Mecha Forger

Chapter 176 Waiting for price

Although Song Yuanshi agreed to Mr. Bai and sent his personal guards to the front line.

But wherever he went, Song Yuanshi didn't respond.

Being able to station in a star field, even a border star field, who doesn't have a backer behind him?

Song Yuanshi immediately became a favorite among the garrison troops in the five star regions, and everyone rushed to offer him an olive branch.

Song Yuanshi did not make a decision in a hurry. Instead, he went to the Blue Sea Mecha Academy to recruit all the reservists for this year's expeditionary force.

It's not that Song Yuanshi is seeking benefits, but that Song Yuanshi keeps saying that the remaining one-third is his own bodyguard, ready to defend the capital star at any time. In fact, this is not entirely true.

Most of the elite members of the expeditionary force went to the Gamma Star Territory and the Little Bear Star Territory.

The nearly three legions of troops that Song Yuanshi can now mobilize can only be regarded as a mixed army of good and bad.

While he contacted the Tangshan Iron and Steel Division, which was in a slightly better situation, to change manpower, he quickly sent someone to send the best elements of this batch of newly arrived reservists to the capital star.

Of course, those who could be valued by Song Yuanshi were not ordinary people.

Tang Fan, the head of Tang's mecha, George Black, the eldest son of Marshal Black of the Black Water Army, researcher Qin Yi, the favorite student of Mr. Li Banxia, ​​as well as the top and second place picks in the mecha piloting department of Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, Zhao Fan and Bui Virtue, only five people, in Song Yuanshi's eyes, is worth half an army.

Especially Tang Fan.

If Song Yuanshi agreed to provide reinforcements, it was because of his passion and sense of responsibility to the people of the alliance.

When Tang Fan sat at the negotiation table to decide the whereabouts of the expeditionary force, the reinforcements became a real business negotiation field.

He was so virtuous that he never let go of rabbits or hawks, and he was a scoundrel who refused to take in food and salt. He drove away a lot of people in anger.

But when those individuals come to their senses, they have to come back obediently and beg her for more benefits.

Tang Fan waited for a price, bought the family's armaments for a whole year, and chose the first aid target - the Alpha Star Territory, which was competing with the Gamma Star Territory and the Lingxu Star Territory.

When the military headquarters placed the armaments in front of her, the girl only sent two companies of elite soldiers out.

A whole year's worth of armaments in one star region was divided into three by this guy.

One-third was sent to Tang Gang, one-third was sent to the Blackwater Army, and the remaining one-third was kept by herself.

Seeing this, the Alpha Star Territory immediately protested.

But before the protest had gained momentum, the 9th Legion of the Expeditionary Force and the 7th Legion of the Blackwater Army joined forces and won the Alpha Star Territory's first victory against mutated creatures, successfully protecting the most prosperous Blue Mercury in the Alpha Star Territory. .

Naturally, this protest could only end in silence.

As for how Tang Fan persuaded the Blackwater Army?

That’s not enough for outsiders!

It doesn't matter if the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

Regardless of how many people Tang Fan sent out, if one's team could control the mutated creatures, it would be worth investing in armaments.

After all, you have nothing when you die, and you can enjoy everything you earn while you are alive.

What is a year's worth of armaments?

In order to buy time and reduce losses, the remaining four star regions have given out armaments that increase year by year in order to win the "elite" expeditionary force with more than two legions in hand.

On the afternoon of the day when the news of the victory in the first battle came, Tiansheng Starfield, the highest bidder, had already put out all the armaments for the next five years.

Seeing that it was relatively close to the Wild Star Territory, Tang Fan finalized the deal on the spot.

Then, Song Han, the leader of the first legion of the expeditionary force, led the first legion to the Savage Star Territory to reinforce the Tiansheng Star Territory.

Seeing the First Legion leaving the Expeditionary Force Base alone, not to mention the Tiansheng Star Territory, which had spent five years in preparation, even the entire alliance was stunned.

Fortunately, on the afternoon of Song Han's departure, George Black, a reserve member of the Expeditionary Force and the eldest son of Marshal Black of the Blackwater Army, actually arrived in the Wild Star Territory with the First Legion of the Blackwater Army.

The two legions jointly defended the enemy, and the Tiansheng Star Territory was stable!

However, people across the alliance began to wonder about another question: When did the relationship between the Expeditionary Force and the Blackwater Army start to become so good?

When everyone was puzzled, Marshal Black stood up and took away the armaments intercepted by Tang Fan from the Alpha Star Territory with a smile.

There are fewer voices of criticism, and there are more people who are envious, jealous, and hateful.

All group armies, especially those with insufficient armaments and long-term hunger for food, howled and wanted to join forces with the expeditionary force to fight against the enemy.

However, as soon as he got started, Tang Fan sternly refused to go back.

The sentence "The expeditionary force is not for collecting rags" has hurt the young hearts of many people.

It was fine to be rejected by Tang Fan, but Marshal Blake stepped forward to make up for it: "You get what you pay for. If you want to compete for business with the Blackwater Army, you must first weigh your own abilities."

Looking at the two people who were shouting at each other, Mr. Bai Junchi felt that all his passion had been used to make blood sausage and fed to the dogs.

Mr. Bai originally thought that Tang Fan had done everything to the extreme.

I didn't expect that this girl could do anything again.

When the Arel Star Territory next to the Tiansheng Star Territory offered a super high price for seven years of military equipment, Tang Fan accepted the order.

The number of people that the expeditionary force can move out is only a little more than one legion.

Could it be that this girl wants to borrow someone from the Blackwater Army again?

But others don't know what the Black Water Army is capable of, but Mr. Bai knows it very well.

Defending the Lingxu Star Territory is the normal operation of the Blackwater Army. Reinforcing the Alpha Star Territory is the Blackwater Army's extraordinary performance. It is unexpected to draw a legion to support the Tiansheng Star Territory.

If you want Marshal Black to send someone again, I'm afraid it's unlikely.

After all, the Blackwater Army is not as monolithic as the Expeditionary Force. As long as Black is not stupid, he has to leave some manpower to prevent a fire in the backyard.

As Mr. Bai expected, Marshal Black responded directly to the news not long after the news spread:

The Blackwater Army is not as good as the Expeditionary Force, and there are only a few elite troops. All that can be borrowed have been borrowed, and there are no more people to lend to the Expeditionary Force.

As soon as Marshal Black said these words, the entire alliance immediately became excited.

Whatever you say.

What kind of expeditionary force is trying to rescue the Ajele Star Territory with just one legion? Is it too arrogant?

What kind of expeditionary force treats the lives of millions of people on the planet Arel as child's play!

Why would the expeditionary force leave such a major reinforcement matter in the hands of a reservist? I'm afraid it will be over!

Some people even began to speculate about the reason why Song Yuanshi left the important matter of expeditionary force dispatching to Tang Fan.

She began to doubt Tang Fan and Song Ci, and even her relationship with Song Yuanshi.

Moreover, the more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes, and the more you say it, the more vile it becomes.

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