Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 966: Seize power

What Ji Ling wholeheartedly wanted was to take over Ji Ling's position and become the most trusted person in the creation organization. Now Ji Ling's mission to attack the base in Rhodes City has failed, which is the best time for him.

"I let you go and I didn't expect you to take the Rhode Town base. If the Rhode Town base could be easily broken, why should we spend so long with them here." The leader of the Creation Organization didn't care. Ji Ling's purpose in attacking the Rhodes City base was not to take the base.

Although the leader does not care whether he wins or not, Ji Ling explained why he would adopt more troublesome tactics: "Although the Rhode Town base was built temporarily, the gate of the base cannot be broken in a short time, and attacking the gate will cause problems in the base. Pay attention, that's why I decided to pierce another tunnel and send someone to sneak in silently to carry out the assassination."

How could Yunyang allow Ji Ling to get rid of his crime, and immediately fan the flames next to him: "Leader, you must not be confused by Ji Ling. It is because of his wrong judgment that we cannot enter the base within a short time after the passage is destroyed. As a result, we were chased and killed by the two demigod pilots inside, and most of our personnel involved in the operation died!"

Since its founding, the Creation Organization has been looking for trouble in other countries everywhere, and where people have been chased down by others. Since the Southwest Military Region of the Ancient Shenlan Republic, the Creation Organization seems to have fallen into a low ebb. One reason for the cooperation of the European Union.

Waved his hand to tell Yunyang not to make noise. The creation organization leader still did not hold Ji Ling accountable. Instead, he leaned down and asked Ji Ling: "The attack failed is forgiven, but did the person I want you to kill kill?"

"Return to the leader, our people were discovered soon after entering the Rhode Town base. When trying to send more people to enter, the passage was destroyed and all the people inside were wiped out. We failed to successfully kill the promise and follow him. Those who came here." Ji Ling knelt down on one knee, saying that he had not been able to complete the task assigned to him by the leader.

The leader of the Genesis Organization, who had been tepid, finally got a hint of anger. He slapped the table in front of him and rebuked Ji Ling: "Do you know how much influence your failure to kill them will have on our actions in the future? A Sergey is already difficult to deal with, and another promise, do you think we can still win?"

"I'm sorry, I've failed your trust!" Ji Ling knew he was ashamed and did not dare to refute the leader's accusation: "The sneak attack tonight was destroyed by Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin who came with him. They The two piloted mechas destroyed the access to the base in Road Town and kept the gate, so that all our efforts were burned."

"Chen Feng, Shuibin...I remember that if you are right, they have fought you two many times, right? Why didn't you kill them?" The leader of the Creation Organization touched his chin, and he seemed to hear it more than once. With these two names, in the process of the eradication of the forces of the creation organization in the Ancient Godlan Republic, they must have been fighting.

Ji Ling lowered his head deeply. Although he didn't want to admit it, he couldn't kill Chen Feng at all now: "They are growing too fast. I could suppress them a little bit before, but every time I meet They will all become stronger. This time I can't even beat Chen Feng."

At the same time, what Chen Feng said to him appeared in Ji Ling's heart. Did his adoptive father really deceive him? Is the foster father really a member of the Saint Gama Empire? Why did the foster father do this?

Ji Ling's answer surprised the leaders of the Genesis Organization a little bit. Why did these boys who had just graduated not long ago let the generals they trained themselves to admit defeat? So he asked Yun Yang again: "Is that so? Yun Yang?"

To admit that he is inferior to those two boys makes Yunyang feel very shameless, but he can't lie in front of the leader and make his face flushed: "Yes, that Hongbin doesn't know how lucky he is. I also got a special plane, and now I am even more of his opponent."

"That's why I let Ji Ling lead people into the Rhodes City base and want to kill them first. If they are allowed to continue to grow, it will be difficult to deal with in the future." Hearing the two leaders said that they are not as good as each other, let The leaders of the Creation Organization also valued Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin.

Ji Ling admitted his mistake again. In the final analysis, all this was because he failed to allow people to successfully sneak into the base in Rhodes City, and thus was unable to assassinate these people from the Republic of the Gods of Qur'an: "Sorry, I failed to meet your requirements! Please be punished by the leader!"

Failure of the mission must be punished. The leaders of the Creation Organization decided to deprive Ji Ling of command: "You have failed my trust and made the situation worse. I must punish you severely! But now it's a war, so from today As long as you hand over command to Yunyang and let Yunyang be responsible for managing the mecha units, you will act under his hands. If you do not perform well in this battle, you will be punished for multiple crimes at that time. Do you understand? "

"Understood!" Ji Ling agreed without hesitation.

To be honest, the punishment of the leaders of the Creation Organization has given him a chance. He did not accept the punishment immediately, but left it for later, so that he had the opportunity to make up for the failure and make up for this failure.

Moreover, from the current situation of Ji Ling, it is not a bad thing to lose command. Without commanding the large number of pilots below, he will have more free time for activities, which is right for him who wants to investigate the truth of the past. Appropriate, so there will be no resistance.

The instigator of this accusation, Yun Yang, was even more pleased. His purpose in bringing Ji Ling to the leader was to discourage Ji Ling’s impression of the leader. Although he had great interest in command power, he never thought about being able to Snatched it all at once, and the leader suddenly wanted to deprive Ji Ling of command and hand it over to him. How could it not be overjoyed.

Seeing Ji Ling accepting the punishment as if accepting his fate, Yun Yang immediately fell to the ground, thanking the leader for his decision: "Thank you for your trust, the leader, I will do my best to help the creation organization!"

"Huh! Just because you are the first to run away every time you encounter danger, you can still say this kind of thing, don't you know you are ashamed?" Ji Ling scorned Yun Yang in his heart, but He restrained himself from not speaking, otherwise there would be another fierce quarrel in front of his adoptive father. He knew that his adoptive father did not like this kind of scene, so he buried his contempt in his heart.

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