had news about Chen Feng, the person who stopped them was very envious, but there were very strict regulations within the Creation Organization that prevented him from taking the credit that belonged to Chen Feng, and in turn returned it to Chen Feng. Provided the key information, thinking that Chen Fengfei would remember him after Huang Tengda in the future, so that he would give him a hand. The result was pretty good.

But it is a pity that his wishful thinking was wrong. Chen Feng successfully reached the origin of everything through the information he gave. If the Creation Organization traces it afterwards, he will definitely be punished by life rather than death.

Having found the way for the Creation Organization to enter the base in Rhodes Town, what remains to consider is how to block it and prevent more people from the Creation Organization from passing through.

Since this passage was temporarily pierced with mechas and there was no supporting equipment inside, Chen Feng could see that as the people of the Creation Organization drilled out, powder was continuously falling from the top of the passage, obviously it was very weak.

The passage is so fragile that it is easy to handle. Chen Feng raised his eyebrows at Hongshui Bin, stretched out his right hand to make an oval shape, put his left hand on it and made a pull gesture, and then glanced at the passage again. This way Tell Hong Bin his intentions.

Hongshui Bin nodded his head intently, he understood Chen Feng's meaning, and put his hands into the pockets of his clothes to prepare.

Because Chen Feng opened the way in front, he couldn't make too conspicuous actions so as not to attract people's attention. He continued to approach the contact office under the pretext of informing Ji Ling about Chen Feng's news, and came to the side of the passage very smoothly.

By his side is the channel that can reverse the entire battle. Had it not been for someone from the liaison office to come over to them, Hongbin would almost take out his hands and act according to the plan.

Seeing the man walking straight towards him, Hong Hung Bin quickly retracted his hands back, lowered his head and dared not look at his face. Now he was only a step away from him, and he must not fail because of his identity being seen through.

The person ignored the anomaly of Hong Bin. He approached Chen Feng and stared at Chen Feng’s face carefully. Suddenly he said, "Is there anyone telling you that the one you and Chief Ji Ling are looking for is called Chen Feng's looks very similar?"

Chen Feng was in a cold sweat. It would be bad if he was recognized here. Fortunately, the mask covers most of his face. All he can see from the other side is the eyebrows and eyes, which cannot be used to determine their identity. in accordance with.

He can't let him continue to block himself, and if you let him see it, maybe he will see through his identity. Chen Feng quickly used the excuse to tell Ji Ling to squeeze past him to prevent him from having the opportunity to continue speaking: "Yes. I don't pay much attention to this so I don't know. My team met the real Chen Feng at the base just now. I have to report to Chief Ji Ling and send someone to help us eliminate this disaster."

"We must promptly notify Chief Ji Ling, please give in." Hongshui Bin followed closely, without Chen Feng playing cover, he had no idea that he could hide from the other party, and quickly followed in Chen Feng's footsteps. Feng did what he did, which was less likely to arouse suspicion.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin were not cold on their topic, the person tilted his head in disappointment. He mumbled and walked aside, reminiscing about himself. The photo sent by Ji Ling is indeed in a hurry. The corners of the eyebrows of the person who ran in were very similar.

I was thinking that he stood up abruptly, wouldn't this person be Chen Feng that Ji Ling wanted to kill? I really can't recognize the person through a mask, so this possibility cannot be ruled out.

When he came to the location closest to the passage, Chen Feng knew that he could no longer pretend to be under the scrutiny of the surrounding crowd. He took out the grenade he had prepared in his pocket and threw it at the entrance of the cave, and shouted at Hong Hung Bin: " Shui Bin, do it!"

"Understood!" Hong Bin couldn't wait to throw all the grenades on his body into the passage, and then rushed to the ground in the horrified eyes of the people around him, covering his head with his hands and waiting for the impact of the explosion.

All changes occurred between the lightning and flint. The people of the Creation Organization saw two men in black walking in, and they kept saying that they would pass the news to the leader of Ji Ling, but the two people got closer and closer to them to break in. In the passage of the Rhodes City base, they actually took out five or six grenades and threw them in. The changes were so great that they were a little confused.

The people of the Genesis Organization are faking, but the grenade will not delay the explosion time. The grenade thrown into the passage by Chen Feng and Hongbin exploded together. The huge energy directly exploded the unstable passage and was urged by Yun Yang. The man in black who entered was buried by the falling boulders without a chance to escape, causing heavy casualties.

Not only that, the power of the explosion also spread to the liaison office outside. The spray of flame burned all the black-clothed people who were still in place, and the huge wave of air overturned them and flew into the air. A purgatory on earth.

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