Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 968: hometown

Under Ji Ling's constant questioning, Uncle Wei nodded repeatedly, confirming his guess one by one: "Yes, we haven't been back since we got out there. After so many years, I don't know if there are any people there. Forget about us."

"Where is the hometown of the foster father and you? Uncle Wei, can you tell me?" Ji Ling quietly clenched his fists and asked the question he wanted to verify first.

The highlight is coming. As long as the foster father is not a member of the Saint Gama Empire, then all Chen Feng’s speculations are wrong, then Ji Ling can face his foster father with a relaxed attitude, and then take the time to find Liu The steward, slowly figure out why he and his adoptive father say differently.

But if the foster father is a member of the Saint Gama Empire, then the next investigation will be more secretive. The foster father is related to the Saint Gama Empire, and if he is really a mecha of the Saint Gama Empire Taken away, then the past that the adoptive father told him is all false, and he must rely on himself to discover the shocking secrets hidden inside.

Uncle Wei did not notice Ji Ling's nervousness. He was still immersed in his own memories and blurted out: "The Saint Gama Empire, we are all people from the Saint Gama Empire."

Uncle Wei's words were like a bolt from the blue, and what struck Ji Ling was dizzy, and the foster father was really from the Saint Gama Empire! Then he is inseparable from the Qiantang River landing battle. What role does he play in it? Did he save yourself? All this must be rethinked.

Hearing this worst answer, Ji Ling felt that his chest was tight and short of breath, and he almost lost his breath. It seems that he must go to Steward Liu to understand what happened in the past as soon as possible. Didn't he do the thing of recognizing the thief as his father? !

Ji Ling's mind was lost and could not conceal his emotions. Uncle Wei noticed his strangeness. He put his hand on Ji Ling's shoulder with concern and asked, "Huh? Ji Ling, what are you in a daze? What happened? "

Uncle Wei shouldn’t be suspicious. If you want to continue the investigation in the creation organization, you must continue to pretend that you don’t know anything. Ji Ling calmed down and smiled and said: “It’s okay, it’s just too unexpected. They will be from the Saint Gama Empire. As you know, my parents were killed by the Saint Gama Empire during the Qiantang River Landing Battle. I can’t accept it.”

"I can understand your feelings, but I hope this will not affect the relationship between you and the leader. The leader values ​​you very much." Fortunately, Uncle Wei didn't expect it too deeply. He thought that Ji Ling was just because he didn't have a moment Can accept the news that a good leader comes from the Saint Gama Empire, will become such a gaffe.

I never felt that the Creation Organization had become so unfamiliar. Ji Ling almost didn’t know what he should do and what to say. If he stayed here and continued speaking, it would be easy to reveal flaws. Ji Ling quickly got up and said goodbye: "Thank you, Uncle Wei for telling me. For these, I am going back to find information and see what gifts the Saint Gama Empire has more worthy of gifts."

Uncle Wei got up to say goodbye to Ji Ling, and especially told an important message: "Ok, one last thing to remind you, never buy anything about firearms. Leaders hate these things the most. If you use firearms-related things, Making a gift will definitely make him angry."

Ji Ling looked dumbfounded. Why didn't he notice that his adoptive father had such a taboo: "What? The adoptive father doesn't like anything about firearms. Why did I never know?"

Uncle Wei did not give Ji Ling a detailed explanation. He could only tell him to pay attention to this detail. He half-pushed Ji Ling out of the room: "You don’t know the leader’s past. It’s normal if you don’t understand. As for the reason, you don’t have to think about it. Anyway, just remember not to buy gifts related to firearms."

Uncle Wei's actions were obviously perfunctory, but why would the foster father dislike things related to guns? Ji Ling thought carefully, and suddenly his heart trembled violently!

Who is the strongest pilot in the world right now? People who ask all over the world have only one answer, and that is Griffin, the "gun god" of the Saint Gama Empire. Although there are three war gods in the world, there is no doubt that only Griffin is the strongest among them.

What is Griffin’s strongest weapon? It is the two beam rifles in his hand that can be combined and separated, and can also be used for close combat. I don't know how many people died under his two guns. Just hearing it made many people frightened.

When Griffin was still young, another talented pilot of the Saint Gama Empire, Smith, designed to frame him. As a result, Griffin escaped from his birth and exposed his bad behavior, resulting in Smith being beaten into the cold palace. , No more support from the state.

In the end, Smith disappeared even more. The world never heard any news about him, but think about it and know that Smith definitely has an extraordinary hatred against Griffin, and it was Griffin that took away his attention. It was because of Griffin that he was abandoned by the entire Saint Gama Empire.

So whoever in the world hates Griffin the "Gun God" is definitely not Smith, and Griffin is famous for his two beam rifles, then Smith will definitely hate this weapon.

Hearing that the foster father hates things about guns, this can be related to Smith who has been missing for many years. How can Ji Ling calm down? With his investigation, the revealed things are getting closer and closer to Chen Feng's. guess.

Ji Ling is very scared now. He is afraid that at the end of the investigation, it is discovered that the foster father is really Smith, who really killed his parents and robbed him, how should he deal with himself then?

Leaving the hangar unconsciously, Ji Ling went back to his room and lay down on the bed. He couldn't get rid of the fear in his heart even though he thought about it. Could it be that he stayed by his father's enemy for so many years without knowing anything about it, and still stood for it What are you doing?

"No! I have to find a time to go back to Wanling Temple. I have to find Steward Liu and ask what happened that day!" Ji Ling couldn't sleep on the bed anyway, and got up to the desk and took out a notebook to record. Tonight’s discovery, he wants to keep all his future investigations in it, so that he can get a fair and objective conclusion.

Ji Ling's investigation has just made some progress. Chen Feng also returned to the base in Rhodes City with the promise. The men in black in the invasion have been wiped out. All the mechas outside were blasted by Sergey except for those who fled. A calm look.

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