Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 970: Plan action

Sergey couldn’t think of what went wrong. He actually asked about the promise: "And even if the creation organization discovers after you arrive, they want to organize mecha troops and so many people in black, and the time to prepare It takes a lot of money, how did they manage to attack so quickly?"

He promised that he was too lazy to think about such a headache. He just wanted to use this to point out the loopholes in the jurisdiction and defense of the Road Town base, so that Sergey thought about it: "I have no idea about this. In short, we were just created when we arrived. The World Organization is watching, and you have an indelible responsibility."

Although Sergey is a relatively powerful demigod pilot, his management ability is really not good. During the time he was in charge of the Rhodes Town base, he had never mastered the initiative. He was beaten from start to finish. Saying that there is a demigod pilot like him, he shouldn't be beaten so embarrassed.

He promised to hold on to the creation of the organization that wanted to kill them. Sergey had to apologize and promised to ensure the safety of these people who came from the Ancient Shenlan Republic. He was willing to move their place of residence to near his office. .

This proposal was promised and rejected directly. If they moved to the vicinity of Sergey, then their freedom would be completely lost. They would face the siege of the ancient Soviet Empire every day, and boredom would suffocate people.

After finally dispelling the anger of promise, Sergey began to praise the performance of Chen Feng and others: "However, Pilot Xu, the young people you brought with you are very strong. The Ye Qi in the base took the lead. Organized a battle to eliminate the men in black, Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin also withstood the invasion of the Genesis Organization mechas, especially Hongshui Bin. The variant special machine really deserves its reputation, and the battle is really brilliant!"

"Shuibin is a young man in our country who is comparable to Pan Yuguo. The special machine "Candle Light Youying" is tailor-made for him. This kind of performance should be possible." I didn't hear Sergey praise Chen Feng in particular. , Promised to be a little unhappy, and specially brought Chen Feng out and said: "My apprentice is also very good, right? If it weren't for him, your base would have been broken into by the Mecha of the Creation Organization."

Sergey understood, and quickly thanked Chen Feng behind the promise: "Yes, Chen Feng also performed very well. I have to thank you for forcibly guarding the entrance and exit."

"We are here to reinforce you. This is what I should do." Chen Feng didn't dare to let a demigod pilot whisper to him, and respectfully said that this was his own business.

They promised to take the opportunity to put gold on their country’s face. They were fed up in the ice city and didn’t want to do the same in other places: "Although our country has made you pay a relatively high price before willing to send troops, yes, we are going all out. I am helping you. I think the follow-up mecha units should have entered the territory of your country by now. You cannot lose."

Sergey nodded in agreement. As the commander of one of the three major battlefields, he obtained more timely information than promised. Judging from the number of reinforcements of the mecha units, the Ancient Godlan Republic is indeed very serious in providing assistance.

That's why Sergey had a better attitude towards promises and others, and cooperation can achieve a win-win situation, especially when the conditions of the Rhode Town base are not good. He must use the power of these people to defeat the Creation Organization: "Well, I have already got the news. , Your country’s mech army is advancing on the other two battlefields on the front line. I believe it can help withstand the European Union’s offensive."

"I don't want to be robbed of the limelight by them, what do you think of Xie pilot?" Suddenly, Xu promised, saying that he didn't want to just passively help the Road City base to defend.

Sergey's eyes lit up, he also had the same idea, but the promised temper was too weird, he was not completely sure: "You mean..."

He promised not to go around the circle with Sergey, and directly said his idea: "Anyway, the creation organization failed to attack tonight, and their mechas have damaged most of them. It is better for us to join forces with the mechas in Rhodes Town to launch an attack tomorrow. The army of the Genesis Organization was directly defeated."

He promised to come to the ancient Soviet Empire because he bears the heavy responsibility placed by Commander Ma. Commander Ma hopes that he can find the key to determine the outcome of the battle and lead the two countries’ coalition forces to victory. The mech forces will not suffer too much damage and can return to the country as soon as possible to prevent possible attacks by the Zhu Timwen Federation.

Sergei clapped his hands excitedly, promising to have such a strong desire to fight, this is what he wants to see most, as long as they can join forces to attack, how can the Creation Organization resist?

Sergey grabbed the shoulder of the promise and decided to make a decision on the action plan for tomorrow with the promise: "I think it is feasible! The people in the creation organization must feel that they have always had the upper hand. We can't launch a counterattack. This time it's out of them. If the operation is expected, it is very likely to succeed, and with the help of Xu pilots, we can free up a demi-divine pilot to deal with the mecha units of the Creation Organization. They will never win!"

"Don’t forget, there is also a special plane among the few people I brought, and my apprentices and their various strengths are good. There is no high-level pilot who can fight them in the creation organization. We need this victory. Take it down happily!" He promised to raise the wine gourd in his hand to Sergey. He was very optimistic about the result of this action.

"That's it!" Sergey was very happy. Hearing the sound of no more wine flowing in the promised wine gourd, he turned around and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, poured two glasses and handed one of them to the promise In front of him: "I will order the mechas in the base to be ordered at any time. We will set off at dawn. I am responsible for the leaders of the Creation Organization. You can attack the mechas of the Creation Organization. Please! "

Sergey is also a wine lover. He always has a few bottles of good wine in his office. Today, he had a good chat with Promise, and asked him to take out his favorite bottle of wine and share with Promise.

After a short half-day of contact, he promised to see that Sergey was a magnanimous person and not good at scheming. This was in line with his taste. He generously took the wine glass and smashed Sergey.

The promise of drinking this glass of wine is staggering again and again. This is a kind of wine that he has never drunk. The wine of the ancient Soviet Empire is very different from the wine of the ancient Shenlan Republic, and the momentum inside is even greater. The ancient Soviet empire is worthwhile.

After recollecting the impact of the wine for a while, he promised to make amendments to Sergey's plan: "Let me be the leader of the creation organization. I have never played against him, just let me try."

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