Mecha Forger

Chapter 143 Inappropriate

The father and daughter quarreled and quarreled, but when something happened, they still thought about the same thing and worked hard in the same place.

For example, when it comes to trying to please the Zhao family.

For example, on the matter of sending away Willie Smith.

When father and daughter work together, their power can break through metal.

With the efforts of the father and daughter, Willy Smith and the inspection team were sent away, and liberation was finally ushered in.

Willie Smith may still be thinking of seeking benefits from Tang Fan, or he may be a little afraid of the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, but he didn't cause any trouble.

This made everyone at Blue Ocean Mecha Academy breathe a sigh of relief.

My family knows their own affairs.

As a remote college with a rigorous academic style, Blue Ocean Mecha Academy has come up with many ways to attract talents.

The most eye-catching thing is not that outstanding students will be exempted from all tuition fees, but that as long as they are admitted to the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, they can be registered as a household registration unconditionally.

This means that all gangsters in the alliance have the possibility of a new lease of life.

Although most of the students are good citizens with household registration.

But there are a small number of people whose origins cannot withstand verification.

An illegitimate child like Tang Fan is pretty good.

There are also descendants of criminals who have been deprived of their household registration by alliance laws.

Although Lan Yuan is not afraid of Willie Smith using this as an excuse to criticize him, it will naturally be more satisfying if everything goes smoothly.

Lan Yuan attributed this to Tang Fan, wishing he could give Tang Fan a ranking of immortality.

Tang Fan didn't care about the immortality ranking. He only made a small request, asking him to say a few good words for Tang Gang in front of Zhao Lang and his wife.

Lan Yuan also grew up watching Tang Gang, and he was one of the few people who knew everything about his experiences over the years.

Faced with Tang Fan's request, Lan Yuan naturally had no reason not to agree.

Lan Yuan acted as guarantee, Tang Fan's delicious food assisted, and He Qin quickly surrendered.

And Zhao Lang and Mr. Zhao finally stopped giving Tang Gang the cold shoulder.

However, if you want to be as warm as before, I'm afraid it will take some time.

This matter cannot be rushed.

Anyway, Tangshan Iron and Steel is still young and has plenty of time.

Tangshan Iron and Steel's vacation was not long. He had done everything he needed to do, and it was almost time to return.

However, he didn't go alone.

The person he took away was not Zhao Jingshu, but Mr. Li Banxia.

Tang Fan vaguely guessed something in his heart, but he was not sure.

As Tang Gang said, without evidence, speculation will always be just speculation.

But some thoughts will grow like weeds as long as they come together, making people restless.

Mr. Li Banxia had been gone for half a month, and Tang Fan contacted him secretly.

But Mr. Li always gave the same answer: "Still observing!"

Tang Fan could only comfort himself with the phrase "no news is good news".

In fact, what Mr. Li Banxia told Tang Fan was indeed the truth.

He was always in a state of observation.

After many years of working in the industry, this is the first time that Mr. Li Banxia has encountered Tang Mn's situation.

After being in a vegetative state for nearly twenty years, Tang Meng's body has not regressed, but has actually improved slightly and is slightly better than before he fell ill.

Not only has he never encountered it before, but after searching through all the books and materials, Mr. Li Banxia could not find a second case.

Xuanhu is really Xuanhu, but it also arouses the endless interest of Mr. Li Banxia.

Throughout the semester, Mr. Li Banxia stayed at Red Moon Star.

During the winter vacation, instead of coming back to spend the New Year with his family, Mr. Li Banxia summoned his beloved disciple Qin Yi to Red Moon Star to watch the strange things together.

Qin Yi, a little girl, is most interested in eating and medicine.

As soon as he heard Mr. Li Banxia's call, he immediately pulled George and boarded the starship bound for Red Moon Star.

There is really no comparison between Qin Yi's potion making skills and Mr. Li Banxia's.

But as a young man, especially a young man with potential, Qin Yi also has a flexibility of thinking that Mr. Li Banxia does not have.

She looked through Tang Meng's inspection reports and other information over the years, as well as Mr. Li Banxia's recent records, and came up with a bold idea.

"Judging from the records, Aunt Tang Meng's physical fitness was originally very average, but it improved significantly after she was brought back.

This goes against the rule of a brief decline in physical strength level after pregnancy.

I wonder if my aunt took any special medicine before she became pregnant.

Perhaps this was the reason why she fell into coma. "

Mr. Li had been researching for half a year without making any progress, but because of Qin Yi's words, he had new ideas.

"Zhang Aiwei from Zhang's mecha must be unconscious now!"

Qin Yi nodded, and then looked at Mr. Li Banxia in disbelief, "You mean?"

Mr. Li Banxia stopped Qin Yi from continuing, touched his chin, and sneered, "Whether it is true or not, we will only know after investigation."

Qin Yi looked at Mr. Li Banxia with a confused look on his face, "How to investigate?"

Mr. Li Banxia chuckled and said, "After living for most of my life, I can still solve this little thing."

After saying that, he took out the optical brain and poked it a few times quickly.

After a while, the old man's light brain started to flash.

Mr. Li Banxia opened it and said with a smile: "I heard that there was a medical exchange meeting in Capital Star recently, at Capital Hospital.

I got two tickets. How about you go visit and learn with me? "

When Qin Yi heard this, she smiled and said, "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

After saying that, the master and apprentice smiled tacitly.

When you get to the ground, many things will become extremely easy, right?

The two masters and apprentices took George on board the starship bound for the Capital Star, and had a smooth journey to the Capital Hospital.

Before Mr. Li Banxia could figure out a solution, the solution came to his door.

Miss Olivia Smith came to the door with Zhang Iwei's medical records.

Is this, doze meets pillow?

Mr. Li Banxia didn't hesitate long before letting Qin Yi welcome her in.

Although Olivia is petite, willful, arrogant and domineering, she really has nothing to say to Zhang Aiwei.

Willie Smith didn't take Zhang Iwei's illness seriously, and she was suspicious of Anna Smith, so she could only go to a pharmacist who was unfamiliar with Anna.

But the circle of pharmacists is so large, and there are only a handful of people who have nothing to do with Anna.

There are even fewer people who are willing to see a nobody like her.

After finally meeting Mr. Li Banxia, ​​Olivia seemed to be grasping at straws.

Before Li Banxia could speak, Olivia was already pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, telling her everything she knew.

Together with Zhang Aiwei's medical records, they were also sent to Mr. Li Banxia's optical brain.

Mr. Li Banxia looked at it slowly and secretly shared it with Qin Yi.

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