Mecha Forger

Chapter 103 Deployment

Tang Gang shook his head helplessly, and then unfolded the scroll placed aside.

It was a map marked with several red dots.

Raoel glanced at it, but didn't see the reason, "What is this? Hurry up, don't show off!"

Tang Gang's hand gently brushed over the map and said slowly: "Black Skull's defense map, from a year and a half ago."

Tang Gang's simple words made Raoel almost jump with joy.

That's a defense map!

Black Skull’s defense map!

Even if it is from a year and a half ago, the reference value is still great!

His left hand temporarily transmitted the coordinates over a short distance, and his right hand deployed the defense map. A flower bloomed on Loel's face.

Rao Er was dazzled by the victory, but Song Ci was not confused yet. He frowned and asked: "The Black Skull is stationed at R78, but the temporary short-distance teleportation coordinates are at R15. It doesn't sound much different, but in fact , there is still a certain distance!

The defense map was from a year and a half ago, so it should have been changed a lot.

We don't know the situation well, so we can't make a surprise attack, so we have to figure it out slowly. "

Song Ci's words were like a basin of cold water poured over Rao Er's face.

But Rao Er also knew in his heart that Song Ci's words were not unreasonable.

"If this matter is done well or not, you have to take the lead!"

Loel calmed down and immediately clicked on Tangshan Iron and Steel's general.

Tangshan Iron and Steel did not delay, but said ugly words ahead, "If you want to complete the spy mission, I can't do it alone."

Song Ci raised his eyebrows, "What do you want?"

Tang Gang was unambiguous in his request, "A small starship, the latest anti-reconnaissance equipment, high-concentration stealth agents, Auron, and give me eight more black-level mecha pilots."

Tang Gang's request was not too low, but it was not too much either. Song Ci nodded without hesitation.

The Black Skeleton is not only the mortal enemy of Colonel Song Ci, but also a major cancer in the alliance.

Five or six of the ten assassinations that Colonel Song faced were planned by them.

More than 70% of the major cases in the alliance were caused by them.

To fight against such crimes, we have to do it at a loss.

Now, as long as the layout is reasonable, you can still make some extra money to subsidize your family.

Song Ci will naturally not be stingy.

This place was a bit far away from the base camp of the expeditionary force, so Song Ci simply "borrowed" the things from the Blue Sea Mecha Academy and handed them over to Tang Gang immediately.

"Your mission is to inquire about information, don't think about anything else. Pay attention to safety, go early and come back early."

Tang Gang nodded, took Aolong and eight black-level mecha pilots, and left in a small starship with the strongest stealth equipment in the alliance.


On the planet R15 in the wild galaxy, the land trampled by the beast tide has not yet completely returned to its former appearance, and there is only boundless desolation everywhere.

Above this desolate land, a black dot began to slowly expand, gradually forming a curtain of light.

Then, a hole was torn open in the light curtain, and something slowly flowed across the light curtain like running water, creating a big hole in the ground.

Perhaps after being baptized by the beast tide, this uninhabited land is wide, flat, and solid.

It could be vaguely seen from the large crater that appeared for no reason that what landed on the ground was a small starship.

Aolong looked at the big pit and then at the gray windows, his face not looking too good.

"It's a trap like this. You can tell at a glance that a starship is landing. Invisibility is of no use!"

Tang Gang touched his nose and said with a dry smile: "We can just move it, it won't affect us.

There is no way, the only natural port in the wild galaxy is on the R78 planet.

At this moment, I'm afraid it has become the base camp of Black Skull. "

Aolong is not a person who doesn't know what to do. If he complains a little, he still has to do what needs to be done.

For example, move the starship.

For example, filling holes.

For example, take out a star map and determine the target location.

It's not just a day or two for Black Skeleton to set up camp here.

Not only R78, but also Black Skeleton spies on nearby asteroids.

Although the R15 planet is still not too close to the R78 planet, they have to be careful every step without any negligence.

After finally cleaning up the traces of the landing, everyone took a short rest, and the sky gradually became dark.

Tang Gang distributed nutritional supplements, and everyone ate and drank enough to replenish their spirits. Then they took the star map and spread out.

Tang Gang selected all masters. Eight black-level mecha pilots drove mechas coated with invisibility agents, like elves in the night, quickly traveling through the wild galaxy and blending into the night.

Tang Gang took Ao Long to the rear.

Although a year and a half has passed, Tangshan Iron and Steel's defense plans are still not out of date.

Although the number of people increased and the defense became tighter, the general layout did not change much.

At the very least, the location of the port is still where it is.

In the mecha era, the location of the port is crucial.

The mecha's energy is limited, so short-distance driving is fine, but long-distance escape requires starships.

Tang Gang knew what Loel and Song Ci had in common: if they didn't take action, they would be fine. Now that they had taken action, it was natural to catch them all and eradicate them.

To accomplish this small goal, the first step is to destroy their retreat.

The news about the starship is the most important of all news.

Of course, this is also the main purpose of Tangshan Iron and Steel bringing Aolong.

As an eighth-level starship caster, Aolong also has certain research on other machinery.

He has an infrared telescope-like thing inside the space buckle. From a distance of nearly a kilometer, he can clearly understand the status of the starship.

However, this thousand-meter restriction is really annoying.

Fortunately, the equipment provided by Song Ci was very concealed, and the information from Tangshan Iron and Steel was also very accurate. The group of people actually reached the edge of the port smoothly.

With nine people on alert, Aolong only needed to scan the dozen or so starships docked at the natural port of planet R78 one by one, and get the information on the starships from the inside out, and all the data easily and happily.

More than ten warships are all modified from standard warships. Their service life should be long, and they all have some problems.

In front of Aolong's instruments, these defects are as naked as a newborn baby, without any cover.

Aolong clicked his tongue, clearly marked the weak points of those battleships, and sent them to Loel's optical brain far away on the Rose.

Rao Er didn't mind sharing the diagram that Ao Long sent with Song Ci.

One person is short-term, but two people are long-term!

After all, Song Ci has been cunning since he was a child.

But even if he was as sinister as Song Ci, he was embarrassed when he saw the schematic diagram.

As an excellent commander, the first thing they have to consider is how to hit the enemy as quickly, hard and accurately as possible while reducing casualties.

But as a manager who is responsible for the life and death of a planet, they also have to consider the return on investment.

In other words, how to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

Many times, the two are unified.

But at this moment, there is a little contradiction.

The biggest profit is naturally to snatch all the starships and mechas from Black Skull.

But there are too many people stationed by the Black Skeletons on the planet R78, and the defense is tight, so the risk of robbery is too great.

If one of his brothers, including Tangshan Iron and Steel, is broken, it will be a huge loss.

A loss they cannot afford.

And there is no such thing as the fastest way to attack the enemy.

Aolong has found the loopholes in the starships. As long as he takes advantage of the loopholes in the starships and uses these starships as weapons, he can definitely set off a firework that resounds throughout the alliance and eliminate all the starships at once... and all the stars on the planet. people.

But in this way, they won't get a single hair.

Rao Er and Song Ci discussed for a long time, but in the end they could only call Tang Gang and his team back.

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