Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 960: Director of each Shi

Chen Feng's promotion again means that Ji Ling needs to be more cautious in the next battle, and can no longer be as relaxed as before.

This is exactly where Chen Feng's purpose lies. Forcing Ji Ling to act cautiously, he will not be attacked too many times, so that he can have more time to find where Ji Ling is hiding.

Three floating cannons hovered in the dark, slowly expanding the search range to compress Ji Ling's space, but Ji Ling was not so easy to find. During Chen Feng's search for him, he launched several attacks and almost attacked Chen Feng. The modified machine caused indelible damage.

The most dangerous one was when Chen Feng was confused by Ji Ling’s false appearance. Ji Ling was able to cut a small mountain next to him into a mecha-like appearance in just tens of seconds, causing Chen Feng to mistake him for himself. I found Ji Ling and rushed forward to get him out.

But when he was halfway through, Chen Feng realized that something was wrong. This mecha-like figure was just a mountain that had been cut off by most of the mountain, and the real Ji Ling was not there.

Ji Ling launched the deadliest attack while Chen Feng charged towards the mountain. His left dagger still pierced the back of Chen Feng’s modified machine. From beginning to end, he did not give up his plan to destroy Chen Feng’s circuit, because of this. It is the most effective attack method. He has no reason to give up and find other more troublesome targets.

After Ji Ling continuously attacked the back of the mecha, Chen Feng was already wary enough. When he realized that he had been deceived, he immediately swung his sword to protect his back, and dashed forward a few steps before turning around to pull away from Ji Ling. The fierceness prevented him from launching a second attack.

Chen Feng hadn't forgotten that Ji Ling had two daggers in his hands. Ji Ling didn't attack with two daggers at the same time in front of him. It doesn't mean that he can't now. He must be fully prepared.

This action saved Chen Feng’s life, and Ji Ling really couldn’t help using the dagger in his right hand. He guessed that Chen Feng would definitely guard against his remaining dagger, so he set up a few traps to tempt Chen. Feng took the bait.

Chen Feng took a few steps forward and was about to turn around to hit Ji Ling back, but felt that there was no space at the feet of the modified machine, and his body fell forward uncontrollably. It turned out that Ji Ling dug a hole in the ground covered by snow. , It happened to be stepped on by Chen Feng and lost his balance.

This is the second trap set by Ji Ling. As long as Chen Feng wants to stay away from his attack, the cave several meters wide under the white snow that he just dug out will trap Chen Feng. Chen Feng temporarily lost the ability to defend.

Chen Feng stomped forward and crooked forward. This was an excellent opportunity for Ji Ling to attack. He leaped forward without leaving his hand, with a dagger in his right hand. This time he was no longer aiming at the back of Chen Feng's modified machine. It was the head of Chen Feng's modified aircraft. He wanted to break through the cockpit where Chen Feng was in one shot and directly win the matchup.

Chen Feng had nowhere to take advantage of the modified machine. Seeing Ji Ling's dagger approached, he could hit the head of his modified machine in the next second. Chen Feng's life was at stake!

Seeing that the dagger was only less than one meter away from him, Chen Feng finally could no longer conceal his strength. He activated all the floating guns attached behind him, and flew the modified machine sideways with huge thrust, again dangerously. The fatal blow of Ji Ling was avoided dangerously, but even if he was allowed to avoid the most dangerous part, his body was inevitably stabbed by a dagger, and a deep scratch was drawn. A line that was cut open with sparks.

As expected to be Ji Ling, being able to display such outstanding offensive ability under the cover of the darkness caused Chen Feng to suffer a big loss, but because he wanted to kill Chen Feng with one blow, he chose to get close and gave Chen Feng. Can leave him a chance.

Chen Feng couldn't take care of erasing the blood that was spit out by the powerful impact, and immediately drove the modified machine to face Ji Ling. Everything before was done for the present, and this time he could not escape.

It was very unexpected that Ji Ling could not successfully kill Chen Feng. It stands to reason that the dead end he set would be flashed past. Chen Feng suddenly exploded faster than he had imagined, causing him to be far from the desired ending. It's only a loss.

Instead of ending the battle, he was entangled by Chen Feng. Ji Ling could no longer escape. He had to face Chen Feng to decide the outcome.

Chen Feng stopped holding Ji Ling's hand, and after activating the floating cannon in the mecha posture, he immediately flew the last floating cannon that could control the flight, and combined with the three floating cannons that flew back to block Ji Ling. inside.

In order to prevent Ji Ling from breaking out of the encirclement, Chen Feng did not use the beam rifle that he had been fascinated with recently. Instead, he still used the beam sword to get close to Ji Ling for close combat, trapping him within the attack range of the floating gun.

Ji Ling has realized that since Chen Feng used four floating cannons at the same time, Chen Feng could only use two floating cannons in the last match, but at that time the two had almost reached a tie. Chen Feng flew out another floating cannon to explore the way. He thought this was Chen Feng’s new improvement since this time, but he didn’t want Chen Feng to actually raise another floating cannon. Obviously Chen Feng’s improvement was better than he thought. It’s very unfavorable for him.

The four floating cannons staggered to launch an attack. This threat level is much stronger than that of the two floating cannons. If you are not careful, you will continue to hang colors on your body. Ji Ling has to focus most of his energy on evading the beam attack from the floating cannon. on.

However, even if Ji Ling attaches great importance to the attack from the floating cannons, the four floating cannons fired together still made his head as big as a bucket. The modified machine failed to avoid it several times, and the armor began to gradually deform after being hit continuously, which made him pay more attention. Dodge, leading to a slight ignorance of Chen Feng in front of him.

Although Chen Feng said that after the promised point, his focus was mostly on the training of the beam rifle, but after all he learned the Luoying Colorful Sword, and he also got the point of Murong Fan. The Luoying Colorful Sword is powerful in the combination of left and right fighting techniques. If the opponent does not deal with it seriously, it will have to pay a heavy price.

In the past, Chen Feng’s synchronization rate was not as high as Ji Ling, and he could not use the power and speed of the modified machine to a higher level. Now he does not have this problem. Even his synchronization rate is a little higher than Ji Ling, and he fights better. It was quite tough. When Ji Ling paid more attention to the beam coming from his side, the two beam swords on the left and right swept away towards Ji Ling with different styles of swords.

Ji Ling is paying attention to the endless beam attacks. According to his experience, these floating cannons cannot support high-frequency attacks for too long. As long as he can survive this period of danger, it is still unknown who will die.

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