Mecha Forger

Chapter 106 Taking over

The same temporary short-distance transmission coordinates, the same small starship, the same docked on the R15 planet.

Once alive, twice familiar.

This time, it was much more stable.

Under the cover of darkness, a group of men in black-level mechas moved quickly and accurately, quietly approaching the natural port of the R78 planet.

One thousand meters, eight hundred meters, five hundred meters

Closer, closer.

The starship pilots wearing invisibility cloaks were dropped by the mecha pilots onto the seven starships marked by Raoel.

As for the several starships ahead, they became the targets of this group of mecha pilots, and countless liquid~explosion~DANs were launched into their relatively weak positions.

While the piercing alarm sounded, seven figures had sneaked into the starship and used the virus to quickly format the starship's driving system.

It was obviously not the first time this group of people had done something like this.

After all, relying on manual operation and using temporary short-distance transmission of coordinates, the operation of seven starships dispersing in seven directions of the wild galaxy requires tacit understanding.

The members of the Black Skull Star Thieves Group responded quickly.

But as soon as he took out his mecha, dark liquid, accompanied by a strong smell of light oil, fell from the sky. Half of the Black Skeleton's mechas died before they even got out.

Before the remaining people could reach the port, they heard a loud thunderous noise, accompanied by a sky-high fire, lighting up the night sky of the wild galaxy.

Nearly ten battleships and the weapons and energy sources equipped inside, as well as the explosives planted under Loel's instructions, exploded together. The R78 planet in the wild galaxy instantly turned into countless fragments and was wiped out.

The nearby asteroids are like small boats in the stormy waves, floating and sinking in the heat waves.

Asteroids are so difficult, and the mechas around R78, even the invisible black-level mechas, still have a hard time.

Fortunately, these men have good driving skills and are adaptable to this kind of energy fluctuation. They can use full power, widen the distance, and make up for it with ease, and they can do it with ease.

Naturally, such a huge movement in the wild galaxy cannot be hidden from anyone.

Tang Gang and others had limited energy. Seeing that the finishing work was almost completed, they immediately activated the temporary short-distance transmission coordinates, and quickly jumped three times, leaving the wild galaxy and escaping.

From start to finish, it only took more than half an hour. The Black Skeletons were a veteran star thief group. Faced with an attack of this level, some fish would inevitably slip through the net.

No, as soon as Tang Gang and others evacuated, several mechas emerged from the shattered fragments of R78.

In the next second, a dozen video clips flew from the ruins of planet R78 to the capital star, and all arrived at Zhang Iwei on the capital star.

These dozen mechas also understood that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, so they did not stay any longer and flew towards the direction of the Hematite Star.

Zhang Aiwei, who was far away in the distance, looked at the videos with a dozen different angles, no sense of beauty at all, and a huge amount of information, and her face suddenly turned livid.

"Song, you and I are at odds with each other!"

Zhang Aiwei's voice pierced the sky above the Zhang family, and everyone who heard the voice couldn't help but shudder, especially Olivia.

She clicked on the computer and quickly searched for alliance news.

When she saw the latest headline, it read: Surprise! An explosion occurred in the wild galaxy, suspected of a fight between star thieves!

Olivia couldn't help but her eyes darkened. She knew that this holiday was going to be difficult!

The Alliance Accident Investigation Bureau will always be late.

Only 23 hours after the accident, they managed to reach the Hematite Star, which is the closest to the Savage Galaxy.

However, whether it is the R78 planet in the wild galaxy or the bunch of starships and mechas, they are all things that are not in the alliance files.

Now, they are all broken into pieces and it is very difficult to investigate.

In this case, their usual way of dealing with it is to make up a story about internecine strife among the Star Thieves to coax the Alliance crowd who don't know what's going on.

But now, Colonel Song Ci, the son of Marshal Song Yuanshi and known as the nemesis of the star thieves, is nearby and drives his patched starship over to watch the fun. The staff of the Accident Investigation Department are relieved. .

How to deal with this matter?

They have no experience!

If you don’t understand, ask.

The people below reacted one after another, and the matter soon reached Bai Jiayi, the director of the Accident Investigation Department.

Classmate Bai Jiayi has been a low-level student since he was a child. His grades are average and his abilities are only above average. His ability to get into the position of director of the Accident Investigation Division mainly depends on his emotional intelligence.

What this guy is best at is seeing the essence through phenomena.

Since the accident investigation was difficult and Colonel Song Ci had time, energy and interest, he simply opened an application for assistance in the investigation and approached Marshal Song Yuanshi, waiting to see Marshal Song's attitude.

If Song Yuanshi didn't want to get involved, Song Ci would naturally be called back to the expeditionary force. How to make up the rest of the story is a matter for their accident investigation office.

If Song Yuanshi had left an application for assistance in the investigation, this difficult hot potato, he would have given it directly to the expeditionary force.

As long as the expeditionary force provides the results of the investigation, their accident investigation office will also chime in and say that they will not take responsibility or offend anyone.

No matter what, it’s easy to do!

As an old fox who has been around the world for many years, how could Song Yuanshi not see Bai Jiayi's little calculation.

But Song Ci had already greeted him. Even though he was worried about whether he should accept it or not, he still accepted the hot potato handed over by Bai Jiayi. No, it was an application to assist in the investigation.

There are hundreds of planets in the wild galaxy, large and small. The living environment is extremely harsh, and not a single one is habitable.

The only natural port is on planet R78, which is the one that was bombed.

Star thieves also need a sense of security. Several planets around them have been more or less raided by black skeletons.

In this way, the only one that can stop a starship is R15.

Moreover, only small starships can be parked.

In this harsh environment, survival is a problem.

Knowing that the expeditionary force had taken over the investigation, everyone in the accident investigation office couldn't wait to evacuate.

Looking at the fleeing figure, Song Ci chuckled, "I haven't thought of an excuse to send these people away yet. Unexpectedly, they are quite conscious."

Atong patted the non-existent dust on his hands and said slowly: "Isn't this good? Save time and effort!"

Song Ci curled his lips, "It just saves so much time and effort, so I feel uneasy!

Anyone who underestimated Ivy Zhang suffered a big loss.

I don’t want it to be me next time it’s my turn!”

When he thought of the rumors about Zhang Iwei, Atong felt his heart tremble, "Be careful when sailing.

How about we add a few more nails to guard against Zhang Aiwei? "

Song Ci nodded, "This is possible!

Not only Zhang Aiwei, but also the female friends on our list, please send two more people to keep an eye on them! "

When Song Ci said this, he couldn't help but glance at a room in the corner of the starship.

A Tong thought about the father and daughter in the room and what the father and daughter had done, and instantly understood the deeper meaning of Song Ci's proposal.

Women, you can’t afford to offend! You can’t afford to offend!

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