Mecha Forger

Chapter 166

Honesty is a virtue.

But the entry application form is different from others. There are twice as many things to fill out, and it is very detailed.

Basically, everything from birth to the day of writing the application form is reflected in this form.

The Gamma Star Territory is located in a remote area, and it has encountered chaos again, so nothing is available. Ordinary people, why would they want to hang out in a place like this if they have nothing to do?

Most of those who submitted application forms were speculators or even people with ulterior motives.

They thought that the entry application form for the Gamma Star Region could be like other star regions, with vague details and random fabrications.

The administrator can just turn a blind eye and give some benefits.

Who knows, they will hit the wall here at Tangshan Iron and Steel.

It's not enough to be vague, and if you make it up randomly, you will have to bear all the responsibilities, and you will not be able to step into the territory of the Gamma Star Territory for the rest of your life.

This is not just strict, it is basically harsh.

The key is that if you are found out, it will affect your credibility and future travel.

After all, the first batch of applicants served as a warning and no one dared to take any chances.

The number of entry applications to the Gamma Star Territory suddenly decreased, and only a handful of people filled out the forms in a decent manner.

But precisely because of Tangshan Iron and Steel's template, the number of people entering the Gamma Star Territory finally broke through the record of zero.

Everything seems to be on track, but this does not mean that Tangshan Iron and Steel's workload has decreased.

If the obvious road doesn't work, many people will start to think about those crooked ways.

The troubles caused by those naughty boys of the Blackwater Army were still fresh in Tang Gang's mind, and he had to guard against them.

As soon as Tang Gang set up a dragnet, those who were not afraid of death came to scratch the tiger's beard.

Tangshan Iron and Steel was not afraid at all.

Come and grab one, come two and grab a pair.

The Gamma Star Territory is vast and sparsely populated. You can choose any planet and ten acres of land to work on transforming the planet for a month.

As for the food and accommodation of these prisoners?

Tangshan Iron and Steel said it would resolve the matter on its own.

Can't solve it?

The word "smuggling" will be written on your credit record and you will be sent back to your place of origin.

Tang Gang's thunderous tactics frightened many people and successfully earned him the title of Living King of Hell.

Tangshan Iron and Steel is not ashamed, but proud of it, and readily accepts the "pet name" given by netizens.

After being under martial law for more than a month, Tang Gang finally got impatient after waiting for the dog.

Several "stowaways" detained by Tang Gang on the planet Vulcan near the Blackwater military base injured the soldiers guarding them and escaped.

The strange thing is that they did not flee in the direction of the Blackwater Army and return to their place of origin, but instead fled deeper into the Gamma Star Territory.

Tang Gang quickly replaced and increased the guards of Vulcan Star, and began to conduct an inspection of the Gamma Star Territory.

The garrison knocked on doors from door to door. Although they advanced and retreated in a controlled manner, they also made people panic.

No, the number of departure applications has increased a lot.

Tangshan Iron and Steel did not have the boldness to let everyone go with a wave of their hands before, but began to examine them one by one.

Special times, special treatment.

Who knows if those "smugglers" who injured others are among this group of people leaving the country?

Tang Gang is not stupid.

Without coordination, how could these "stowaways" suddenly disappear?

Tangshan Iron and Steel's investigation progress was slow, and there were still many loopholes. Tangshan Iron and Steel saw it in its eyes, but didn't take it to heart at all.

His purpose was not to find out those "smugglers", but to put pressure on these "smugglers".

If these "stowaways" are really his target, and they really carry the larvae of mutated creatures, it's hard to say who is more afraid of whom among them.

Because Tang Gang was not sure what they would do when they were cornered.

They can ignore the lives of many alliance residents in the Gamma Star Territory, but Tang Gang can't.

Tang Gang still vividly remembers the lair of Planet Emera.

If this group of people could do the same thing on an inhabited planet, such as Canberra...

Just thinking about that scene, Tang Gang felt a chill running down his back and broke into a cold sweat.

Tang Gang was dancing on the edge of a knife, trembling with fear at every step.

Fortunately, although the process was tortuous, Tangshan Iron and Steel's goal was finally achieved.

In panic, the group of "smugglers" finally showed their flaws.

They brought 10,000 mutated biological larvae and sneaked to the vicinity of the lair on the planet Emera. However, when they saw the lair that was so destroyed that the prototype could not be seen, they were stunned and at a loss.

When they finally came to their senses and wanted to notify their superiors, they were shocked to find that there was no movement in the optical brain.

Star Network official announcement: Is it a lie to allow every planet in the alliance to have a full signal?


The last time they came here, the signal on the planet Emera was still full.

They also shared a live feed of the nest, Hatchery No. 1, in real time.

So...they fell into a trap?


The leader roared at the top of his lungs.

But before the sound could reach the ground, a black-level mecha with the Tang's mecha logo that was all too familiar to the entire alliance stood up, blocking their retreat.

"You're already here, so don't leave in a hurry!"

Tang Gang's voice is deep, hoarse and magnetic, and it sounds so good.

When it fell into the ears of these "stowaways", it was like a reminder, making them tremble.

"He is alone, what is he afraid of?

Pick up your weapons and fight out with me. "

There was a hint of panic in the leader's roar, which made Tang Gang laugh.

Knowing their purpose, how could he come alone?

Tang Gang clapped his hands, and in the next second, dozens of mechas stood up from all over the planet Emerald, forming a perfect encirclement, surrounding the entire lair and the "smugglers" in front of them. .

"It's not good to fight too much. Let's change places and have a few casual chats, okay?"

Tang Gang spoke in an extremely harmonious manner, but several "stowaways" broke out in cold sweats.

Chatting with the Living King of Hell?

Where to talk?

In prison?

How confused are they?

Several "stowaways" looked at each other, and under the leadership of their leader, they all attacked Tangshan Iron and Steel.

Tang Gang controlled the mecha slightly to one side, and a hole appeared on the right side.

Before the group of "stowaways" had time to rejoice, two light daggers suddenly appeared in the mecha's hands, attacking directly at the weak spots on the necks of the two mechas running at the front.

The two mechas hid in embarrassment, but Tang Gang had already flashed back into the distance and engaged the third mecha at hand-to-hand combat with his bare hands.

At the speed of a few seconds and dozens of movements, Tang Gang performed it smoothly.

It's obviously full of flaws, but it's airtight.

The most rare thing is the complete trust of the people around him, with no intention of interfering at all.

This means that this is the daily operation of Tanggang, the King of Hell, and it is not surprising.

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