Mecha Forger

Chapter 189 Tang Strontium

In order to express his satisfaction, Tang Fan directly gave 5% of Tang's Mecha shares to this infant child.

Looking at the equity transfer document, the entire Zhao family became quiet.

On the contrary, Tang Gang took over very smoothly, "As a family, we don't need to see anyone outside.

If I give it to you, just take it.

It's more or less Ah Fan's intention to be a sister. "

Tang Fan smiled and nodded, "It's okay to go from the left purse to the right purse."

Five percent of Tang's mecha was like fifty cents to the father and daughter. The whole Zhao family was really dumbfounded.

Although money can't explain everything, being willing to give up his wealth to a half-brother speaks volumes about Tang Fan's attitude.

This time, they were really relieved.

Tang Fan felt relieved when he saw Zhao Jingshu accepting the equity transfer letter.

She walked into the kitchen slowly, picked up a spoon, put it into the earthen pot and slowly stirred it half a circle. At the bottom of the pot were stewed tender and rotten chicken pieces. The soup was clear and thick, and there were a few red stars dotted on the surface of the soup. The aroma of dried dates was very strong, and the rising mist could just cover her expression.

“The news of my younger brother’s birth cannot be kept secret for long.

Tang's mecha is also busy.

I plan to borrow a starship from Dean Lan and go to R25 in the afternoon. "

As soon as Tang Fan's words came out, Tang Gang was the first to frown.

"No need to look for Dean Lan, I'll give it to you!"

Tang Fan suddenly raised his head and looked at Tang Gang with shock in his eyes, "No need! Aunt Zhao and Tang Strontium."

Tang Gang walked behind her and rubbed her heart, "Even if you have Aunt Zhao and Tang Strontium, I will still be your father!"

Zhao Jingshu also smiled and echoed: "Let your father send you off, so that he won't be worried all day long."

Tang Fan lowered her head and said "hmm", letting the mist cover her expression again.

Tang Gang looked at the earthen pot in front of Tang Fan and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I drank the soup stewed by my daughter. I need to drink more today."

The spoon in Tang Fan's hand paused for a moment, and he silently took out another earthen pot from the space button. After cleaning it, he prepared another pot of ingredients and started stewing slowly.

Tang Gang raised his eyebrows, "It's too late to make soup at this time!"

Tang Fan said unhurriedly: "Keep it...drink it tonight!"

Zhao Jingshu hugged Tang Strontium and laughed softly.

"It's noon today, so I won't compete with you. We'll just wait and drink the evening pot."

The tips of Tang Fan's ears suddenly turned red.

"Aunt Zhao~"

The twists and turns of sound made Zhao Jingshu quickly surrender.

"Okay, okay! See it through without telling it, I understand!"

Seeing Tang Fan's helpless look, the family burst into laughter.

Tang Fan simply broke the jar and placed the pot of chicken soup in front of Tang Gang, "The chicken soup is ready, you old man, drink it slowly!"

Tang Gang was really not polite to Tang Fan. After adding a bowl to everyone present, not even a drop of the soup and meat was left.

After eating, Tang Gang winked at Tang Fan and turned the jar over in a serious manner, making Tang Fan so angry that he didn't even laugh.

After lunch and touching the sleeping child Tang Strontium, Tang Fan boarded Tangshan Iron and Steel's starship and headed straight for the R25 planet, while Zhao Jingshu took Tang Strontium to declare her household registration.

Tang Gang and Zhao Jingshu were both named people, and they followed legal procedures from pregnancy to birth. The matter of declaring household registration for Tang Strontium was very smooth.

As soon as the starship passed through the Tianhe Star Territory, Tang Gang's optical brain began to flash.

Most of them were congratulating him on the news of Lin'er.

Regardless of whether it was true or false, when people sent congratulatory messages, Tangshan Iron and Steel was too embarrassed to ignore them.

Along the way, Tang Gang was competing with Guang Nao, and he didn't even have time to talk to Tang Fan.

Therefore, what he said about sending Tang Fan off was really just sending him off.

Tang Fan was so angry that he wanted to roll his eyes.

Therefore, when getting off the starship, Tang Fan didn't say a word, leaving only Tang Gang's handsome back.

Seeing the little girl acting so arrogantly, Tang Gang smiled bitterly and rubbed his brows.

As a man, he has to be busy with work, and he also has to coax his wife and daughter. It is really difficult for him!

He clicked his brain and sent a message to Tang Fan:

Dear Ms. Tang Fan, are you interested in investing and building a factory in the Gamma Star Territory?

On behalf of the Ninth Legion of the Expeditionary Force, I warmly welcome you.

The message was quickly responded to:

I'll go back and think about it!

Little girl, you are so arrogant!

It seems that he is really jealous!

Although there is a sincere invitation from Tangshan Iron and Steel, in the Gamma Star Territory after the mutated organisms are raging, both workers and raw materials are problematic, and it is not suitable to invest in building a factory.

Not only that, Tang Fan had conducted an on-the-spot investigation and found that the planets that had ores in the notes of senior Zhao Pu were now of no value.

After Tang Fan thought about it again and again, he still refused.

So arrogant!

Tang Gang was not upset at being rejected by Tang Fan, and just sent another message asking her to visit the Gamma Star Territory more often when she had time.

Tang Fan replied "Yeah", not sure whether he agreed or disagreed.

However, Tangshan Iron and Steel did not delve into it.

During this rare holiday, it’s too late to spend time with my wife and children, so I don’t have time to worry about these little things.

Is it because the wife is not attractive enough or the son is not fun enough?

If it doesn’t work, wouldn’t there be Willy Smith who comes to your door looking for death?


Willie Smith, who was not afraid of death, hurried to Lan Haixing after learning the news that Tangshan Iron and Steel had acquired Lin'er.

He expected that with Tang Fan's admiration for Tang Gang, he would never miss such an important event.

Unfortunately, he only guessed the beginning, not the end.

This time, he set foot on the land of Blue Starfish.

However, after he folded the gift, he didn't see that Tang Fan couldn't leave without saying anything.

Because the starship he was traveling on broke down for no reason!

Just when he was about to leave, right under his nose, the entire dashboard malfunctioned.

But when he came down from the starship in despair, Tang Gang's expression would never be forgotten in his life.

That contemptuous look that said "If you want to stay and eat for free, just say so, there's no need to make such excuses" reminded him every minute of his colleagues and the miserable life of the Capital Stars.

Willy Smith was in turmoil, but when facing Tang Gang, he didn't dare to say a word.

Because this is Tangshan Iron and Steel's territory.

Because, if you want to leave here, you must repair the starship.

And now the only person he can think of who can help him repair the starship is Tang Gang.

He clearly knew that Tang Gang did it on purpose and didn't want to accept it, but he still had to endure it.

This kind of frustration almost drove Willie Smith crazy.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.

I don’t know why, but Willy’s starship is not doing well.

After finally repairing the instrument panel, before setting sail, there was another problem with the energy system.

I just checked the energy system, and something went wrong with the driving system again...

For a whole month, the starship was not doing well.

It was impossible to go back, not even until Tanggang let go.

When it comes to punishing people, Comrade Tang Gang has never lost.

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