Mecha Forger

Chapter 150 Communication

The space buckles are filled one after another, but there is no way to send them out.

The name of communicating with the Blackwater Army can only be used once, and it is inappropriate to use it again.

Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi racked their brains, but couldn't think of any solution.

Tang Fan accidentally heard it and came up with an idea with a smile.

Isn’t the quadrennial college joint quality competition about to begin?

Didn’t the organizer have some problems?

Blue Ocean Mecha Academy can definitely step forward and take the initiative to take on this important task!

It’s the first time to hold such a big event. Doesn’t Blue Ocean Mecha Academy have no experience?

As the organizer, the dean of the Blue Sea Mecha Academy borrowed territory from the Expeditionary Force and sought experience from the Blackwater Army. It was simply not normal.

It is absolutely possible to keep in touch at all times and go to get Buddhist scriptures every three days.

You can even send out a study and exchange group for long-term study and exchange.

Tang Fan's proposal received widespread support from everyone.

Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi immediately took action and won the right to host this college joint quality competition at all costs.

After the decision of Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi, the proposer Tang Fan was sent to the base of the Blackwater Army to study and visit relatives.

Upon hearing this decision, Tang Fan had the illusion that he had shot himself in the foot, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Just when Tang Fan was about to refuse, he "accidentally" saw Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi and came up with an alternative plan:

Zhao Jingshu.

Tang Fan swallowed the words immediately as they came to his lips.

Although Zhao Jingshu is very talented in mecha design and is a teacher in the mecha driving department of Blue Sea Mecha Academy, in fact, her mecha driving skills are not even comparable to George, a senior student in the command department. .

When Tang Fan is in danger, he may still be able to fight.

But when Zhao Jingshu encounters any situation, she basically gives up.

In the Gamma Star Territory, mutated creatures are everywhere, and purple-level mechas are as numerous as dogs. The most indispensable thing is danger.

Her father didn't want anything but loyalty. He finally managed to coax a daughter-in-law into a wife, but just let Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi mess around and lost her. Her father was afraid that he would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

For the sake of her father's lifelong happiness, Tang Fan accepted the task without hesitation and embarked on the journey to the Blackwater Army Base, even though she knew it was a conspiracy.

However, classmate Tang Fan said that a single tree cannot grow into a forest, and she needed to ask for support for such a difficult task.

Lan Yuan and Song Yuanshi agreed without hesitation. As long as they were in the Lanhai Mecha Academy and the Expeditionary Force, they would be given to whomever Tang Fan wanted.

Tang Fan was really not polite. In line with the principle of doing things easily with acquaintances, he did not shy away from relatives when promoting talents, so he ordered the meal of the foursome and Mr. Gao Shaogu.

As a regular partner who has been together since the entrance exam, her tacit understanding, trust and cooperation with the foursome are completely unmatched by others.

Moreover, in terms of professional matching, the matching of the five of them is also very reasonable.

The most important thing is that the Blackwater Army is completely the territory of George and Qin Yi. If you want to do something with them, it will be easy!

Although Tang Fan felt that their five-person team could solve all the problems, he still took Gao Shaogu along with him.

First of all, the concept of having a hairless mouth and being weak in doing things is deeply ingrained. If you don’t take a teacher with you, curious eyes will bury you along the way.

Secondly, this girl is Lan Yuan's direct descendant and Zhao Jingshu's cousin. She is one of our own and worthy of trust.

Thirdly, this girl's strength is considered to be one of the best in the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy. She can't go wrong by pulling her out to work as a coolie and a thug.

On the surface, under the leadership of Teacher Gao Shaogu, everyone went to the Blackwater Army to learn from experience.

In fact, the core of this group of people is classmate Tang Fan, who holds a spatula in one hand and draws design drawings in the other.


Even when he went out on a mission, Tang Fan's hands were not idle.

Either making food or playing with mecha-related gadgets.

Of course, she occasionally does other things.

For example, play with things related to starships.

Faced with Tang Fan, who was obsessed with studying and unable to extricate himself, the foursome were under great pressure.

For a time, on the starship bound for the Blackwater Military Base, the enthusiasm for learning was unprecedentedly high.

Even Teacher Gao Shaogu couldn't help but pick up the basics of mecha casting that he had forgotten for many years, and began to learn from it humbly.

The group of people studied hard for many days, and finally were liberated when they saw the Blackwater Army Base.

Gao Shaogu couldn't wait to put down the basics of mecha casting, and eagerly chatted with Colonel Tan.

George and Qin Yi even acted as guides for Tang Fan, Brad and Zhao Fan when they returned to the two fishes in the sea. They eagerly introduced the Blackwater Base as if they were eager to show their toys to their friends. child.

With Tang Fan's memory, he quickly figured out the situation of the Blackwater Base and made quick calculations.

But before Tang Fan could figure it out, he unexpectedly saw his old acquaintance at the Blackwater Base.

"What a coincidence! Doctor Song, why are you here!"

Song Tong shook his head, "What a coincidence! I'm just waiting for you here."

Tang Fan frowned, "Wait for me?

Could it be possible that Marshal Song had any instructions? "

Song Tong curled his lips and said, "Let's get acquainted.

You don’t know me yet?

Am I the kind of person who doesn’t go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything? "

Tang Fan waved his hand to interrupt Song Ci's words and replied affirmatively: "I'm sure you are the one."

When Song Tong heard this, he felt bad.

“Little classmate, don’t tell me when you see something, do you understand?

As a medical worker..."

As Song Tong rambled on, he reluctantly put a space buckle into Tang Fan's hand, and whispered: "The latest stealth equipment, there is an instruction manual inside, you should study it carefully."

As soon as he raised his head, he started chattering again.

This ability to talk to oneself, the performance of freely switching between two voices and attitudes, left Tang Fan dumbfounded.

However, as smart as Tang Fan, she also understood that the Blackwater Army was not monolithic, and she had to be careful.

This realization gave Tang Fan a headache.

The difficulty of the task was much higher than she expected.

Her original plan seemed to be gone.

She must adapt to local conditions and formulate a new plan.

Tang Fan fiddled with the invisibility equipment he got from Song Tong, his mind spinning like a revolving door.

But she thought of several ways in a row, but she rejected them all.

Tang Fan completely lost sleep on his first night at the Blackwater Base.

On the second day, Tang Fan, with a pair of panda eyes, kept his spirits up and followed the team at the back. He didn't forget to take notes when he encountered key points.

This learning attitude is simply amazing!

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