Mecha Forger

Chapter 158 Follow the clues

Olivia returned to the Alliance's First Academy with a cold face.

With a stern face, she looked a bit gloomy.

The students in a hurry around her consciously kept a certain distance from her.

In the past, if I bumped into the muzzle of this ancestor, I would only get a few words of reprimand, or at most a beating, from the petite and willful woman.

Now, when you bump into the muzzle of this ancestor, she doesn't say anything, just stares at you with her sinister eyes, which can make you break into a cold sweat.

Then, for a long time, all kinds of unfortunate things will happen around you.

Hard to guard against.

Therefore, there is a saying in the First Academy of the Alliance: "It is better to mess with the principal than the female king of hell."

This female King of Hell refers to Olivia Smith.

Therefore, even when Anna Smith suffered a misfortune in the Wild Star Territory, no one dared to point fingers behind Olivia's back.

However, several months have passed since this incident, and the impact has faded a lot. Why does this ancestor have such a cold face again?

When passing by Anna Smith's laboratory, Olivia looked at the closed door with an extremely cold expression.

Anna Smith, her wonderful aunt, was so kind.

Since you are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for being in the fifteenth year.

Your favorite laboratory will one day be buried with you.

Let's wait and see!

Olivia clenched her fists and swore secretly in her heart.

Olivia turned around and left, not realizing that there were two pairs of peeping eyes behind her.

One pair is from Anna Smith, who is in the laboratory and has been observing the surroundings.

The other pair was hidden outside the Alliance's First Academy.

It was these eyes that were hidden deeper that shared this scene with Tang Fan.

Tang Fan looked at these frames with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

If it is said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. In a sense, could she and Miss Olivia Smith be considered friends?

This is really an ironic thing.

However, this matter can be used.

Tang Fan rolled his eyes and asked Qin Yi to communicate with Olivia and ask her to inquire about Anna Smith's activities.

After all, they are aunt and nephew. Although Olivia is not close to Anna, she still knows a lot more than outsiders.

However, nothing was found in the places Olivia mentioned.

Tang Fan can take advantage of Olivia, and Song Ci can also take advantage of others.

The scope of the investigation was quickly narrowed, and Song Ci focused on the few remaining points.

Before Song Ci could launch the final action order, the point he had spent a lot of time investigating was exposed in front of him without any warning.

A large number of living mutated creatures destroyed the anti-detection facilities arranged by Anna Smith and emerged from Anna Smith's private laboratory.

The Capital Star immediately became a paradise for mutated creatures. They ate everything they could see, including the residents of the Capital Star.

The goal was achieved, but Song Ci didn't feel any joy at all.

He led his officers and soldiers from darkness to light, fighting the enemy with all their might, nipping this man-made disaster in the bud.

Then, he immediately rushed into the private laboratory and divided everything that could be packed into two parts. One part was handed over to the military department, and the other part was secretly sent to Mr. Li Banxia for research.

This behavior was obviously illegal, but no one raised any objection to the fact that nearly one-third of the items in the laboratory were missing.

At this time, the fewer things there are, the lighter the guilt. Anna Smith is not stupid, so she will definitely not jump out.

The top leaders of the alliance, especially the anti-violence people who preach world peace every day and want to lay off all the troops, especially the doves, want to have as few things as possible.

This accident, and everything Song Ci confiscated, were a slap in the face.

The more Song Ci harvested, the more their faces hurt.

As for the things that Song Ci handed over, they still had to rack their brains to find ways to explain them to the people!

As for the hawks that Song Ci stood for, they couldn't be happy when they saw those things.

Mutated creatures that can only be restrained by purple-level peak mechas are not a welcome sight, and their influence is no less than that of an alien invasion.

This is a severe test for the hard power of each military force.

But in fact, except for the alliance's expeditionary force, which has always been known for its strict recruitment, other troops have more or less problems.

Now, will it explode?

How influential is it?

These are all issues they have to worry about.

While others were worried, Song Yuanshi showed his tough side and immediately released the battle video and Song Ci's "confiscated" information through the Star Network.

The people have the right to know the truth, and it is necessary for the hawks to exist. Their expeditionary force is not just spending money and money to achieve nothing.

Amid the panic of the people, the strength and influence of the expeditionary force were further enhanced.

On the capital star, a large number of people with money and leisure even applied for asylum in the wild star system controlled by the expeditionary force.

Of course, there are also some conspiracy theorists who jump out and say that these mutated creatures and the so-called laboratory were actually arranged by the expeditionary force themselves. All this is a farce directed and performed by the expeditionary force.

Regarding this kind of sound, Song Yuanshi took it indifferently and listened without hearing it.

However, half a month later, as the situation intensified, the origin of the mutated creatures was announced.

A transportation team employed by Zhang's mecha has been transporting so-called "raw materials" to communities in this densely populated area for "Mrs. Brown" for more than 20 years.

The identity of "Mrs. Brown" has yet to be verified, but Zhang's mecha is no longer involved.

"Having no choice but to do so," Miss Olivia Smith, the first heir to Zhang's Mecha, released the accounts of Zhang's Mecha for review by the auditing agency.

Most of the fund flows are reasonable and legal. The only unclear part is the scientific research funds allocated to Professor Anna Smith of Alliance First College.

The audit agency followed the lead again, looking through Zhang's mecha's accounts for the past twenty years, and finally locked in on the unknown batch of raw materials in the Gamma Star Territory.

The audit agency just locked onto the Gamma Star Field, and Song Yuanshi released the video again on the Star Network.

In the Gamma Star Territory in the video, mutated creatures are everywhere, and there are no star-planting beasts at all. It is so desolate that it is frightening and unbearable to look at it.

This situation can only explain one problem.

These mutated creatures have existed in the Gamma Star Territory for a long time.

Their appearance in Capital Star is not accidental.

Someone in Capital Star knows their origins and has concealed it from the people of the alliance, as well as most of the top brass.

One of the insiders is Professor Smith from Alliance First College.

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